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Amendment No. 11 | Doc. 13304 | 30 September 2013

The progress of the Assembly’s monitoring procedure (June 2012 – September 2013)

Signatories: Ms Chiora TAKTAKISHVILI, Georgia, ALDE ; Ms Lolita ČIGĀNE, Latvia, EPP/CD ; Mr Gergely GULYÁS, Hungary, EPP/CD ; Mr Giorgi KANDELAKI, Georgia, EPP/CD ; Mr Terry LEYDEN, Ireland, ALDE ; Ms Lesia OROBETS, Ukraine, EPP/CD

Origin - 2013 - Fourth part-session

In the draft resolution, paragraph 14, after the words "in Georgia, with regard to the difficult cohabitation and a number of arrests of leading members of the oppostion and, more generally, the independence of the judiciary", replace the words "and the administration of justice" with the following words:

", and the selective application of justice, including the massive interrogations and the controversial pre-trial detention of the leading members of the opposition."