1. Introduction
1.1. Procedure to date
1. The motion for a resolution on “Refusing impunity
for the killers of Sergei Magnitsky”

was transmitted to the Committee
on Legal Affairs and Human Rights for report on 5 October 2012.
At its meeting on 12 November 2012, the committee appointed me rapporteur.
2. On 21 January 2013, the committee discussed an introductory

and authorised
me to carry out fact-finding visits to Moscow, London, Nicosia and
3. In order to allow the Russian authorities to give me their
official views on the different aspects of the case, I went to Moscow
first, between 13 and 16 February 2013. Next, from 25 to 27 April,
I travelled to London in order to meet both the competent British
authorities and Sergei Magnitsky’s former client, Bill Browder.
Already on 7 January, I met with the Swiss Prosecutor General and
his Deputy and, on 29 and 30 April, with the competent Cypriot authorities.
Finally, on 20 and 21 May 2013, I returned to Moscow in order to
hear the Russian authorities’ response to the issues raised by all
the other interlocutors since my first visit.
4. I should like to use this opportunity to thank the Russian,
United Kingdom, Cypriot and Swiss authorities for their co-operation.
I regret nevertheless that it was not possible, in Moscow, to speak
directly with the persons most immediately concerned by the allegations
of criminal conspiracy, despite the fact that I had sent a list
with the names of these persons in advance of the two information
1.2. Earlier work by
the Assembly on the case of Sergei Magnitsky
5. In reverse chronological order, the activities of
the Assembly concerning the case of Sergei Magnitsky to date are
the following:
1.2.1. Monitoring Committee
6. In view of the serious allegations made in connection
with the case of Sergei Magnitsky, together with György Frunda,
we put a number of questions to the Russian authorities in our capacity
as co-rapporteurs on the honouring of obligations and commitments
by the Russian Federation. In May 2012, we submitted a number of
questions to the Russian parliamentary delegation. As we explained
in our report adopted during the October 2012 part-session,

the replies did not go beyond
referring to the usual official position of the Russian authorities,
such as those set out in the results of official investigations
and court decisions. I did not and do not consider them to be satisfactory.
7. Given the unavoidably limited possibilities to enter into
detail in the framework of monitoring reports, which must cover
a wide panoply of democracy, rule of law and human rights issues
in this immense country, it is precisely the purpose of this present,
separate report to provide the opportunity for all sides involved
to present and explain their positions in such a way that the Assembly
can reach a factually and legally well-founded and balanced assessment
of this problem, in the light of the Council of Europe’s standards
on the fight against impunity.
1.2.2. Written declaration
8. On 9 February 2012, 58 members of the Parliamentary
Assembly signed a written declaration

referring to
the findings of the Presidential Human Right Council, calling on
Russia to “immediately prosecute the people named in the Human Rights
Council's report, cease the intimidation of Magnitsky's family and
allow an independent evaluation in his case”. The declaration, initiated
by Pieter Omtzigt, was accompanied by two written questions he addressed
to the Committee of Ministers.

1.2.3. Round table on
7 September 2011
9. On the margin of the meeting of the Committee on
Legal Affairs and Human Rights in Oslo, in June 2011, Mr Browder,
a client of the late Sergei Magnitsky engaged in worldwide lobbying
efforts aimed at holding to account Mr Magnitsky’s killers, made
an intervention at a parliamentary seminar co-hosted by the Norwegian delegation
to the Assembly and the Norwegian Helsinki Committee.
10. The Russian delegation expressed, at the Oslo meeting, its
preference for a “round table” format, in the presence of representatives
of all sides. Ms Marieluise Beck (Germany, ALDE), rapporteur on
“Threats to the Rule of Law in Council of Europe member States –
asserting the Parliamentary Assembly’s authority” responded by organising
a round table on the Magnitsky case at the committee meeting on
7 September 2011 in Paris with two persons who had carried out extensive
research on the Magnitsky case: Ms Evgenia Albaz, journalist at
the Moscow-based Novoje Vremja (New
Times), and Ms Elena Panfilova, Director of Transparency International,
Russia. The Russian delegation, though invited to do so by the rapporteur,
declined to nominate two experts to present the authorities’ views.
1.2.4. Report on “Politically
motivated abuses of the Criminal Justice System in Council of Europe member
11. In her last report for the Assembly, adopted in October

Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger (Germany, ALDE), now Federal
Minister of Justice of Germany, summed up the
operandi of the alleged massive tax reimbursement fraud
denounced by Sergei Magnitsky and, most importantly, demanded his release
from pretrial detention at a time when he was still alive, but already
suffering from serious health problems
1.3. Working method
and objective
12. My working method has consisted in speaking openly
with and carefully listening to all sides in order to obtain information
from a variety of points of view. I have obtained much detailed
information from the Russian Public Oversight Committee lead by
Mr Valery Borshev, whose team carried out an officially mandated,
in-depth investigation immediately after the death of Sergei Magnitsky,
and from different investigative reporters, who succeeded in bringing
to light the “money trail” for a sizeable part of the funds stolen
from the Russian budget in co-operation with colleagues from several
other countries. I have also received interesting materials and
explanations from Mr Browder and his collaborators in London, as
well as from the lawyers of Sergei Magnitsky’s mother working on
the application she has made to the European Court of Human Rights
and who are not connected with or funded by Mr Browder.

I am
grateful for the information received from all sides and I have
done my best to cross-check and verify it before assessing it and
reaching the conclusions that are summed up in this report.
13. I should like to stress that I do not consider it as my task
to reach a (quasi-judicial) “judgment” on the “case” of Sergei Magnitsky.
Instead, along the lines of the work of former Assembly colleagues
such as my compatriot Mr Dick Marty or Mr Christos Pourgourides,
or Ms Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, who submitted strong “investigative-style”
reports to the Assembly,

I am merely trying my best, with
the help of the secretariat, to explore and expose the truth by
assessing in an impartial and neutral manner the plausibility and credibility
of all information received.
14. As is indicated in the title of the motion, the core issues
for this report are the precise circumstances of and accountability
for the death of Sergei Magnitsky in pretrial detention. But in
order to truly understand what happened to Mr Magnitsky, we must
also look closely into the accusations that he had made before he
was arrested and for which he was later blamed himself, together
with his client, Mr Browder. It is necessary to follow the “money
trail” in order to evaluate the credibility and plausibility of
allegations and counter-allegations with respect to key players,
including those accused of having ordered the maltreatment and possibly
the killing of Mr Magnitsky in detention: money – we are talking
about the equivalent of US$230 million, which may only be the tip
of the iceberg – and the desire to cover up an earlier crime are
among the most prevalent motives for killings.
15. I will thus present my findings in the following way: describing
what happened to Sergei Magnitsky from the time he was involved
in this affair, I will deal with the controversial issues as they
arise, presenting each time first the “official version” upheld
by the Russian authorities, then the version defended by Mr Magnitsky’s family
and his former client, and then my own conclusions reached on the
basis of the working method indicated above.
2. Sergei
Magnitsky – what happened to him, and why?
2.1. The viewpoint of
Sergei Magnitsky’s relatives
2.1.1. Sergei Magnitsky’s
widow – Natalya Zharikova
16. I should like to begin by presenting the individual
concerned, Sergei Magnitsky, and, with a glimpse of the ordeal he
went through, a few observations about him, seen through the eyes
of his widow, Natalya Zharikova. She is admittedly not an “objective”
source, but she greatly impressed me during our meeting in London
as a decent, modest, almost shy woman who clearly felt deeply for
her deceased husband, with whom she had been in love since their
common childhood in Nalchik, a provincial town in southern Russia
not far from the troubled North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation.
17. Natalya described her husband as a smart, modest and idealistic
person. They grew up together in Nalchik. Sergei had always been
honest – according to Natalya, maybe a little too honest for his
own good, at times – and often argued with teachers. He was a talented
student and very interested in history. Sergei owned a full collection
of Lenin’s works and had joined the Komsomol movement as a matter
of principle. He graduated from school in Nalchik in 1989 and went
on to study at Moscow University, while Natalya stayed in Nalchik, attending
the local university. In Moscow, as a student, Sergei lived very
poorly, in a small room in a communal flat. After graduation, he
began to work as an accountant, and in 1996, when they could finally
afford it, Natalya moved in with him. Sergei had never been overly
ambitious, he just wanted to do a good job.
18. Firestone Duncan, his employer, was a small company, but Sergei
had no ambitions to move to a bigger one. He was not keen on getting
involved in politics, and “he never took a client trying to bypass
the law”. Sergei always worked very long hours, but he was healthy,
except for the occasional flu, he didn’t drink alcohol, only a little
on social occasions. The diagnoses of hepatitis and diabetes made
in prison were new to her. He never told Natalya about what was
going on in the office. She was therefore totally surprised and
shocked when the police came, at the end of November 2008, to search
their flat for 12 hours and arrested Sergei at the end of the search.
Sergei told her not to worry, he would be back the following day.
But he never returned, and she was only able to see him during a
court hearing relating to the extension of his detention, in a cage,
without being able to speak with him. She had approached the investigators,
but they refused to allow her to meet Sergei in prison, except once,
after almost a year in pretrial detention.
19. Sergei’s mother moved from Nalchik to Moscow. The two women
often bought food to bring to the prison. The distance from their
flat, the fact that they did not own a car, and especially the burdensome
procedures involving many hours of waiting each time meant that
it took them a whole day each time – “only Matrosskaya Tishina prison
was a little better organised”. Sergei shared with his fellow inmates
whatever food he received. After Sergei’s death, on 16 November
2009, Natalya was not allowed to see her husband’s body in the morgue of
the pretrial detention centre. “They gave us the body only for the
funeral, already prepared, dressed in clothes they had asked for
in advance, and made-up.” But his mother opened the blanket and
still saw bruises on his knuckles, despite the passage of time and
the make-up. When the case against Sergei was reopened posthumously,
and she was summoned to appear before the authorities, Natalya and
Sergei’s mother were “shocked, scared and stressed”, especially
when they found out that the same investigators were again in charge.
Natalya wrote to the investigators that she was “strictly against”
reopening the case, she also told a (female) investigator that she
could not understand how they could prosecute a dead man. Natalya
agreed with Sergei’s mother that these people could never be trusted
to rehabilitate Sergei. At the beginning of the ordeal, Natalya
was “scared and kept her head low”, whereas Sergei’s mother had
been more active. Now Natalya had decided to be more outspoken,
too. She was proud that all Sergei’s former friends and colleagues
spoke so very highly of him.
2.1.2. Sergei Magnitsky’s
mother – Natalia Magnitskaya
20. I met Natalia Magnitskaya in Moscow in May 2013.
We spoke for more than three hours. For the sake of helping to make
the truth about her son better known, she went through the ordeal
of reliving the nightmare of her son’s death in detention, and his
posthumous prosecution. Ms Magnitskaya is a soft-spoken woman, deeply
affected by the loss of her son, but not tearful, determined to
see those responsible for Sergei’s death held to account, but not
vengeful or aggressive.
21. After her son was arrested, she left her home in Nalchik and
moved in with her daughter-in-law in Moscow. She needed help with
the children, especially the youngest boy, who had just started
grade 2. She also wanted to visit her son in prison and bring him
food, but she suffered from the same obstacles already described
by her daughter-in-law. In his first place of detention (pretrial
detention centre No. 5), Sergei did not have any health difficulties,
just a bout of flu, for which he was treated. He was not allowed
to have visitors, but he wrote a lot of letters, asking about his
wife and children, and other family members, and discussing books he
read there. From the pretrial detention centre No. 5, he was moved
to a temporary detention centre and later, in April 2009, to Matrosskaya
22. Until April 2009, Sergei Magnitsky wrote that he had to be
released because he was innocent, not because of his state of health.
Her son had always been healthy, a little overweight, but never
seriously ill, with the exception of one stay in hospital for appendicitis.
As of April 2009, he began to complain about stomach problems. At
the request of a relative, who is a doctor, he described the symptoms
in detail; they corresponded to the diagnosis made by the prison
doctors in Matrosskaya Tishina, namely that he suffered from pancreatitis.
23. Soon after the diagnosis was made and despite the prescribed
additional ultrasound examination and surgery Sergei Magnitsky was
moved to the harsh Butyrka prison. After he was moved there, he
suffered a lot from not being allowed any reading materials. While
he was in Butyrka, their contacts with Sergei were very limited,
letters needed about two months each way, in four months, they received
only two letters. When they asked the judge for permission to visit
Sergei, the reply was that this would “not serve the purpose” –
as in Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s “Gulag Archipelago”.
24. Ms Magnitskaya also said that she was never informed about
her son’s transfers to different prisons or cells and found out
each time only when she came to the prison with food parcels.
25. Ms Magnitskaya indicated that the drug her son was given at
Butyrka prison after he suffered more and more acute stomach pains
– Diclofenac – should be taken with milk or kefir in order to prevent
more damage to the digestive system. But her son was never given
any, and she was not allowed to provide it for him. Dr Litvinova,
his doctor at Butyrka prison, had first testified that Sergei had
given her a paper from Moscow hospital No. 36 showing that he had
been diagnosed with pancreatitis in March 2008, namely before his
arrest. Dr Litvinova changed her story after the hospital had confirmed
that Sergei had never been there.
26. Ms Magnitskaya saw her son for the last time alive at the
court hearing about the prolongation of his detention four days
before his death, in November 2009. Sergei looked white and tired,
and had lost a lot of weight, but he did not look like he was terminally
ill. When she next saw him at the funeral, she pulled back the blanket
covering his upper body, and she saw marks on his fingers and knuckles,
both scratches and haematoma, and his hands were balled into fists,
not folded as is customary. The family had to say farewell to Sergei
in a dark prison morgue and was not allowed the use of a proper
funeral home. She had also been twice refused permission to have
independent experts perform an autopsy, despite all the contradictions
resulting even from the official records of what had happened to
her son. Ms Magnitskaya is convinced that her son was killed intentionally,
at Matrosskaya Tishina, brutally beaten while he was in a fragile
state of health, then left to die miserably alone in his cell, or
even killed directly by one of several known methods of inducing
heart failure.
27. The mother’s nightmare still continued through the posthumous
prosecution of her son and the public propaganda campaign against
him and his former client, Mr Browder. She was grateful to Bill
Browder, who had said to her that he felt personally guilty for
what happened to her son. He was now part of the inner circle of
the family. He had done everything he could to help her and her
family obtain justice. Not many would have taken responsibility
in such a way.
2.2. The road to Sergei
Magnitsky’s arrest
2.2.1. Search and seizure
raids at the Moscow offices of Hermitage Capital and Firestone Duncan:
the “Kameya case”
28. On 4 June 2007, 25 officers of the Moscow Branch
of the Interior Ministry, led by Lt. Col. Artem Kuznetsov, searched
the offices of the investment company Hermitage Capital in Moscow,
purportedly to obtain information concerning the tax situation of
a Russian company called “Kameya”, on the basis of a criminal case
opened on 28 May 2007

