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Motion for a recommendation | Doc. 554 | 13 October 1956

Cultural activities of W.E.U. be regarded as based upon partial agreements concluded within the framework of the Council of Europe

Signatories: Mr Fritz ERLER, Germany

The Assembly,

Having regard to Resolution (51) 62 of the Committee of Ministers relating to the conclusion of partial agreements;

Having regard to Article VIII of the modified Brussels Treaty, in which the High Contracting Parties declare their intention " of encouraging the progressive integration of Europe and closer cooperation between them and with other European organisations ";

Having regard to Article 3 of the European Cultural Convention, ratified by ten member countries of the Council of Europe, of which six are Members of Western European Union, providing that " the Contracting Parties shall consult with one another within the framework of the Council of Europe with a view to concerted action in promoting cultural activities of European interest ";

Considering that all Members of Western European Union are also Members of the Council of Europe;

Considering that the present cultural and social activities of both the Council of Europe and Western European Union arc directed towards the same goal and inspired by the same political motives;

Conscious of the need to avoid all duplication of activity between the Council of Europe and Western European Union,

Recommends to the Committee of Ministers

1. That it make suitable representations to the Member Governments of Western European Union in order to secure the agreement of the Council of Western European Union to the following points :
1.1. the work of W. E. U. in the social and cultural fields to be regarded as based on partial agreements conoluded within the framework of the Council of Europe;
1.2. Member States of the Council of Europe which are not Members of W.E.U. to be at liberty to join in this work if they so desire;
1.3. agreements drafted and adopted by Western European Union to be registered with the Council of Europe.
2. That, in the event of such agreement being secured, it adopt a resolution laying down that :
2.1. the work of Western European Union in the social and cultural fields be regarded ipso jure as being based on partial agreements of the Council of Europe;
2.2. social and cultural agreements concluded by Western European Union be regarded ipso jure as partial agreements concluded within the framework of the Council of Europe, which should be registered with the latter.
3. That it transmit to the Consultative Assembly the texts of any partial agreements covered by paragraphs 1 and 2 above.
4. That it ensure that the administrative measures required by these arrangements are embodied in an agreement between the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe and the Secretary-General of Western European Union.