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Motion for a resolution | Doc. 688 | 05 July 1957

Use by local authorities for public places of the name "Europe"

Signatories: Mr Karl CZERNETZ, Austria

The Assembly,

Considering that Europe needs true and conscious Europeans in order to be able to unite;

Considering that municipalities have great opportunities to enlighten and educate their citizens;

Considering that local authorities have the historic task of, and possess the practical means for, arousing European public opinion,

Resolves :

1. to appeal to all European municipalities to demonstrate their allegiance to the idea of European unity. It appeals to them to use the power they wield locally to further the cause of Europe in their own field;
2. to propose that every European municipality should demonstrate its intentions by giving the name " Europe " to a square or a street, a block of flats or a public building, a school or a kindergarten. The population should be invited to participate in the ceremony of dedication, and a plaque should be affixed to commemorate the occasion. All municipalities are invited to inform the Council of Europe as to the steps taken to fulfil this proposal;
3. to invite all European municipalities, by participating in this great demonstration of a common idea, to create a strong popular movement in favour of European unity.