against the Director of Kameya and
Chief Operating Officer of Hermitage, Mr Ivan Cherkasov.
29. At the same time, representatives of the Moscow Branch of
the Interior Ministry also raided the offices of Firestone Duncan,
Sergei Magnitsky’s employers. Hermitage had been a client of Firestone
Duncan for legal and accounting services for many years. I was told
that one of the lawyers working with Firestone Duncan, who tried
to stop the investigators from seizing documents belonging to other
clients unrelated to Kameya was severely beaten and had to spend
two weeks in hospital. All of Firestone Duncan’s computers were
taken during the raid and two van-loads of client documents taken
from the offices. A detail the importance of which will become apparent
later is that many original corporate documents (seals, original
corporate certificates and charters) for companies registered by
this firm were removed.

30. The background of the “Kameya case”, serving as justification
for the two above-mentioned “raids”, was the following:

Kameya was accused of
having underpaid dividend withholding tax amounting to 1.15 billion roubles
(about US$44 million), by unlawfully applying the double taxation
agreement between Cyprus and Russia. The agreement foresees a withholding
tax rate of 5%, whilst without the benefit of the agreement, the tax
rate would have been 15%. Kameya was an investment company owned
by a Hermitage client investing in stocks of Russian companies,
over a period of seven years, during which the prices of the stocks
detained rose, generating a profit for Kameya of about 12.3 billion
roubles (US$472.2 million). In February 2006, Kameya paid the equivalent
of US$113.3 million in profit tax to the Federal Tax Service, at
the 24% rate foreseen by law. After the tax payment, Kameya’s sole
shareholder (a Cyprus-based holding company) decided to distribute
the remaining profit to itself. According to the double taxation
agreement, a 5% withholding tax applied and was paid over to the
Federal Tax Service on 24 April 2006, the remainder distributed
to the Cyprus company. So far, this is undisputed.
31. The Interior Ministry’s investigators then claimed that the
double taxation agreement was applied incorrectly because Kameya’s
Cyprus-based holding company did not have the required certificate
of Cyprus tax residency. But notarised copies of this certificate
had indeed been submitted to the tax authorities, as confirmed by
letters from the Russian Ministry of Finance dated 26 July 2007
and by the Federal Tax Service dated 15 October 2007, which both
state that the 5% withholding tax rate was correct. In fact, on
13 September 2007, Kameya was informed by the Federal Tax Service
that it had actually overpaid taxes by some 3.96 million roubles
(or about US$140 000). This was confirmed by a subsequent audit
by Moscow Tax Authority No. 7.

32. Another suspicious circumstance in relation to the Kameya
case is a telephone conversation on 17 February 2007, namely three
months before the opening of the criminal case, between Lt. Col.
Kuznetsov and a partner of Hermitage capital. The Hermitage partner
whom I met in London testified that Mr Kuznetsov referred to the
visa request by Hermitage founder and CEO Bill Browder (who had
been refused entry into Russia in November 2005 “in the interests
of ensuring the security of the state, public order or public health”

after having travelled between
the United Kingdom and Russia for many years as a successful investment
fund manager specialising in investments in Russian companies).
Mr Kuznetsov indicated that before any response could be given to
Mr Browder’s visa request, he needed to come to Hermitage’s offices
in order to obtain answers to a number of questions. Any decision
concerning the visa “will depend upon how you behave … and that
… the sooner we meet and you provide us what is necessary, the sooner
your problems will disappear”.

Hermitage interpreted this as an extortion
attempt and asked Mr Kuznetsov to provide all questions in writing, stating
that Hermitage would be happy to answer any questions in the same
way. Mr Kuznetsov declined.
33. The Russian authorities did not deny any of the information
on the Kameya case, they merely stated, without substantiating,
that the search and seizure actions on 4 June 2007 were motivated
by a bona fide criminal case
concerning underpayment of taxes by Kameya.
34. In view of the precise, substantiated and well-documented
presentation of the facts on the Kameya case by the representatives
of Hermitage, I conclude that the criminal case must have been opened
for other reasons than the bona fide pursuit
of criminal justice. One of the real reasons might well have been
to justify the two “raids” on the offices of Firestone Duncan and
Hermitage, during which items were taken by the investigators, which,
as it is alleged, were later used in the commission of the tax reimbursement
fraud denounced by Sergei Magnitsky. The idea for this crime may
well have been developed after the perceived failed extortion attempt
on 17 February 2007.
2.2.2. A word on the allegations
against Hermitage Capital
35. In order to understand the background of the case
and to assess the credibility of the two opposing “versions” – whether
Sergei Magnitsky had blown the whistle on a criminal scheme by corrupt
officials and was placed in detention in order to put him under
pressure to change his testimony or whether Mr Magnitsky and his
employer Firestone Duncan aided and abetted Hermitage Capital and
Bill Browder to commit tax evasion and precisely the tax reimbursement
fraud that he had denounced on behalf of Hermitage – we need to
look at the background of the business activities in which Sergei
Magnitsky became involved before he was arrested. If these business
activities were indeed unlawful, as my official Russian interlocutors
have alleged, the credibility of the “Sergei the wronged whistle-blower”
version would be seriously undermined. The opposite would be true
if these business activities were not unlawful, but had the potential
of seriously annoying powerful interest groups in Russia. I can
therefore not avoid discussing the allegations raised against Sergei
Magnitsky’s client, Bill Browder, founder and CEO of Hermitage Capital,
by the Russian authorities. A capitalist’s
36. When I went to London to meet with Mr Browder and
his collaborators, I was in for a surprise. Bracing myself for meeting
a hedge-fund manager, a hard-core capitalist out to defend his own
business interests, I was impressed by Mr Browder’s deeply emotional
reaction to the death of Sergei Magnitsky. Mr Browder’s family history
may provide some explanation. He grew up in an unusual (in the United
States) left-wing family as the grandson of the 1930s and early
1940s General Secretary of the United States Communist Party and decided
to “become a capitalist” as his version of a young man’s rebellion
against his family, which had nevertheless left a lasting imprint
on his personal values. He graduated from Stanford Business School
and moved to London, to work for a large consulting firm, shortly
after the fall of communism. When he discovered that Polish companies
were selling at this time for barely more than their annual profits,
compared to 10 or 20 times in more settled markets, he set up an
investment company of his own, attracting funds first from friends and
colleagues and soon snowballing into one of the largest investment
funds in the region, in particular after moving into the Russian
37. But Sergei Magnitsky was after all “only” an employee of a
law firm – Firestone Duncan – that had provided Mr Browder’s investment
company with legal and accounting services. Why did his death so
affect his client, Mr Browder? He explained to me that he had come
to the conclusion that he was himself the intended victim of the
conspiracy, which ultimately caused the death of Sergei Magnitsky.
In other words, for Mr Browder, Sergei Magnitsky had died in his
stead. For me, this goes a long way towards explaining the dogged, sometimes
slightly overdone, worldwide lobbying campaign to obtain “justice
for Sergei”. His characteristic radical, single-minded focus, if
not obsession, with Sergei Magnitsky has led Mr Browder to remain
focused on Russia even though his investment fund business orientated
towards Russia was undermined to the point that – during my stay
in London – the Hermitage Fund, which had already shrunk considerably
since the raid on Hermitage’s offices in June 2007 and the fraud
against his companies, was finally liquidated by HSBC, the manager
of the Hermitage Fund. Hermitage Capital is now focused on investments
in other international markets. This said, Hermitage’s investors
were lucky in that Mr Browder, who saw trouble for his business
in Russia coming after the cancellation of his visa, had liquidated
and repatriated the Fund’s assets in good time for the investors
to “miss” the general market downturn during the 2008/2009 financial
crisis triggered by the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, a worldwide
market downturn that hit Russia disproportionately hard. Mr Browder attempting
to recuperate losses incurred in Russia?
38. It is often said that Mr Browder “lost a lot of money”
in Russia, and is using his campaign to try and recuperate it. In
fact, Mr Browder’s business consisted in managing other people’s
money, with varying success. During the very profitable period following
the privatisation campaign in the mid-nineties he achieved a kind
of cult status among investors. But Hermitage’s investors, like
all other Russian stockholders, suffered losses of 90% during the
Russian financial crisis of 1998. Mr Browder still feels “stung”
by the losses he could not prevent, which were, in his view, partly
caused by the general debt crisis of the Russian Federation, and
in part by what he called an “orgy of theft” by oligarchs (“persons
appointed to be billionaires”) who had given up trying to “behave
themselves” for the sake of attracting investments from abroad when
they realised that the state’s financial crisis blocked access to
foreign capital anyway. Nevertheless, the Hermitage Fund’s figures show
that those of their investors who held on and did not sell after
the crash in 1999 recuperated their losses and even made some gains
until the new troubles started in 2007. Over the long term, Hermitage
beat the Russian stock market by a considerable margin. In view
of the nature of Mr Browder’s past business activities in Russia,
I fail to understand in what way a campaign pushing for the prosecution
of those responsible for Sergei Magnitsky’s death can help him “recuperate”
money he (or more precisely, the investors whose money he managed)
may have lost in Russia. Hermitage minority
shareholder activism: unlawful influence or even “greenmail”?
39. The methods Mr Browder and his team used in order
to increase “shareholder value” by investigating and publicising
fraud and theft by the companies’ own management and thereby increasing
declared profits and consequently share prices, were much applauded
in western academic and business circles.

