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Motion for a resolution | Doc. 750 | 25 October 1957

Special municipal credits for city-traffic construction

Signatories: Mr Karl CZERNETZ, Austria

The Assembly,

Having regard to the increasing development in Europe of arterial highways (Autobahnen), and to the value of these roads for improved communications and for the European economy, including the tourist industry;

Believing that, if the value of these highways is fully to be exploited, it is essential to enable them to pass directly into and out of major towns;

Fearing that traffic congestion in all major towns will be aggravated by the increase of overland and urban road traffic;

Recognising that this trend is so serious as to create a special problem in Europe because its historical cities constitute densely built-up areas;

Noting that the slowing down of overland road traffic by the interruption of the traffic flow in the major towns is detrimental to the necessary increase of productivity;

Realising that the special road, tunnel and bridge-constructions for this purpose call for funds far exceeding the financial means that municipalities can provide,

Decides :

1. to collect the necessary documentation on this problem for the next part-session;
2. if, in the light of their study of the question, they deem it appropriate to do so, to prepare an appeal to the World Bank or other suitable institutions to provide assistance to the competent municipal authorities in charge of city traffic in the form of substantial longt e rm credits at a low rate of interest compatible with the financial situation of these authorities;
3. to prepare the outlines of a plan for the administration of this financial operation within the framework of O . E. E. G.