All texts and votes

Alexander POCHINOK

Alexander  POCHINOK

BE Russian Federation*

Motions, Written Declarations or Questions

  • 26/04/2012 | Doc. 12919 | Written declaration Moldovan authorities’ actions against mass media and freedom of expression in the Republic of Moldova must be stopped immediately
  • 26/04/2012 | Doc. 12922 | Written declaration The expropriation of the YPF Oil Company by the Argentine Government
  • 12/10/2011 | Doc. 12771 | Motion for a resolution Effective and fair returns of irregular migrants and failed asylum seekers
  • 06/10/2011 | Doc. 12765 | Written declaration Protection of Camp Ashraf
  • 06/10/2011 | Doc. 12764 | Written declaration Condemnation of armed violence committed by KFOR units against Serbian civilians in the territory of the autonomous province of Kosovo and Metohia
  • 05/10/2011 | Doc. 12752 | Motion for a recommendation Revision of the European Convention on transfrontier television
  • 05/10/2011 | Doc. 12754 | Motion for a resolution Strengthening the mechanism for the disclosure of conflicts of interest in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
  • 23/06/2011 | Doc. 12667 | Motion for a resolution The accession of non-member States to Council of Europe conventions
  • 13/04/2011 | Doc. 12588 | Written declaration Camp Ashraf massacre
  • 28/01/2011 | Doc. 12510 | Written declaration Camp Ashraf
  • 14/10/2010 | Doc. 12317 | Written declaration The need to act responsibly and with clarity of purpose in dealing with the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
  • 29/04/2010 | Doc. 12237 | Written declaration The 65th anniversary of the end of World War II
  • 29/04/2010 | Doc. 12241 | Written declaration Condemning the interruption and destruction of telecommunications in Kosovo* and Metohija
  • 27/01/2010 | Doc. 12148 | Written declaration Iran
  • 10/06/2009 | Doc. 11945 | Motion for a resolution Improving the procedure for drafting documents of the Assembly
  • 05/05/2009 | Doc. 11899 | Motion for a resolution The bilateral relations between Moldova and Romania
  • Votes (from electronic voting system)

