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MOTION | Doc. 112 | 13th April, 1953

REQUEST FOR INCLUSION IN THE AGENDA OF THE SESSION See 5th Session, 1953 : Doc. 123 (Included in the Agenda by the standing Committee) and 6th Sitting, 11th May, 1953 (referred to the Committee on Economic Questions and to the Committee on social questions).

Rapporteur : ,

The Assembly,

Considering that Article 50 of the draft Treaty embodying the Statute of the European Community adopted by the Ad Hoc Assembly on 10th March, 1953, provides for the establishment of an Economic and Social Council of the Community;

Considering that Article 51 of this draft Treaty further provides t h a t "if an Economic and Social Council is set up by the Council of Europe, agreements shall be concluded to enable the Economic and Social Council of the Community to constitute a section of the Council thus created, and to take part in its deliberations. Where necessary, however, the Economic and Social Council of t h e Community shall be separately consulted;

Considering that Resolution No. 26 adopted by the Consultative Assembly on 17th January, 1953, envisages the establishment as between the fifteen Member States of the Council of Europe, of an Economic and Social Council of an advisory character,

Decides to include in its Agenda the following question :

" Establishment of an Economic and Social Council of the Council of Europe ",to be referred to t h e Committee on Economic Questions and the Committee on Social Questions, which shall submit a joint draft Recommendation.qui sera renvoyée à la commission des Questions économiques et à la commission des Questions sociales, lesquelles déposeront leur projet de recommandation d'un commun accord.