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Report | Doc. 933 | 19 January 1959

Third Progress Report of the Special Representative of the Council of Europe for National Refugees and Over-population

Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population

Rapporteur : Mr Karl CZERNETZ, Austria

Origin - See 29th Sitting, 21st January 1959 (draft Recommendation adopted), and Recommendation 189. 1958 - 10th Session - Third part

A. Draft Recommendation


The Assembly,

Having examined the Third Progress Report of the Special Representative of the Council of Europe for National Refugees and Over-population;

Considering that the Special Representative's proposed plan for the vocational training of unskilled labour covers the points raised in its previous Recommendations;

Recognising that this is a European problem which can only be solved on a European basis;

Re-affirming its wish to participate in the preparation and implementation of the final vocational training programme for migrants;

Recalling that the enquiry into the vocational training of young refugees and unemployed persons was undertaken at the request of the Special Liaison Committee for Refugees and Over-population;

Considering that at its seventh meeting, on 29th May 1954, the Special Committee decided to postpone examination of the report on that enquiry until such time as the Special Representative should submit a general plan.

Recommends that the Committee of Ministers:

1. Urge Member Governments to recognise that, in the words of the Special Representative, " the problem of vocational training is a European one of equal concern to the emigration or overpopulated countries and the immigration countries ";
2. Approve the Special Representative's proposals concerning the aims to be achieved in the field of vocational training;
3. Consult the Assembly as to the final preparation and the implementation of the plan drawn up by the Special Representative and submit to the Assembly any opinions received in the course of the examination, together with the Ministers' own comments;
4. Immediately refer the problem to the Special Liaison Committee for Refugees and Over-population.