  • 04/10/2011 | Resolution 1832 | National sovereignty and statehood in contemporary international law: the need for clarification
  • 24/06/2011 | Resolution 1827 | The progress of the Assembly’s monitoring procedure (June 2010 – May 2011)
  • 22/06/2011 | Resolution 1822 | Reform of the Parliamentary Assembly
  • 14/04/2011 | Resolution 1805 | The large-scale arrival of irregular migrants, asylum seekers and refugees on Europe’s southern shores
  • 14/04/2011 | Recommendation 1967 | The large-scale arrival of irregular migrants, asylum seekers and refugees on Europe’s southern shores
  • 25/01/2011 | Resolution 1782 | Investigation of allegations of inhuman treatment of people and illicit trafficking in human organs in Kosovo
  • 05/10/2010 | Resolution 1754 | Fight against extremism: achievements, deficiencies and failures
  • 05/10/2010 | Recommendation 1933 | Fight against extremism: achievements, deficiencies and failures
  • 05/10/2010 | Resolution 1755 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Ukraine
  • 22/06/2010 | Resolution 1738 | Legal remedies for human rights violations in the North Caucasus Region
  • 22/06/2010 | Recommendation 1922 | Legal remedies for human rights violations in the North Caucasus region
  • 29/04/2010 | Resolution 1726 | Effective implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights: the Interlaken process
  • 29/04/2010 | Resolution 1727 | Situation in Belarus: recent developments
  • 28/04/2010 | Resolution 1723 | Commemorating the victims of the Great Famine (Holodomor) in the former USSR
  • 28/04/2010 | Resolution 1722 | Piracy – A crime and a challenge for democracies
  • 28/04/2010 | Recommendation 1913 | Necessity to take additional international legal steps to deal with sea piracy
  • 27/04/2010 | Resolution 1717 | The social impact of the economic crisis
  • 27/04/2010 | Resolution 1720 | Investing in family cohesion as a development factor in times of crisis
  • 27/04/2010 | Recommendation 1912 | Investing in family cohesion as a development factor in times of crisis
  • 27/04/2010 | Resolution 1716 | Involving women in the prevention and solution of unresolved conflicts in Europe
  • 27/04/2010 | Recommendation 1909 | Involving women in the prevention and solution of unresolved conflicts in Europe
  • 27/04/2010 | Resolution 1719 | Women and the economic and financial crisis
  • 27/04/2010 | Recommendation 1911 | Women and the economic and financial crisis
  • 27/04/2010 | Resolution 1721 | Wealth, welfare and well-being: how to reconcile them in a changing Europe?
  • 27/04/2010 | Resolution 1718 | The impact of the global economic crisis on migration in Europe
  • 27/04/2010 | Recommendation 1910 | The impact of the global economic crisis on migration in Europe
  • 29/09/2009 | Recommendation 1884 | Cultural education: the promotion of culture, creativity and intercultural understanding through education
  • 29/09/2009 | Resolution 1683 | The war between Georgia and Russia: one year after
  • 24/06/2009 | Resolution 1676 | State of human rights in Europe and the progress of the Assembly’s monitoring procedure
  • 24/06/2009 | Recommendation 1877 | Europe’s forgotten people: protecting the human rights of long-term displaced persons
  • 24/06/2009 | Resolution 1677 | Functioning of democratic institutions in Armenia
  • 23/06/2009 | Resolution 1671 | Situation in Belarus
  • 23/06/2009 | Recommendation 1874 | Situation in Belarus
  • 23/06/2009 | Resolution 1673 | Challenges of the financial crisis for the world economic institutions
  • 30/04/2009 | Opinion 271 | Draft Protocol No. 14 bis to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
  • 29/04/2009 | Resolution 1664 | Humanitarian consequences of the war between Georgia and Russia: follow-up given to Resolution 1648 (2009)
  • 29/04/2009 | Recommendation 1869 | Humanitarian consequences of the war between Georgia and Russia: follow-up given to Resolution 1648 (2009)
  • 29/04/2009 | Resolution 1665 | The election process for the Secretary General of the Council of Europe
  • 28/04/2009 | Resolution 1661 | Honouring of obligations and commitments by Serbia
  • 28/04/2009 | Recommendation 1867 | Honouring of obligations and commitments by Serbia
  • 28/04/2009 | Resolution 1662 | Action to combat gender-based human rights violations, including the abduction of women and girls
  • 28/04/2009 | Recommendation 1868 | Action to combat gender-based human rights violations, including the abduction of women and girls
  • 28/04/2009 | Resolution 1660 | Situation of human rights defenders in Council of Europe member states
  • 28/04/2009 | Recommendation 1866 | Situation of human rights defenders in Council of Europe member states
  • 27/04/2009 | Resolution 1659 | Protection of human rights in emergency situations
  • 27/04/2009 | Recommendation 1865 | Protection of human rights in emergency situations
  • 30/01/2009 | Resolution 1654 | Feminicides
  • 30/01/2009 | Recommendation 1861 | Feminicides
  • 30/01/2009 | Resolution 1653 | Electronic democracy
  • 30/01/2009 | Recommendation 1860 | Electronic democracy
  • 29/01/2009 | Resolution 1652 | Attitude to memorials exposed to different historical interpretations in Council of Europe member states
  • 29/01/2009 | Recommendation 1859 | Attitude to memorials exposed to different historical interpretations in Council of Europe member states
  • 29/01/2009 | Recommendation 1858 | Private military and security firms and erosion of the state monopoly on the use of force
  • 29/01/2009 | Resolution 1651 | Consequences of the global financial crisis
  • 28/01/2009 | Resolution 1648 | Humanitarian consequences of the war between Georgia and Russia
  • 28/01/2009 | Recommendation 1857 | Humanitarian consequences of the war between Georgia and Russia
  • 28/01/2009 | Resolution 1647 | Implementation of Resolution 1633 (2008) on the consequences of the war between Georgia and Russia
  • 26/01/2009 | Resolution 1642 | Access to rights for people with disabilities and their full and active participation in society
  • 26/01/2009 | Recommendation 1854 | Access to rights for people with disabilities and their full and active participation in society