Mr Browder’s team explained and
documented several examples for me in some detail: how they exposed
the fact that from one year to the next, Gazprom’s electricity bill
more than doubled – because a newly created “middleman” company
siphoned off huge commissions; and how in the construction of the
“South Stream” gas pipeline, the construction cost per meter of
pipeline in Russia was double that in Turkey – whilst the Turkish contractors
had been criminally convicted in their own country for overcharging.
There are many more similar examples, which Mr Browder publicised
aggressively at the time, even using them for “corporate electioneering”
purposes, when a Hermitage representative ran for a seat on the
Gazprom board as a representative of minority shareholders.
40. I heard from several Russian interlocutors that Mr Browder
had tried to exercise “undue influence” on Gazprom and other Russian
companies – I wonder if they meant these “naming and shaming” tactics.
If that is so, I fail to see the problem: fighting corruption, waste
and theft in companies, even “strategic” ones, is in the interest
of all shareholders, including the Russian people, who through their
State and as individual shareholders hold a majority of Gazprom
41. I also heard from Russian interlocutors that Mr Browder’s
tactics constituted (unlawful) “greenmail”. I learnt that the term
“greenmail” generally refers to non-transparent business practices
such as a minority shareholder trying to oblige the majority, respectively
the company’s management, to buy him or her out at above-market
prices – in exchange for the said minority shareholder keeping silent
about the “dirt” he or she dug up about management corruption or
other corporate misbehaviour. In my view, such business practices constitute
– unlawful – blackmail, as they involve making a threat aimed at
obtaining something (i.e. the buyout at a premium) that the author
of the threat was not legally entitled to, at the expense of others
(i.e. of all other shareholders). Such an activity legally amounts
to (unlawful) blackmail, even though the threatened action (publicising
truthful information about corporate misbehaviour) is not unlawful
as such. But in accordance with information at my disposal, this
is not what Hermitage did: they did not threaten to make information
on business malpractice public in order to be bought out at above-market
stock prices – they published their findings as a matter of course,
expecting to benefit (like all other shareholders) from an increase
in the share price resulting from the corporate clean-up that could
be expected to follow the exposure of the corrupt practices. Again,
I fail to see why this is a problem, let alone a criminal matter.
42. But obviously, such business tactics earned Mr Browder the
enmity of those who profited from the lack of transparency – in
particular the “oligarchs”. Interestingly, it was rumoured in the
markets for some time that Mr Browder was secretly in league with
President Putin. Indeed, shortly after Mr Putin’s accession to the Presidency
in the spring of 2000, he had given effect to some of Mr Browder’s
research into theft and graft in the Russian economy, and used the
opportunity of the scandals triggered by Mr Browder’s revelations
to replace key players in the economy – presumably by persons President
Putin found more reliable. Mr Browder told me that he never actually
met President Putin in person. But he thought that there may have
indeed been an objective “coincidence of interests” between them
for some time. Clearly, at some point – according to Mr Browder,
as soon as President Putin had safely established his position of
dominance and Mr Browder’s business tactics started to annoy the
new team in power itself – Mr Browder fell from grace, as evidenced
by the withdrawal of his visa in November 2005, on “national security”
grounds. But the visa withdrawal gave rise to an international lobbying
campaign by Mr Browder in favour of his visa being re-established.
It became clear to the authorities that the annoyance was not going
to go away easily. This seems to have further hardened the authorities’
attitude towards Hermitage and all those working on its behalf,
including Sergei Magnitsky. Alleged illegal
acquisition of Gazprom shares
43. On 5 March 2013, the Russian authorities opened a
new criminal case against Bill Browder concerning illegal acquisition
of Gazprom shares. In fact, under a Presidential decree of 5 November
1992, direct foreign ownership of Gazprom shares was limited to
9% of all shares. Due to strong demand from foreign investors, the
“foreign” shares soon traded at a considerable premium over the
price of the “local” shares, creating an incentive for would-be
foreign investors to devise ways and means to acquire “local” shares
at “local” prices, using loopholes in the legislation, in particular
by holding Gazprom shares through holding companies incorporated
in Russia.
44. Another Presidential decree in 1997

on Gazprom share ownership
required that Russian companies holding Gazprom shares could only
be less than 50% foreign-owned. In reaction to this, the holding
structures for so-called “grey market” Gazprom shares held for the
benefit of foreign investors were further refined, with the depositary
accounts assistance provided by Gazprom Bank, the officially designated
“registrar” of Gazprom shares. According to Mr Browder, all market
intermediaries developed structures for foreign investors to hold “local”
Gazprom shares, including for example Gazprom Bank itself, United
Financial Group/Deutsche Bank and Ruhrgas. The holding structure
set up by Hermitage Capital in 1999 for a large American client
included a Cypriot (i.e. “foreign”) holding company (Zhoda Ltd.
And its predecessor Peninsular Heights Ltd.) owning 49% of the capital
of each of two Russian companies (Kameya LLC and Baikal-M LLC),
which in turn owned 51% of each other's capital, with Kameya holding
the coveted “local” Gazprom shares. According to Mr Browder, who
showed me copies of the relevant documents, Hermitage Capital fully
disclosed this structure, including the foreign ownership element,
to Gazprombank (Gazprom's shares registrar), to the Russian Federal
Tax Service and to the Russian “Unified Registry for Legal Entities”
(i.e. the central companies registry). The Federal Tax Service,
in a tax audit of Kameya LLC dated 2 November 2005, acknowledged
Kameya's (partial) foreign ownership and confirmed that the structure
complied with the 1997 decree. Gazprom Bank and the Unified Registrar
for Legal Entities also acknowledged Kameya's ownership structure
and did not raise any objections.
45. In August 2004, a member of the Russian State Duma, Mr Yuri
Saveliev, requested the law enforcement authorities to investigate
the illegal acquisition of Gazprom shares by non-residents through
the “grey market” structures set up by UFG/Deutsche Bank. But on
18 October 2004, the General Prosecutor's Office publicly confirmed
the legality of UFG's Gazprom structures. Finally, by Presidential
decree No. 1519 of 23 December 2005, all restrictions on foreign
ownership of Gazprom shares were abolished. It should be noted that
the only sanction foreseen in the 1997 decree for a breach of the
prohibition on foreign ownership of Gazprom shares was the obligation
to sell such shares within three months (when the Russian ownership
of the company holding the shares fell below 50%, for example due
to restructuring) or that the acquisition of shares was “null and
void in the territory of the Russian Federation” (for example, when
the company acquiring the shares did not meet the Russian ownership
requirement in the first place). The decree foresees no other sanctions,
let alone penal ones.
46. Consequently, the retrospective prosecution of the Hermitage
executives for any violation of this decree would appear to violate
the principle of “
nullum crimen, nulla
poena sine legem” enshrined in Article 7 of the European
Convention on Human Rights (ETS No. 5), even if the holding structure
used by Hermitage (and many other market intermediaries) violated
the decree. Whilst these “grey market” structures were clearly designed
to help foreign investors circumvent the temporary “ring-fence”
built around Gazprom by the 1993 and 1997 decrees (and abolished
by the 2005 decree), they were obviously tolerated by the authorities, whatever
their reasons might have been. In my view, the authorities cannot
now change their minds retroactively, in addition solely to the
detriment of one of the “grey market” participants and not the others:
this would be a case of selective justice, which in the practice
of the Assembly is often seen as an indication for the “political”
motivation of criminal prosecutions. Hermitage “seed
money” allegedly stolen by Mr Browder from an International Monetary Fund
disbursement to Russia in 1998?
47. Another allegation made against Hermitage Capital
more recently is that much of the “seed money” used to jump-start
their business in Russia was derived from an alleged large-scale
theft of International Monetary Fund (IMF) funds disbursed to Russia
under the SDR 3.6 billion (equivalent to US$4.8 billion) loan disbursed in
1998. According to the recent Russian allegations,

the equivalent of US$3.6
billion “disappeared” in a scheme in which a mysterious billionaire
banker, Edmond Safra, and his “Republic National Bank of New York”, was
allegedly involved alongside Bill Browder. My interlocutors even
drew a link between Mr Browder and Mr Safra’s death in a fire of
his penthouse apartment in Monaco. Mr Safra died shortly after the
sale of his bank to HSBC, which had reportedly been prompted by
losses the “Republic National Bank” suffered in Russia.
48. After I was confronted with these allegations, I promptly
contacted the IMF in order to obtain up-to-date information. The
answer I received in early June 2013 was that the IMF’s legal services
found no indication that Russian authorities have contacted the
IMF in regard to the matter and no indication that the IMF has any information
about the recent allegations against Browder and Hermitage. An IMF
publication dated 13 September 1999 under the title of “Facts about
IMF Lending to Russia”

