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Amendment No. 7 | Doc. 13806 | 23 June 2015

Situation in Hungary following the adoption of Assembly Resolution 1941 (2013)

Signatories: Mr Gábor HARANGOZÓ, Hungary, SOC ; Ms Doris BARNETT, Germany, SOC ; Mr Andreas GROSS, Switzerland, SOC ; Mr Jonas GUNNARSSON, Sweden, SOC ; Ms Monica HAIDER, Sweden, SOC ; Ms Eva-Lena JANSSON, Sweden, SOC ; Ms Kerstin LUNDGREN, Sweden, ALDE ; Mr Attila MESTERHÁZY, Hungary, SOC ; Ms Carina OHLSSON, Sweden, SOC ; Ms Mechthild RAWERT, Germany, SOC ; Mr Stefan SCHENNACH, Austria, SOC ; Mr Andreas SCHIEDER, Austria, SOC ; Mr Frithjof SCHMIDT, Germany, SOC ; Mr Frank SCHWABE, Germany, SOC

Origin - 2015 - Third part-session

In the draft resolution, paragraph 3, replace the words "but that special examination of these matters by the Assembly should now be concluded." with the following sentences:

". However the Assembly regrets to note that with regard to the provisions of its Resolution 1941 (2013) insufficient progress has been made by the Hungarian authorities. The Assembly also takes due note of the European Parliament's resolution of 10 June 2015 on the situation in Hungary stating that "recent developments have led to concerns regarding the principles of the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights in Hungary over the past year, which, taken together, could represent an emerging systemic threat to the rule of law in this Member State". The Assembly therefore concludes that it will continue to follow closely the situation in Hungary."

Explanatory note

Progress has only been observed in the functioning of the judicial system. Regarding the Law on Churches, the electioral system, the composition and powers of the Constitutional Court, and media freedom little if any positive developments have been achieved. The issue of the death penalty and the xenophobic campaign against refugees increase concerns.