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Sub-Amendment to Amendment No. 8 | Doc. 14849 | 10 April 2019

Modification of various provisions of the Assembly’s Rules of Procedure

Signatories: Mr Akif Çağatay KILIÇ, Turkey, NR ; Mr Ziya ALTUNYALDIZ, Turkey, NR ; Mr Kamil AYDIN, Turkey, NR ; Ms Emine Nur GÜNAY, Turkey, NR ; Mr Aleksandar ŠEŠELJ, Serbia, FDG ; Mr Samad SEYIDOV, Azerbaijan, EC ; Mr Mustafa YENEROĞLU, Turkey, FDG ; Mr Roger ZAVOLI, San Marino, FDG

Origin - 2019 - Second part-session

In amendment 8, replace the words "delete the word "eight"" with the following words:

"replace the word "eight" with the following word: "seven"."