commented on allegations in the press
that IMF funds advanced to Russia “may have been diverted from their
intended purpose and included in the flows of capital that left
the country illegally”. The then Managing Director of the IMF, Michel
Camdessus, was cited as follows: “That there has been capital flight
on this scale (from Russia) does not surprise us, but there is no
proven link between this money and the loans released by the IMF”.
The statement stressed that neither the IMF nor the US authorities
had any evidence that IMF funds were misappropriated, and pointed
out that under the $4.5 billion programme approved in July 1999,
all IMF money disbursed to Russia would be held in an account at
the IMF and would be used only for Russia’s debt service to the
Fund. Regarding allegations of mishandling of the July 1998 disbursement,
the IMF had insisted on the preparation and publication of investigations
by the accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), which also
covered relations between the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) and one
of its offshore subsidiaries (FIMACO), and the statistical reporting to
the IMF by the CBR. According to the statement, “[t]he investigations
found no evidence to support the allegations concerning misappropriation
of funds”.
50. The fact remains that the loan was transferred from the IMF
directly to the Russian Central Bank’s foreign account, not to private
parties, and could not have been taken out of the Russian Central
Bank’s account without its instruction. Further, throughout the
entire time, the Russian Central Bank had acted as the holder of
the IMF funds. During 1999-2002, the Russian Central Bank had fully
covered all its obligations to the IMF regarding the loan repayment.
51. In addition, I should like to point out that Mr Browder’s
business activities did not actually start at the time of the alleged
theft of “seed money” in 1998, but much earlier, in 1996, and that
according to Hermitage there were no new inflows in the two years
following the July 1998 IMF loan and the August 1998 default. Given
also that these allegations are made only now, 15 years after the
alleged facts, I do not find them convincing. A word on the use
of “off-shore” holding companies
52. Having examined the materials provided by Hermitage,
which include tables and drawings of holding structures and ownership
schemes such as the one discussed above for the adaptation to the
temporary “ring-fence” around Gazprom (point, I could not
help noting with some discomfort that off-shore tax havens/countries
with tax incentives such as Cyprus, the British Virgin Islands and
Channel Islands, and the US State of Delaware were also used extensively
by Hermitage. As a good Social Democrat, I asked the Hermitage people
some hard questions about this practice. Is this not just a way
of “cheating” high-tax countries out of their much-needed revenue?
The answers received made me reconsider: Hermitage, whose business
it was to invest other people’s money, has indeed used off-shore
tax havens (this is an “industry standard”, a practice followed
by most if not all investment companies). The reason is the need
to minimise administrative red-tape, by letting the profits accrue
in companies registered in countries with very low or even zero
tax rates. These (untaxed or little taxed) profits are then paid
out to investors in the form of redemption proceeds, which they have
a legal duty to declare as income in their own countries. The alternative
– the investment company itself paying high taxes and then helping
investors obtain the refund or deduction of the taxes paid by the
investment company from the person income tax they owe in their
own country – would be much more complicated and not lead to a substantially
different result, from the point of view of the investors’ (high-tax)
countries of residence.
53. Hermitage had over 6 000 investors from more than 30 countries.
Most of these have double taxation agreements among themselves and
with Russia or the United Kingdom, but there are big substantive
and procedural differences between them. Administering the correct
application of these rules to each investor for the purpose of paying
out redemption proceeds and avoiding double-taxation would be prohibitively burdensome.
54. In my view, the real problem with the use of off-shore tax
havens by international investment companies lies in the fact that
some of them tend to “aid and abet” tax evasion committed by dishonest
investors by failing to fulfil their legal duty to declare income
received from such holding companies in tax havens in their own countries.
By refusing to co-operate with foreign tax authorities and communicating
the income collected by the investors, hiding behind strict “banking
secrecy” rules, they effectively make it quite easy for dishonest investors
to evade taxation. Hermitage, competing with other investment companies,
was in no position to deviate from the generally accepted “industry
standard” to the detriment of its investors. It is up to us politicians in
the “high-tax” countries to put enough pressure on all off-shore
tax havens to co-operate with our fiscal authorities.
2.2.3. The two criminal
cases against Sergei Magnitsky: the grounds for his arrest and detention Aiding and abetting
tax fraud by Hermitage (the “Kalmyk case”)
55. On 28 November 2012, Sergei Magnitsky (posthumously)
and Bill Browder (in absentia)
were indicted for two separate counts of tax evasion concerning
alleged underpayment of taxes due for 2001 by two investment companies
belonging to the Hermitage Fund and registered in the Kalmyk Republic
of the Russian Federation – Saturn Investments and Dalnaya Step.
A criminal case against Mr Browder in this respect had first been
opened in October 2004 and closed for “lack of any crime” on 5 May
2005. It was reopened against Mr Browder on 27 February 2008 and
Mr Magnitsky was added as a co-defendant on 25 November 2008. The total
alleged underpayments amount to the equivalent of about US$17 million,
of which US$14 million concerned wrongful exemptions from Kalmyk
local and regional taxes and US$3 million fraudulently obtained tax
benefits for the employment of disabled persons. i) Unlawfully obtained
Kalmyk local and regional tax exemptions?
56. The disputed Kalmyk local and regional tax exemptions
were based on Federal Law No. 2118-1 on the “Basis of the Tax System
of Russia”, which allowed Russian regions to set their own tax rates
in order to attract companies for registration, for the purpose
of promoting regional economic development, and on two Kalmyk tax
laws of 1995 and 1999.

In essence, the total tax burden
of 35% was effectively reduced to 11% (the Federal tax) plus a negotiated
“fee” or “contribution”, which replaced the usual Municipal and
Regional taxes set at 5% and 19% respectively. In response to these
incentives, many important Russian companies registered their business
in Kalmykia or other low-tax regions.

57. The conditions set by law to qualify for the regional tax
reduction are fourfold: 1) to obtain a “Tax benefit certificate”
by the competent Kalmyk authorities; 2) to enter into a contract
with the Government of Kalmykia on a contribution to an investment
project listed in a “public offer” issued by the Ministry of Investment
Policy; 3) registering with the Ministry of Investment Policy; and
4) making the agreed payments to keep the tax benefit current.
58. I have seen the documents establishing that in the case of
Saturn Investments and Dalnaya Step, all four conditions were fulfilled.
This does not appear to be disputed by the Russian authorities,
which now claim instead that the Hermitage subsidiaries did not
qualify for the Kalmyk regional tax advantages because they did
not sign “additional investment agreements” in 2001. But the Kalmyk
law requiring an additional agreement

into force only in July 2002 and did not apply to the year 2001,
during which the underpayment in question is alleged to have occurred.
It would therefore appear that the accusation in question is legally
unfounded. ii) Unlawfully
obtained Federal tax reduction for employment of handicapped persons?
59. The second tax fraud accusation concerns an alleged
underpayment by Hermitage's two Kalmyk subsidiaries of the equivalent
of US$3 million corresponding to a reduction of the 11% Federal
tax rate to 5.5% foreseen by law as an incentive for the employment
of handicapped persons. The Russian authorities maintain that the
employment of handicapped people was fictitious, that is to say
that they were not actually employed by the Hermitage subsidiaries.
Video footage of testimony of several apparently mentally handicapped
people was shown on Russian television in March 2013, which as I
was told in Moscow would also be used as evidence in the posthumous/in absentia trial against Sergei
Magnitsky and Bill Browder. These persons state that they were never
actually paid by Hermitage. The commentary called on viewers to
judge for themselves whether these people could possibly have worked
as “financial analysts” – the job title conferred upon them by Hermitage.
60. The representatives of Hermitage whom I met in London explained
to me that their adviser Firestone Duncan co-operated with the Kalmyk
Government's Foundation for Support of Small Businesses and the
local Afghan War Veterans Association to identify suitable handicapped

employment in Hermitage's Kalmyk subsidiaries and managing their
employment. As their subsidiaries were investment companies with
a very small staff it was not difficult to reach the 50% threshold
of handicapped employees required to qualify for the tax break.
The five persons were given a job title in line with the activities
of the companies in question. One of the handicapped persons they
hired on the advice of the War Veterans Association even had a relevant qualification,
as a bookkeeper. All five were assigned fairly simple tasks, commensurate
with their severe handicaps, which included following the regional
print media and reporting on relevant developments to Hermitage
in Moscow. Mr Browder stressed that the law did not specify any
job specifications to be fulfilled by the handicapped employees.
His subsidiaries could also have recruited them as doormen, cleaners
or any other job. Mr Browder had also viewed the video footage referred
to above and was outraged by the public humiliation inflicted on
these people. He pointed out that they had obviously been pressured
to testify that their salary had not been paid and showed me records
that they were questioned at the regional headquarters of the FSB.
The salaries of the five handicapped employees – set at five times
the legal minimum wage – had been paid out in full, and these employees
were kept on the payroll well beyond the abolition of the tax break in
question. I was shown the wire transfers documenting the payments.
61. The accusation against Sergei Magnitsky and Bill Browder of
having fraudulently obtained this tax reduction “at the expense
of handicapped persons” is a very serious one and could undermine
the general credibility and moral standing of both accused persons.
I therefore asked Mr Browder many tough questions. The detailed
and well-documented replies received have gone a long way to convincing
me that Hermitage did not violate the law. This was also confirmed
by an audit carried out by the competent tax authorities in 2003 and
by the closure in 2005 of an earlier criminal case opened in 2004
by the Kalmykian authorities for “lack of any crime”.

62. During my second visit to Moscow in May 2013, the representatives
of the Prosecutor General’s Office handed me a large volume of documents
purportedly showing that in another tax audit performed in 2004
the authorities had come to the conclusion that Hermitage’s Kalmykian
subsidiaries had after all underpaid their taxes and that in subsequent
court cases, in which Sergei Magnitsky had appeared on behalf of
Hermitage’s subsidiaries, their appeals against the result of the
new tax audit were rejected by the Kalmykian arbitrage courts. But
these documents do not change my legal assessment of this case.
The “repeat audit” of 31 December 2004 was taken into account and
referred to in the 2005 decision to close the criminal case for “lack
of any crime”. Furthermore, according to the representatives of
Hermitage Capital, with whom I discussed these documents upon my
return from Moscow, Hermitage had not been informed of the purported
new “repeat” tax audit at the time, whilst the law requires that
the directors of the audited firms must be informed of the audit
conclusions. Subsequently, the Russian Constitutional Court ruled
that such “repeat audits” are unconstitutional as they were repeatedly
used to harass and “destabilise” taxpayers.

According to Hermitage, the
“repeat audit” (contrary to the full tax audit of Dalnaya Step concluded
nine months earlier, in March 2004) even lists the wrong persons
as directors. This raises their suspicion that these documents were
not produced at the time indicated in their dates.

63. The assessment of the use of this legal tax incentive from
an ethical or moral standpoint depends to a large extent on the
weight one is prepared to attach to the economic context and the
social and political choices made at the time by the Russian Government.
The 1991 Law on “Corporate Tax of Enterprises”,

which foresaw a reduction
of the tax rate from 11% to 5.5% on condition that at least 50%
of the company's employees were disabled, was passed in traumatic
circumstances. The State was practically bankrupt and was unable
for some time to pay the salaries of teachers and policemen, let
alone pensions and social welfare payments for handicapped people,
even war veterans. The legislator, instead of funding such vital
expenses by general tax revenue, whose collection became increasingly
difficult because of the general economic and financial crisis in
Russia at this time,

tried to “privatise” assistance to handicapped people by promising
tax advantages to companies paying them living wages. I do not think
that this was a very good idea, in terms of costs and benefits:
in the case of Hermitage’s Kalmyk subsidiaries, for example, it
cost the State US$3 million in tax reductions to obtain the payment
of wages to five handicapped persons and one non-handicapped “manager”
for one year. Not surprisingly, therefore, the law was subsequently
changed (as of 1 January 2002) once the State was again able to
pay out salaries, pensions and welfare entitlements. But the tax
incentive in question was still in legal force in 2001, and the
management and advisers of Hermitage Capital

saw no reason to deprive
their shareholders and investors of its benefit. With the benefit
of hindsight, this does not look very elegant, but to the credit
of Hermitage it should be stressed that they kept the handicapped
people on the payroll for a considerable time even after the tax
break was abolished. iii) Unusual circumstances
of the (re-)opening of this criminal case
64. The tax evasion accusations are suspect also in light
of the peculiar circumstances of the (re-)opening of the criminal
case, which had been opened in 2004 on the basis of an FSB report
and closed for “lack of any crime” on 5 May 2005.

