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Motion for an Order | Doc. 874 | 09 October 1958

Recommendation 159 on the development of Africa

Rapporteur : Mr Per FEDERSPIEL, Denmark

The Assembly,

Having noted the views expressed by the Committee of Ministers in the Supplementary Report to their Ninth Report to the Consultative Assembly with regard to Recommendation 159 on the Development of Africa;

Considering that the postponement of a decision by the Committee of Ministers concerning the European-African Conference proposed in Recommendation 159 should not hold up the further elaboration of the practical proposals outlined in that text,

Instructs its Economic Committee to present detailed proposals, prepared in collaboration with other international organisations concerned and members of the Group of Experts set up under Order No. 105, concerning:

an Investment Statute,
a Guarantee and Financial Assistance Fund (or possibly two separate funds),
the expansion of technical assistance by the European countries.