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Amendment No. 5 | Doc. 14971 | 02 October 2019

Saving lives in the Mediterranean Sea: the need for an urgent response

Signatories: Mr Alvise MANIERO, Italy, NR ; Ms Deborah BERGAMINI, Italy, EPP/CD ; Mr Maurizio BUCCARELLA, Italy, NR ; Ms Vanessa D'AMBROSIO, San Marino, SOC ; Ms Sabrina DE CARLO, Italy, NR ; Mr Fabio DI MICCO, Italy, NR ; Mr Piero FASSINO, Italy, SOC ; Mr Marco GATTI, San Marino, EPP/CD ; Mr Emanuel MALLIA, Malta, SOC ; Mr Gianni MARILOTTI, Italy, NR ; Mr Carmelo MIFSUD BONNICI, Malta, EPP/CD ; Ms Augusta MONTARULI, Italy, EC ; Mr Alberto RIBOLLA, Italy, NR ; Ms Maria RIZZOTTI, Italy, EPP/CD ; Mr Manuel VESCOVI, Italy, NR ; Mr Roger ZAVOLI, San Marino, NR ; Mr Stefan ZRINZO AZZOPARDI, Malta, SOC

Origin - 2019 - Fourth part-session

In the draft resolution, at the end of paragraph 4.11, after the words: "Mediterranean sea", insert the following words: "with due regard to national regulatory frameworks and international law".