Browder showed me copies of internal flight records which establish
that, on 26 February 2008, Ministry of Interior investigator Karpov
and two subordinates of Lt. Col. Kuznetsov, as well as an FSB official,
travelled to Kalmykia, just three weeks after one of the complaints
made by Hermitage about the theft of their Russian investment companies,
naming Mr Karpov and Mr Kuznetsov as suspects, led to the opening
of a criminal case on 5 February 2008. One of the Russian lawyers
working for Hermitage subsequently obtained confirmation from the
Kalmyk official who had been in charge of the 2004/2005 criminal case
that the officials who had flown in from Moscow had instructed him
to re-open the case despite there not being any new evidence, on
account of the “deterioration of relations between the Russian Federation
and the United Kingdom”. The flight records show that Mr Karpov
and his colleagues returned to Moscow as soon as the case was re-opened. iv) Statute of
65. Legal pursuits for any tax underpayments concerning
2001 would also appear to be time-barred: the limitation period
of three years for purposes of correcting the amount of taxes due
ended at the end of 2004, and the 10-year statute of limitation
for criminal prosecutions at the end of 2011. Consequently, the
formal indictments dated 22 March 2013 and the posthumous trial
against Sergei Magnitsky and the trial in
absentia against Bill Browder appear to violate Russian
law. v) Continuation
of the prosecution of Sergei Magnitsky post mortem
66. The case against Sergei Magnitsky is being pursued
after his death, even at the trial stage. According to Russian law,
which was explained to me in some detail in Moscow by the former
Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation,
Ms Tamara Morshchakova, posthumous trials are only allowed at the
request of the suspect’s family, for purposes of rehabilitation.
As Ms Morshchakova said, “if posthumous prosecutions were allowed,
responsibility for a lot of crimes would just be assigned to dead
people”. Both Sergei Magnitsky’s widow and his mother have vigorously
protested against the posthumous prosecution and trial, publicly

and in their meetings with me, because
they do not believe that there is any chance of justice being done
– especially as long as the same investigators, who had Sergei Magnitsky
arrested and are in their view responsible for his death in detention,
remain in charge: “they have a vested interest that Sergei is found guilty
in order to escape responsibility for their own crimes”, said his
67. During my second visit to Moscow, I received copies of the
court decisions refusing Ms Magnitskaya’s appeal against the decision
of the Prosecutor General’s Office to reopen the case against Mr
Magnitsky. These decisions by the Ostankinsky District Court in
Moscow and the Moscow City Court seem to violate Russian law as
explained by the former Vice-President of the Russian Federal Constitutional
Court. vi) Conflict of
interest issues
68. Regarding the conflict of interest issue alluded
to by Sergei Magnitsky’s widow with respect to the persons put in
charge of the pursuit of the trial post
mortem, I was told by the representatives of the Interior Ministry
and of the Investigative Committee during my first visit in Moscow
in February 2013 that Mr Kuznetsov and Mr Karpov did not have a
conflict of interest because they had been involved in the original
investigation concerning Mr Magnitsky only at the early stages of
the procedure and because the accusations Mr Magnitsky made against
them were “not serious”. On the occasion of the same visit to Moscow,
I asked Ms Morshchakova and Ms Mara Polyakova, the Chair of the
Russian Presidential Human Rights Council’s Committee of Independent
Experts, which had provided an expert analysis of the case of Sergei
Magnitsky for the Human Rights Council, for their opinion. Both
stressed that Russian law, in line with the standards of the European Convention
on Human Rights, requires that criminal investigators must be taken
off a case when they find themselves in a conflict of interest situation.
The contrary position taken by the authorities was clearly against the
law. Investigators Kuznetsov and Karpov had previously been denounced
by Sergei Magnitsky in the criminal complaints by Hermitage, which
he had prepared, of being personally involved in the very crime
they were put in charge of investigating and which they now try
to blame on Mr Magnitsky and his clients. They were presently accused
of being responsible for the death of Mr Magnitsky in pretrial detention
and could not possibly be seen to be unbiased and neutral investigators
in the same case.
69. I agree with Ms Morshchakova and Ms Polyakova. In particular,
it cannot be said in earnest that the accusations against the investigators
in the complaint were “not serious” – the 245-page complaint addressed simultaneously
to the Russian Prosecutor General, the Head of the Investigative
Committee and the Head of the Interior Ministry’s Internal Security
Department on 3 December 2007 presented ample details and supporting
documentation, which should have at least sounded the alarm bells.
A criminal case was indeed opened in response to these complaints,
on 5 February 2008. This is precisely where the conflict of interest began:
the investigators accused of complicity in the complaint were put
in charge of the investigation, and placed their accuser, Sergei
Magnitsky, in pretrial detention.
70. Mr Magnitsky’s own statements in the months and weeks preceding
his death in detention on 19 November 2009 complete the picture:
on 11 September 2009, he accused the investigators of “organised physical
and psychological pressure”;

on 14 October 2009, he
pointed out their “vested interest in stopping my activity related
to assistance to my client in the investigation of these crimes
… which became the reason for my persecution”;

11 November, he wrote: “I intend to bring to justice those who are
responsible for it [the falsification of case materials]”;

finally on 12 November, he wrote “Investigator Silchenko does not want
to investigate those behind the [US$230 million] theft, but wishes
for me to stay behind bars and other lawyers outside the country”.

week later, Sergei Magnitsky died behind bars.
71. Were these not “serious” accusations, which put into doubt
the objectivity of the investigators in question? The competent
Russian authorities do not seem to think so.
72. In November 2012, the lawyer for Natalia Magnitskaya filed
another conflict of interest complaint with the Russian Prosecutor
General and the Russian State Investigative Committee pointing out
the threat to victims and witnesses arising from the decision of
the Investigative Committee to grant unlimited access to files of
the ongoing investigation into Mr Magnitsky’s death to the same
Interior Ministry officials who stand accused of having been involved
themselves in the crimes investigated by the Investigative Committee. Did Sergei Magnitsky
aid and abet the fraudulent reimbursement of US$230 million in taxes
paid by Hermitage?
73. The second main accusation against Sergei Magnitsky,
as well as Bill Browder, is that they were themselves the “criminal
masterminds” behind the US$230 million tax reimbursement fraud,
which they had denounced in detailed complaints addressed to the
highest Russian law enforcement authorities.
74. When I met with the representatives of the authorities in
Moscow in February 2013, I was informed that there were two main
elements of proof against Mr Magnitsky and Mr Browder: 1) a handwritten
“scheme” drawn up by Mr Magnitsky showing the complex “structure”
of the criminal conspiracy and designating himself as its organiser,
which was seized during a search of Mr Magnitsky’s private apartment;
and 2) the testimony of Mr Victor Markelov, who had been convicted
on 28 April 2009 for having carried out the US$230 million tax reimbursement
fraud and sentenced to five years’ imprisonment, and who had accused
Mr Magnitsky of having organised this crime. They dismissed the
allegation that the persons accused by Hermitage of having fraudulently
re-registered the three “stolen” Hermitage investment companies
(Rilend, Parfenion and Makhaon) must have had the original company
seals in their possession (which had indeed been seized by the accused
Interior Ministry investigators during their search of the offices
of Hermitage Capital and their lawyers, Firestone Duncan

duplicates of the seals could have easily been reproduced, and would
not have been distinguishable from the ones used in the re-registration
of the companies.
75. During my second visit to Moscow, I was also given copies
of judgments allegedly showing that the arbitrage courts had recognised
that Hermitage’s companies had in fact not been not “stolen” from
them, but sold by Hermitage themselves to the company (“Pluton”)
owned by Mr Markelov, who was already convicted for involvement
in the US$230 million tax reimbursement fraud.
76. The representatives of Hermitage in London provided me with
information, supported by documents, for the purpose of establishing
that the true criminals were the “Klyuev group”, which included
the Ministry of Interior Investigators Lt. Col. Artem Kuznetsov
and Major Pavel Karpov.
77. The representatives freely admitted that Hermitage had reserve
copies of the company seals seized during the raid in June 2007
– otherwise they could not have continued their compulsory tax and
other statutory filings with the authorities. They insisted that
this was standard practice.

But they
stressed that in order to effect any change in the ownership of
a company, and even a change of address, not only the company seals were
needed, but also the originals (not: photocopies, even certified
ones) of the founding documents of the company (the company charter,
the certificate of registration with the state company registry
and the certificate of registration with the tax authorities). These
originals, concerning Hermitage’s Russian investment companies Rilend,
Parfenion and Makhaon, had been seized by the Interior Ministry
investigators named in Hermitages’ criminal complaints and were
in their custody at the time when they must have been used for the fraudulent
re-registration of the companies in the name of their new “owner”
and new “directors” (all with previous criminal records) to new
tax offices (which would then approve requests for tax refunds totalling US$230
million submitted by the new “directors” in one day).
78. Regarding the handwritten “schemes”, there could be no doubt
that Mr Magnitsky drew up some graphical visualisation of the fraudulent
scheme that they had asked him to investigate. Whilst the representatives
of Hermitage had never seen a copy of this document, it did not
appear plausible that Mr Magnitsky would denounce a scheme in which
he himself was a participant.

79. Regarding the arbitrage judgments in question, they showed
to the contrary that the theft had been recognised as such by the
only Russian court which had dealt with the substance of the issue,
namely the first instance arbitrage court. The second and third
instance failed to address the substantive issue because of a procedural
trick used by the “company thieves”.

