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Rapport | Doc. 316 | 23 septembre 1954

Demandes de statut consultatif émanant d'organisations internationales non-gouvernementales

Rapporteur : M. Per FEDERSPIEL, Danemark

Origine - (a) See 6th Session, 1953 : Doc. 141 (Request for an opinion), Doe. 202 (Report of the Committee on Legal and Administrativo Questions) and Opinion No. 0. - (b) Seo 6th Session, 1954 : Doc. 255 (Report of the Committee on Rules of Procedure and Privileges), Order No. 55, 29th Sitting, 24th September, 1954 (Draft Recommendation adopted) and Recommendation 70. 1954 - 6e session - Deuxième partie

A. Draft Recommendation


The Assembly,

Having regard to its Opinion No. 6 (1953) on the principles which should govern relations between the Council of Europe and international non-governmental organisations ;

Having regard to the provisions laid down by agreement between the Committee of Ministers and the Assembly concerning the granting of consultative status to such organisations ;

Having considered the applications submitted by the organisations concerned,

1. Recommends that the Committee of Ministers grant consultative status to the following organisations in the categories indicated :
a. Category A :
1.1.1. European Centre for Demographic Studies ;
1.1.2. European Confederation of Agriculture ;
1.1.3. Council of European Municipalities ;
1.1.4. International Federation of Agricultural Producers ;
1.1.5. International Union of Local Authorities ;
b. Category B :
1.2.1. European Youth Campaign ;
1.2.2. World Veterans Federation ;
1.2.3. Free International Federation of Deportees and Internees of the Resistance.
2. The Assembly does not recommend the granting of consultative status to the following organisations :
2.1. International Association for Vocational Guidance ;
2.2. Agudas Israel World Organisation (Union of Israel World Organisation).

B. Explanatory Memorandum



I t was stipulated in Order No. 55, adopted by the Assembly on 28th May, 1954, following a Report by the Committee on Rules of Procedure and Privileges (Doc. 255) concerning the procedure for examination of applications for consultative status with the Council of Europe, that in the case of international nongovernmental organisations such requests should be examined by a committee composed of Chairmen of Committees, under the chairmanship of the President of the Assembly.

This Committee met a t 6 p.m. on 22nd September, 1954, to consider applications for consultative status received from the undermentioned international non-governmental organisations, which had submitted files of particulars to the Secretariat :

1. Agudas Israel World Organisation;
2. International Institute of the Middle Classes ;
3. World Veterans Federation ;
4. International Association for Vocational Guidance ;
5. Free International Federation of Deportees and Internees of the Resistance (F.I.L.D.I.R.) ;
6. International Confederation of Professional and Intellectual Workers (C.I.T.I) ;
7. European Youth Campaign ;
8. European Centre for Demographic Studies ;
9. European Confederation of Agriculture (E.C.A.) ;
10. International Federation of Agricultural Producers (I.F.A.P.) ;
11. International Union of Local Authorities ;
12. Council of European Municipalities.

After consultation with the relevant Committees, the Committee of Chairmen proposes unanimously that, on this subject of the granting of consultative status, the Assembly transmit to the Committee of Ministers the following Recommendation.