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Amendment No. 1 | Doc. 14573 | 28 June 2018

Empowering women in the economy

Signatories: Ms Eleonora CIMBRO, Italy, SOC ; Mr Francesco Maria AMORUSO, Italy, FDG ; Ms Athanasia ANAGNOSTOPOULOU, Greece, UEL ; Ms Petra BAYR, Austria, SOC ; Mr Piet De BRUYN, Belgium, NR ; Mr Franz Leonhard ESSL, Austria, EPP/CD ; Ms Edite ESTRELA, Portugal, SOC ; Mr Valeriu GHILETCHI, Republic of Moldova, EPP/CD ; Mr Davor Ivo STIER, Croatia, EPP/CD ; Mr Pavlo UNHURIAN, Ukraine, EPP/CD ; Mr Roger ZAVOLI, San Marino, FDG

Origin - 2018 - Third part-session

In the draft resolution, at the end of paragraph 7, insert the following sentences:

"Accordingly, the Assembly recognises that maternity and motherhood must be supported and protected within the workplace and must not be treated as though they were impediments for a woman's career. Equal treatment of men and women within the economy is essential to society - indeed, motherhood is not just an economic driver but is also a priceless contribution to society as a whole."