80. The testimony I heard in London of two Russian lawyers, Edward
Khareitdinov and Vladimir Pastukhov, who had worked on this file,
together with some additional factual elements concerning the actors
of the tax reimbursement fraud and their “modus operandi” pointed
out by the representatives of Hermitage, tend to underpin this version
of the facts. i) The story of
Edward Khareitdinov
81. Edward Khareitdinov

was hired as an
independent lawyer by Hermitage after the search-and-seizure at
their offices in June 2007 in order to defend Mr Cherkasov against
the accusations linked to the “Kameya” case (see point 2.2.1 above
– this case had provided the justification for the above-mentioned
search-and-seizure raids). I had separate, lengthy meetings with
him in London in February 2013. Here is his account of the events
that ended up disrupting the comfortable life of a “society lawyer”
he had enjoyed before:

“I soon realised that the “Kameya”
allegations were groundless. Repeated requests for clarification
I had made with investigator Karpov and his colleagues had remained
unanswered, properly, for about six months. I had become the main
“channel of communication” between Hermitage and the authorities,
and worked in close co-operation with Sergei Magnitsky, of Firestone
Duncan, whose professionalism I held in great esteem. In October
2007, Hermitage received a “mysterious” telephone call from a bailiff
in St Petersburg, who asked about one of Hermitage’s companies.
The company had never been to court in St Petersburg before. This
call had prompted Sergei to immediately check Firestone Duncan’s mailboxes,
where he found correspondence addressed to the Hermitage companies,
including claims for damages against them.
I received power of attorney from the true (HSBC) directors
of Hermitage’s three Russian companies
took the overnight train to St Petersburg on 18 October 2007. When
I came to the Arbitrage Court and inspected the relevant files,
I was shocked to learn that the court had decided everything on
the basis of simple photocopies. The claims had been filed by a
Mr Strazhev, whose passport details (presented to the St Petersburg
court) were invalid, as I was able to confirm immediately with the immigration
service. I also saw in court records powers of attorney issued by
unknown persons authorising unknown lawyers to defend Hermitage
companies in court against multi-million dollar claims However,
instead of defending the companies, the lawyers had accepted all
claims against the companies they purported to defend, without any
objection. Given the large amounts of the claims and the fictitious
and/or unknown identities of the persons involved, it all indicated
a large-scale fraud. Sergei made a request to the Russian Companies
House (companies registry) and discovered that changes had recently
been made in the Registry, and new individuals were entered as the
companies’ owners and directors. Sergei explained to me that such
substantial changes to the Registry could not have been effected
without the original certificates that had been seized by the Interior
Ministry in the 4 June 2007 raids. We also noted that while changes
naming new directors were made in the Registry in September 2007,
these “new directors” issued powers of attorney authorising lawyers
to appear in the St Petersburg court even before that, already in
August 2007. At this point I understood that the judges, the advocates appearing
for both sides in this lawsuit, and investigators Karpov and Kuznetsov
were involved in a crime against my client.
At a meeting with investigator Karpov on 29 November 2007,
concerning the “Kameya” case, I asked Mr Karpov whether he knew
that in the St Petersburg arbitration court, copies of documents
were used that he had had in his custody since the “Kameya” search
and seizure raids at the Firestone Duncan and Hermitage offices.
Mr Karpov immediately became white and told me it was Kuznetsov’s
initiative. He didn’t say so verbally, but opened his laptop and
typed several sentences to the following effect: “it is not my case,
Kuznetsov is demanding that a number of other people are added from
Firestone Duncan and Hermitage”.
A few days after this conversation, we had prepared a
criminal complaint of some 250 pages including appendices, one copy
dated 3 December 2007 was sent to the Prosecutor General, Mr Chaika,
and the Head of the Investigative Committee, Mr Bastrykin, and one
dated 6 December 2007 to the Head of the Department of Investigation
of the Ministry of the Interior, Mr Draguntsov.
The reply from Mr Draguntsov’s office,
of two short paragraphs, was that the investigation of the alleged
impropriety of Interior Ministry officers was not their remit. The
Prosecutor General’s Office merely forwarded the complaint to the
Moscow branch, which in turn forwarded it to the Interior Ministry.
Mr Bastrykin’s office, where I had also filed a complaint against
the St Petersburg judges involved in the fraudulent case, forwarded
this complaint to its St Petersburg branch, which refused to open
a case, but kindly informed me that they had also refused to open
a case for libel against me.
Two of the six complaints were
sent for investigation to Mr Karpov, who had been named as a suspect.
Mr Karpov then summoned me, an attorney who had filed on behalf
of his client an application seeking to investigate Mr Karpov, for questioning
as a witness – a gross violation of Russian law, but my complaint
in relation thereto was rejected. A case on the theft of the companies
was only opened on 5 February 2008, 60 days after the complaint,
instead of the standard three to maximum ten days required by law.
Complaints on behalf of Hermitage were filed three weeks before
the US$230 million budget theft occurred, on 26 December 2007. The
delay gave the criminals ample time to launder the money – as we
now know, the last transfer out from Mr Klyuev’s Universal Savings
Bank, which had received the fraudulent tax reimbursements, was
made on 4 February 2008, a day before a case in response to Hermitage’s
complaint was finally opened.
This was followed by an elaborate plot to undermine Hermitage
and the lawyers working for them. On 27 February 2008, the ‘Kalmykia
case’ [see point above] was opened, and on 4 May 2008, the Interior
Ministry sought to initiate a case against me and fellow lawyer
Vladimir Pastukhov for allegedly acting with a false power of attorney
– on the initiative of Mr Droganov, a subordinate of Mr Kuznetsov. Mr
Kuznetsov approved this ‘crime report’ suggesting that we did not
have genuine powers of attorney when making filings with courts
and government bodies seeking to defend our client against the fraud
in complaints naming Mr Kuznetsov and Mr Karpov for abetting the
fraud against our client. This was five months after I had filed
the first complaints on behalf of Hermitage naming Mr Kuznetsov
as a suspect in the fraudulent activity and seeking his investigation.
I am now wanted for having acted on behalf of the companies’ true
owners and fighting against false liabilities used in a fraud against
the State budget! Under this proceeding, Kuznetsov and other officers
who persecuted me for my professional activity and my association
with the ‘wrong’ client, claimed that only the fraudulent directors
– Mr Markelov, Mr Kurochkin and Mr Khlebnikov – had the right to
issue me with ‘lawful’ powers of attorney to fight the fraud against
themselves. Despite the absurdity of this proposition, the criminal
case against me remains open.
By mid-summer 2008, we had understood that the scheme
was all about stealing the taxes Hermitage had paid the previous
year. It was actually Sergei Magnitsky who first figured out that
the sum of the damages judgments against the three Hermitage companies
in the different courts (the equivalent of about US$1 billion) roughly
added up to the total of the companies’ 2006 profits, and we therefore
came to realise that the ‘empty’ companies stolen from Hermitage
had been used to steal the taxes paid by them previously.
This was explained in much detail in a new set of criminal
complaints dated 23 July 2008 filed on 25 July 2008 with the heads
of all relevant law enforcement bodies as well as the Audit Chamber,
the Tax Ministry and the Central Bank. We received no reply for
six weeks, except from the Audit Chamber, which informed us that
they were not competent for dealing with the complaint about the
US$230 million theft from the Russian budget.
Strangely, on 20 August 2008, in my absence and in breach
of the legal rules protecting lawyers and granting them special
status, Ministry of Interior officials searched my office and immediately
seized a DHL package, which had just been delivered, the purported
sender being the London office of Hermitage. My secretary said that
she had put the package on my desk unopened. Mr Cherkasov (a Hermitage
executive) told me that it was most unusual that such a package
be sent to me, as Hermitage’s London office would have sent any
documents concerning their Russian companies to Mr Magnitsky at
Firestone Duncan. The two men who sent the package were captured
by CCTV at the DHL depot in London, carrying Russian-print plastic
bags. The London police, at Hermitage’s request, had established
that they were not employees of Hermitage.
was not informed of the content of the package. But soon thereafter,
I read in the newspaper that in a police search of Edward Khareitdinov’s law
office, compromising materials concerning the fraudulent re-registration
had been seized. Later, from the list of items composed by the Interior
Ministry, I found out the contents of the package, which allegedly
included some original documentation of the companies that we had
asked for in the process of chasing after the stolen companies,
which had been moved first from Moscow to Novocherkassk (in southern
Russia) and then on to Khimki (in the Moscow region). The Khimki
tax office had informed us that they had never received all the
documents, whereas the Novocherkassk tax office informed us that their
Moscow colleagues had sent some documents to them, but that these
were only blank sheets of paper. Some of these ‘lost’ original company
documents apparently ‘turned up’ in the DHL package from London.
To me, the whole DHL package episode was a clumsy attempt to ‘frame’
me and my clients. According to my secretary, the officials who
came to search my office knew exactly what they were looking for.
They had obviously tracked on DHL’s website the progress of the
package their accomplices had sent from London.
Following my complaint, the Moscow and International Bar
Associations protested against the search of my law office, whereas
Mr Gordievsky of the Investigative Committee opened the above-mentioned criminal
case against me on the basis of Mr Kuznetsov’s report alleging that
I acted on a ‘false’ power of attorney, despite evidence to the
contrary, including examinations confirming that the signatures
and stamps on the powers of attorney issued to me were genuine and
in spite of the affidavits from my clients who issued me the powers
of attorney confirming they had indeed had done so in good faith.
My application to the European Court of Human Rights against the
unlawful decisions taken in this respect by the Russian courts,
up to the Russian Supreme Court, is still pending.
At the end of August 2008, just a month after the complaints
seeking to investigate the US$230 million theft had been filed,
all lawyers working for Hermitage were practically under siege.
In addition to the search of my law office and police summonses,
I noticed surveillance. My wife received threatening phone calls.
In October 2008, I travelled to London and discussed the situation,
including the ongoing fraud and attempts to frame me, with Mr Browder
and other members of the Hermitage team. Taking into account all
information and events that had occurred it was clear that it would
be dangerous for me to return to Russia to continue to fulfil my
professional duties.
On 27 October 2008, the HSBC-appointed Hermitage director
wrote another complaint to Russian General Prosecutor Chaika, reiterating
the facts about the criminal conspiracy – the frauds against Hermitage
and the Russian treasury and the ongoing attempts to liquidate the
stolen Hermitage companies and conceal the fraud. The complaint
also raised specific complaints about the harassment of all lawyers
who acted for Hermitage in Russia defending it against the fraud,
including illegal searches of the lawyers’ offices, summonses for
questioning and baseless criminal proceedings. The complaint explained
why the evidence provided by Mr Markelov, previously convicted for
manslaughter and arrested for unlawful activity, on which the Russian
authorities based their allegation in targeting Hermitage lawyers,
was wholly unreliable. Finally, it posed a series of questions to
assist with the investigation of the criminal conspiracy and seizing
and preserving evidence. The complaint was never properly responded
to.” ii) The story of
Vladimir Pastukhov
82. Vladimir Pastukhov, a Ukrainian-born, soft-spoken
intellectual with severely impaired eyesight, was a lawyer and professor
of political science in different institutes of the Russian Academy
of Science (Institute of Comparative Political Studies, Institute
of Latin America, Moscow State University High School of Economics and
others) and recently became a Fellow of St Anthony’s College at
the University of Oxford. As a “starving scholar” in the mid-nineties,
he joined the Moscow Bar and took on some legal work, including
public-interest litigation sponsored by the European Union’s TACIS
programme in the Centre of Constitutional Legal Defense. In that
context, he came across Hermitage, one of Russia’s “most active
shareholders”. Around 2003, he successfully defended Hermitage’s
Vadim Kleiner against a lawsuit by Sberbank. He represented minority shareholders’
interests (including Hermitage) in a lawsuit about the treasury
shares of Surgutneftegaz. Mr Pastukhov also acted as a legal and
strategic adviser for numerous high-level political and business institutions
and public figures, including the Chairperson of the Constitutional
Court and was a consultant at the State Duma. I spoke with him at
length in London, in February 2013. Here is his account of events:

