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Amendment No. 10 | Doc. 14450 Part 1 | 24 January 2018

The progress of the Assembly's monitoring procedure (January-December 2017) and the periodic review of the honouring of obligations by Estonia, Greece, Hungary and Ireland

Signatories: Mr Zsolt CSENGER-ZALÁN, Hungary, EPP/CD ; Ms Mónika BARTOS, Hungary, EPP/CD ; Ms Elvira KOVÁCS, Serbia, EPP/CD ; Mr Zsolt NÉMETH, Hungary, EPP/CD ; Mr Attila TILKI, Hungary, EPP/CD

Origin - 2018 - First part-session

In the draft resolution, paragraph 10.3.10, replace the words:

"regarding the non-compliance of the asylum law and practice with European and international standards. The Assembly urges the authorities to establish a fully human rights-compliant asylum system and to ensure that any allegation of excessive use of force by border guards is promptly investigated in an independent and impartial manner"

with the following words:

"that questions have raised regarding asylum law and practice. The Assembly urges the authorities to ensure that any allegation of excessive use of force by border guards is promptly investigated in an independent and impartial manner".

Explanatory note

The amendment is suggested on the basis that even the European Court of Human Rights in its judgement Ilias and Ahmed v. Hungary did find that the conditions in the transit zone were "acceptable" and had not reached the level of severity necessary to constitute a violation under Article 3 of the European Convention of Human Rights.