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Amendment No. 27 | Doc. 14863 | 09 April 2019

Role and mission of the Parliamentary Assembly: main challenges for the future

Signatories: Mr Serhii KIRAL, Ukraine, EC ; Sir Roger GALE, United Kingdom, EC ; Mr Valeriu GHILETCHI, Republic of Moldova, EPP/CD ; Mr Giorgi KANDELAKI, Georgia, EPP/CD ; Mr Serhiy SOBOLEV, Ukraine, EPP/CD

Origin - 2019 - Second part-session

In the draft resolution, at the end of paragraph 15.3, insert the following words:

"in order to adhere to principles of rule of law, and avoid pressure or blackmail by the member State concerned, any proposed new/additional instrument or mechanisms must not be considered in pending crisis, e.g. breach of statutory obligations by a member State, such as non-payment etc., which shall be resolve within the existing legal and procedural system."