“At the end of 2005, Hermitage
Capital asked me for help concerning the cancellation of Bill Browder’s visa.
I noted that this matter should be resolved at the highest political
level and no progress could be achieved at that time. In June 2007,
Hermitage contacted me again, asking for advice following the search-and-seizure
raids that had just taken place. I was to be the ‘strategic thinker’
to analyse and co-ordinate the output of the lawyers dealing more
directly with the cases. I soon found that there was a huge gap
between the accusations of tax evasion and the Russian tax authorities’
own position that there was in fact no problem with the tax payments.
I explained to the representatives of Hermitage that under Russian
law, it is only for the tax authorities to evaluate tax issues.
The first time I heard about the theft of the Hermitage companies
was sometime in mid-October 2007, in a telephone call when I was
in Helsinki at a conference with constitutional lawyers. The further
fateful engagement in this case partly destroyed and partly rebuilt
my life.
Hermitage told me about the fraudulent re-registration
of Hermitage’s Russian companies, and the strange lawsuits against
them. My advice was: 1) file a criminal complaint; 2) start civil
litigation to reverse the fraudulent re-registration and the fake
judgments; 3) immediately send a lawyer to St Petersburg to investigate
what happened; and 4) hold a press conference. Unfortunately, only
the first three pieces of advice were followed – the western lawyers
involved advised against going public at this stage. When my colleague
Edward Khareitdinov returned from St Petersburg, reporting that
the claims for damages had obviously been fraudulent, we were shocked,
but we did not feel threatened. We did not feel threatened because
we didn’t understand what was happening. Nobody could have imagined
at that time what was the real purpose behind the theft of the companies
and the fraud against them – we just thought that someone had bribed
the court in order to plunder the stolen companies’ assets. No one doubts
that In Russia, hundreds of thousands of cases are decided each
year by the courts without any bribes. At the same time, there is
a system of ‘parallel justice’, which is partially controlled by
the government and provides judgments ‘on demand’. But some things
in this case looked very strange. By that time, the Hermitage companies
had sold practically all their assets. At that time, the estimated
rate for a bribe needed to obtain such an extraordinary fake court
judgment could be the equivalent of about US$1 million.
Why would someone ‘invest’ so much
money in this affair? Only later did we understood the real purpose
pursued by the companies’ thieves and see that the strange judgments,
which were still under appeal, had been accepted by the tax office
as a basis for the reimbursement of the taxes Hermitage had paid
on the profits purportedly annulled by the damages claims. Even
then we were still under the naïve impression that this was just
a ‘local, limited criminal conspiracy’ which could not go to the
top. It was our biggest mistake at that time. We underestimated
the threat to ourselves and relied too much on the anticipated positive
reaction from the high authorities to which we had made our extraordinary
We had to act fast: around the new year 2007/2008, the
cover-up had started; the stolen companies were moved away from
Moscow, we needed to regain control and understand what had happened
with them. On 29 January 2008, we launched a court case to return
the companies to Hermitage, having received power of attorney from
their real directors, at HSBC. As part of the claim, we requested
the court to disclose files of the stolen companies from the tax
offices (it would have shed some light on the story of their fraudulent
re-registration). But a few days later we were informed that on
30 January 2008 – the day after our court application was filed!
– all requested files of the stolen companies had been ‘lost’ by the
tax office. On 5 February 2008, a criminal case was finally opened,
following our complaint filed in December 2007. We were quite naïve,
considering this as a partial victory. But later it turned out that
the case was actually targeting us. At the end of the same month,
after an old criminal case against Mr Browder concerning purported
tax evasion in Kalmykia was reopened on 27 February 2008, I started to
understand that we had encountered a much more serious problem than
we had first suspected. The resources used against Hermitage were
disproportional and exceeded everything I had come across before
in my professional life.
Between December 2007 and March 2008, the fabricated judgments
in St Petersburg against the stolen companies were annulled upon
our appeals. The appeals court judges, made aware of our story,
were wide-eyed and shocked by the decisions made by their colleagues
from the first instance courts. To our surprise, at this stage,
there was no resistance to our work in the court from the criminals.
Nobody from their side appeared in court and we easily obtained
judgments reversing the fraudulent multi-million dollar awards.
This only strengthened our illusions about the localised nature
of the fraud. But on 24 March 2008, we met in the St Petersburg
court a young lady who claimed before the court that she alone was
mandated to act on behalf of the Hermitage companies, whereas Mr
Khareitdinov’s and my own powers of attorney were ‘fake’. But the
court did not support her assertion and issued a decision in our
favour. Around the same time, more identical fraudulent decisions
in other regional arbitrage courts against Hermitage companies were
uncovered. It became clear that Hermitage needed a bigger team of
lawyers who could handle all this litigation. That was why new lawyers
stepped into the case, and I reverted to my previous role as a “strategy
advisor”. In July 2008, when I was on another trip to St Petersburg,
I received a call from Hermitage asking me to come to London, as
they had found through the analysis done by Sergei Magnitsky of
the documents obtained by the lawyers, that the company thieves
had stolen the taxes paid by Hermitage. After another examination
of the evidence, Hermitage finally went public.
In mid-August 2008, just a few days after my return from
medical treatment in Munich, I received phone calls from a number
of lawyers, including Mr Khareitdinov, who said that their offices
had been “visited”. I was still not too worried. But then I was
summoned for interrogation at the police station in Kazan (Tatarstan),
on a Saturday evening. The Kazan police station is notorious for
rapes and beatings. As I was not a specialist in criminal law, I
decided to discuss this with Edward Khareitdinov. I accepted his advice,
warning me that I would probably end up spending the weekend there
in custody (because I wouldn’t be able to call for assistance before
Monday). I also knew that police interference with the duties of
an attorney and the attempt to question an attorney about their
professional advice and the circumstances of the case were illegitimate,
and my rights were protected by the Law on attorneys and their activities.
So I didn’t go to Kazan, and instead called the investigator in
Kazan, explaining that Russian law prohibits the questioning of
a lawyer concerning his client’s case. I have a transcript of this conversation,
in which the investigator said that he “did not care about this
law”. He also refused to meet me in Moscow, where I was based. The
stress during this period provoked the detachment of my retina. I
underwent medical treatment abroad and after that I went for a further
consultation to London, where I also discussed with Hermitage the
next steps to be taken in defence against the fraud Bill Browder
had kept calling me about, urging me to leave Russia. But that was
not so easy for a man in my position. Mr Browder failed to persuade
me. But he found in London one of my old Russian friends whose opinion was
very important for me and briefed him about the situation. That
worked. In London I found out that a criminal case had been opened
against me for “use of a false power of attorney”. I succeeded in
having this case closed again,
to Mr Khareitdinov, who had done exactly the same as I – acting
for the true owners against the company thieves. But I still prefer
to stay in London for the time being.” iii) Other factual
elements concerning the actors and the modus operandi of the US$230
million tax reimbursement fraud – The suspiciously
fast approval and disbursement of the tax refund
83. On 21 and 24 December 2007, the newly registered
directors of the stolen Hermitage companies Rilend (Mr Kurochkin),
Parfenion (Mr Markelov), and Makhaon (Mr Khlebnikov) filed requests
for refunds of the equivalent of US$230 million of taxes previously
paid by Hermitage with the Moscow tax offices Nos. 25 and 28, where
these companies had been re-registered earlier by Messrs. Markelov,
Kurochkin and Khlebnikov. These “directors” requested from the tax
authorities the refund of the equivalent of US$230 million to accounts opened
by Messrs Markelov, Kurochkin and Khlebnikov less than two weeks
before the application, in two small Moscow banks: Intercommerz
and Universal Savings Bank. The tax refund applications claimed
that losses equivalent to US$973 million cancelled out the previous
year’s profits of the same amount.

Despite the
fact that some of the judgments granting these damages had not yet
come into legal force and some were already under (ultimately successful)
appeal, the refunds, amounting to the largest tax refund in Russian history,
were approved within one day of the application, and paid out only
two days later.

making the refund, the tax authorities had inquired with the Moscow
Branch of the Interior Ministry about the applicants and received
confirmation of the existence of the legal entities and their relationships.

Just three weeks earlier,
the Interior Ministry had received the first detailed criminal complaint
by Hermitage about the fraudulent re-registration of their companies,
which could only have been achieved using original corporate documents that
were in the custody of the previously named Interior Ministry investigators
at the relevant time. The complaints named Mr Markelov as the new,
unlawful owner, through a holding company (“Pluton”) registered in
Kazan (Tatarstan), which was fraudulently registered as the 100%
owner of all three Russian Hermitage companies (Rilend, Parfenion
and Makhaon). They also pointed out that the three new “directors” (MM. Kurochkin,
Mr Markelov and Mr Khlebnikov) all had serious criminal records,
including manslaughter, burglary and theft. The Interior Ministry
nevertheless gave the confirmation requested by the tax office. – The mild sentence
imposed on Mr Markelov
84. On 24 January 2009, Mr Markelov came to the Russian
Interior Ministry in Moscow and gave himself up for the theft of
$230 million from the budget that occurred a year before. In January-February
2009, Mr Markelov gave evidence to the Interior Ministry “admitting
his guilt”, stating that he acted under instruction from a Mr Gasanov.
In particular, in his testimony to the Interior Ministry on 25 February
2009, Mr Markelov said:
“I opened
a bank account in Russian rubles for OOO Parfenion in CB “Intercommerz”
... The account I opened under instruction of O.G. Gasanov. The
documents necessary to open an account for OOO Parfenion in CB “Intercommerz”
I received from Gasanov. He also told me what to do and where to
go to.”
In another testimony to the Interior Ministry on 20 March
2009, Mr Markelov said: “I confirm the previously given testimony
during the course of the preliminary investigation. On the request
from my acquaintance Gasanov Oktai Gasanovich in 2007 I bought in
my name OOO “Pluton”, which later on became a shareholder in OOO
Makhaon, OOO Parfenion and OOO Rilend. I became the general director
of OOO Parfenion; my acquaintance Kurochkin Valery Nikolaevich became
the general director of OOO Rilend; my acquaintance Khlebnikov Vyacheslav
Georgievich became general director of OOO Makhaon. Gasanov and
persons unknown to me produced a package of documents on behalf
of OOO Parfenion, OOO Makhaon and OOO Rilend, which Khlebnikov,
Kurochkin and I submitted to tax inspections Nos. 25 and 28 in Moscow
... As far as I understood, on the basis of these documents money from
the budget were wired to OOO Parfenion, OOO Makhaon and OOO Rilend.
How this money was taken from the accounts of OOO Makhaon and OOO
Rilend, I don't know; for OOO Parfenion I signed the wire transfers
to make payments from the account. I don't know to what accounts
the money was transferred later on. As a result of my participation
this money was stolen from the budget, however, I myself did not
receive any of that money.” 
85. On 10 April 2009, Russian Deputy Prosecutor General Grin signed
an indictment of Mr Markelov for the US$230 million theft (Article
159 of the Russian Criminal Code). On 28 April 2009, he was convicted
by the Tverskoi Court in Moscow and sentenced to a prison term of
five years. The judgment imposed neither a fine nor a duty to reimburse
the State. The judgment merely mentioned that he had worked together
with “unknown co-conspirators”, without referring to the evidence
adduced by Hermitage in their criminal complaints lodged in December
2007 and July 2008 against numerous other suspects. Instead, the
conclusions of the accusation

appear to
believe Mr Markelov’s testimony that he opened a new bank account
for Parfenion with Intercommerz Bank in mid-December on an instruction
from a Mr Gasanov, who had been dead since 1 October 2007.

