See related documents

Request for inclusion in the agenda of the sessionSee 5th Session, 1953 :Doc. 123(included in the Agenda by the standing committec) and 6th Sitting, 11th May 1953 (referred to the Committee on Economic Questions) | Doc. 113 | 13th April, 1953

REQUEST FOR INCLUSION IN THE AGENDA OF THE SESSION - Examination of the economic situation in Europe, particularly in respect of monetary and trade policy

Rapporteur : ,

The Assembly,

Considering that developments in the economic situation of Europe and the various measures recently taken in respect of monetary and trade policy make it desirable t h a t the Consultative Assembly should hold a general debate on economic problems,

Considering t h a t t h e scope of a debate on the question : " Institution of a European monetary system ", included in the Agenda of the Assembly ever since its Third Ordinary Session would be too restricted,

Decides to replace the item in its Agenda entitled :

" Institution of a European monetary system "

by the following :

" Examination of the economic situation in Europe, particularly in respect of monetary and trade policy ".