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Motion for a recommendation | Doc. 880 | 10 October 1958

Establishment of a European Youth Card to facilitate travel in Europe

Signatories: Mr Karl CZERNETZ, Austria

The Assembly,

Considering that one of the essential conditions for the achievement of European unity is the development of a European consciousness;

Believing that it is particularly important to arouse and to strengthen this feeling among the young people of all the countries of Europe,

Recommends the establishment of a Youth Card designed to facilitate travel for young people throughout Europe.

This standardised Council of Europe card would be issued by the competent authorities in member countries. It would be recognised in all member countries by youth hostels, and transport companies—nationalised or private—and would serve, among other things, to make it easier for the young people of Europe to visit places of cultural interest and sporting establishments (such as public swimming pools, sports fields, etc.)