Such inconsistencies tend to undermine
the credibility of Mr Markelov’s new testimony that Sergei Magnitsky was
the one who gave him his instructions.
86. Apparently, he knew in advance about the mild sentence he
could expect. I learnt during my first visit to Moscow in February
2013, from one of the lawyers, that Mr Markelov had bragged about
being about to receive a sentence of “five years, at a million dollars
a year” to fellow inmates before the sentence was actually pronounced.
He was apparently released early, for good behaviour, on 4 March
2012. In a country known for very tough sentences even for fairly
minor offenses, his treatment by the law enforcement bodies is remarkably favourable. – Alleged earlier
connections between Mr Markelov and Interior Ministry investigators
Karpov and Kuznetsov
87. The favourable treatment of Mr Markelov in this case
may be linked to a prior relationship with the Interior Ministry
investigators Messrs Karpov and Kuznetsov. Fyodor Mikheev, a Russian
industrialist kidnapped for purposes of an extortion of the equivalent
of US$20 million, and his wife allege publicly that Mr Markelov
held Mr Mikheev hostage in a house outside of Moscow on instructions
from Lt. Col. Kuznetsov. In the materials of the kidnapping case,

Major Karpov is also mentioned
as a suspected participant in the kidnapping operation. Mr Mikheev
and his wife have publicly

alleged that after Mr Mikheev was
released from his captors, he was soon re-arrested, and Mr Kuznetsov
visited him in custody and pressured him to give false testimony
that the kidnapping had never happened, exonerating him and Mr Markelov,
which Mr Mikheev refused to do.
88. Without speaking with Mr and Mrs Mikheev and analysing the
case file myself, I dare not take position on the credibility of
these allegations, even though the BBC found them serious enough
to include them in their documentary on police corruption in Russia. – Earlier connections
between some of the principal suspects: Cyprus, Dubai, Switzerland,
the United Kingdom, Turkey and Spain as common travel destinations
89. Dmitry Klyuev was, at the time of the transfers in
question, the beneficial owner of the Universal Savings Bank,

is strongly suspected of having laundered the proceeds of the US$230
million tax reimbursement fraud (and others). On 28 April 2007,
five weeks before the search and seizure raid on Firestone Duncan
and Hermitage, Mr Klyuev flew to Larnaca (Cyprus) in his private
jet, with Lt. Col. Kuznetsov on board, who is strongly suspected
of being behind the seizure of the Hermitage corporate documents
used in the fraud. On 5 April 2006, Mr Klyuev had also travelled
to Cyprus with Mr Kuznetsov’s collaborator, investigator Pavel Karpov,
and a colleague, investigator Anton Golyshev.

90. According to Russian Border Control Service records, Ms Olga
Stepanova, the Head of Moscow tax office No. 28, which had just
approved the fraudulent tax refund, travelled together with Mr Klyuev
to Dubai (departure on 1 January 2008, return on 3 January 2008)
and Geneva (departure on 16 January 2007, no return date available).
These trips took place precisely at the time when the fraudulent
reimbursements received from the tax authorities by Mr Klyuev’s
bank were being laundered by numerous outbound transfers (see “money
trail” below).
91. The lawyers, who had purported to act on behalf of the fraudulently
re-registered companies and readily accepted the damages claims
wiping out the Hermitage companies 2006 profits, in preparation
for the tax reimbursement fraud, Mr Andrei Pavlov (lawyer for Rilend)
and Ms Mayorova (lawyer for Makhaon), also travelled extensively
with Mr Pavel Karpov, one of the police officers suspected of involvement
in the conspiracy. Russian border control records establish joint
trips to London (1-5 January 2007), Larnaca (30 April – 5 May 2007),
Istanbul (1-4 January 2008), Madrid and Barcelona (1-7 January 2009)
and again London (outbound 1 January 2010, return flights unavailable).
Ms Mayorova’s United Kingdom visa application even stated expressly
that she was travelling with MM. Pavlov and Karpov.

92. These prior connections between some of the key suspects in
the conspiracy may, of course, be just a coincidence. But Russia
is a big country. – The “money trail”
and the sudden riches of the officials suspected of complicity • Investigations
by Novaya Gazeta and Hermitage
93. Investigative journalists of the
Novaya Gazeta, working together
with colleagues of the Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting
Network (OCCRP), have followed the “money trail” beginning with
the suspect tax reimbursements and leading to any number of exotic
destinations. I had the privilege of meeting two of these reporters
during my first visit to Moscow, in February 2013. They explained
their working methods to me – following the trail of a long list
of tax reimbursements made by certain tax offices during a certain
period of time, checking out the owners, directors and activities
of the recipient companies. In a large number of cases adding up
to the equivalent of US$1 billion (including part of the tax reimbursements
made in the Magnitsky case), they found out – using publicly available
databases – that the recipient companies had no business activity other
than the receipt and onward transfer of the tax reimbursements;
their “directors”, sought out by the reporters, were in many cases
poor people whose identity papers had been used without their knowledge,
and the money was transferred on to foreign destinations, in smaller
batches aimed at confusing the trail. The journalists followed the
transfers meticulously, with the help of foreign colleagues, again
accessing publicly available databases and registries, over many
stages, and established the final destinations for considerable amounts
of money, which had originally been stolen from the Russian people.
Novaya Gazeta published a summary
of their findings in 2012

and made their findings available
to the competent authorities.
94. In parallel, Hermitage has done research of its own, making
use of information provided to it by inside “whistle-blowers”.
95. I have learnt a lot thanks to the detailed explanations received
from the Russian journalists and Hermitage, trying to understand
the painstaking and meticulous work needed in order to follow the
“money trail”. One important lesson is that (serious) money cannot
disappear, it always leaves an indelible digital “trail” – the exception
being cash, but the amounts that can be physically transported and
hoarded in this form are insignificant in relation to the amounts
in question in this case, or in any other large-scale organised
criminal activity.

The details of all bank
transfers (sender, recipient, amount.) are kept for many years in
electronic form, and the Central Banks keep copies. The deletion
of information on individual transfers is impossible – the global
financial system functions like a gigantic digital balance sheet;
if individual entries were deleted on one end, the whole “cascade”
would collapse. The money trail is out there, it just needs to be
followed. In the Magnitsky case, this work is ongoing, and some
astonishing results have already been obtained. But they were obtained
mostly through the work of investigative journalists and private
investigators, with the help of whistle-blowers and not – so it
would appear – by the authorities whose job it is to investigate
crimes and go after the perpetrators and their loot.
96. I have received complete documentation concerning a “money
trail” leading from the Russian treasury via the “stolen” Hermitage
companies, via a total of five Russian companies and banks, two
Moldovan companies and banks and one Latvian company to two British
Virgin Island companies’ accounts at Credit Suisse in Zurich and
then on to the Credit Suisse account of another company owned by
Mr Vladlen Stepanov, the (ex-)husband of Ms Olga Stepanova, head
of Moscow tax office No. 28 (which had authorised the transfers from
the treasury in question).
97. Another “money trail” has been reconstituted leading from
the reimbursement of the taxes paid by Hermitage by the Russian
treasury via the “hijacked” Hermitage companies (Parfenion, Rilend
and Makhaon) and many other way-stations, including in the Republic
of Moldova, to a UBS account in Zurich of a Cypriot company owned
by Mr Denis Katsyv, the son of the former Minister of Transport
and Vice-Governor of the Moscow Region, Mr Piotr Katsyv, and by
Mr Litvak.
98. Additional convoluted “money trails” coming from the Russian
treasury ultimately lead to corporate accounts with the FBME Bank
in Cyprus beneficially owned by Mr Klyuev and other accounts connected
to him and Mr Pavlov with other Cypriot banks. • Reactions of
the Russian authorities
99. In light of this information, the attitude shown
by the Russian authorities so far is not really convincing. Shortly
after the tax theft allegations in the Magnitsky case became known,
the spokesperson of the Ministry of the Interior, Ms Dudukina, publicly
stated that the whereabouts of the tax money fraudulently paid into
the Universal Savings Bank could no longer be established because
a truck transporting the bank’s documentation had accidentally burnt.

My interlocutors at the Ministry
of the Interior and at the Investigative Committee evaded my question
when I enquired about the credibility of this statement.

Regarding the treasury
funds ending up in Mr Stepanov’s account, I was told that this had
been verified and that the funds in Mr Stepanov’s account could
be explained by his successful business activities, including building
tunnels in Russia. Also, the couple had been divorced many years
ago. But in my view, this does not explain how the same treasury
funds, whose disbursement had been authorised by Ms Stepanova, ended
up in her husband’s or ex-husband’s

account, via the complicated path described
above. If the treasury funds in question were really disbursed for the
payment of tunnels built by Mr Stepanov in Russia, why were they
not transferred to him directly, without the elaborate detours that
raise suspicions of money-laundering? • Sudden riches
of suspect officials
100. In addition, shortly after the fraudulent disbursements,
Ms Anisimova and Ms Tsareva, working at Moscow tax office No. 28,
received US$569 000 and US$591 000 respectively.

a website dedicated to the Magnitsky case,

details of the riches amassed by
different players in the alleged conspiracy, including Ms Stepanova,

Lt. Col. Kuznetsov

and Major Karpov, are published,
including villas in Dubai, luxury apartments in Moscow, Cyprus and
elsewhere, and fat bank accounts in well-known off-shore havens.
The allegations appear to be well-documented by extracts from land
registries, bank statements, wire transfers, photographs, etc. The
entry documenting the lifestyle of Mr Karpov,

whose salary as a modest Interior Ministry
official was the equivalent of about US$6000 – annually! – is quite
impressive, including the acquisition of real estate and luxury
cars totalling US$1.3 million (even if the Porsche is registered
in the name of his elderly mother), worldwide travel, and more.
It would appear that much of the information is actually gleaned
from Mr Karpov’s own “Facebook”-like Russian web-page. When I was
told by the representatives of the Ministry of Interior that Mr
Karpov (and his former colleague, Mr Kuznetsov) had retired from
active service (at the age of 36 and 38), I asked whether Russian
pensions allow such young retirees to live in such luxury. The answers received
– that police pensions are indeed quite generous, that service done
in Chechnya counts double for pension purposes and that Mr Karpov
might have additional sources of income from business activities
– have not convinced me. Neither has the additional information
received in May 2013 that Mr Karpov’s mother had made a large profit
re-selling an apartment originally bought for the equivalent of
US$20 000 and later resold at US$100 000, which she had then invested
in the Moscow penthouse referred to in the Internet publications. This
does not explain more than a small fraction of Mr Karpov’s and his
immediate family’s recent wealth.
101. During 2011 and 2012, Sergei Magnitsky’s former employer,
Jamison Firestone, filed a number of lawsuits with the Moscow courts

seeking to compel a criminal
investigation into suspicious wealth accumulated by Russian tax
officials allegedly involved in the fraudulent tax refunds. Reportedly,
Olga Tsareva and Elena Anisimova, of Moscow Tax Office No. 28, were
named in Firestone’s complaint for having bought foreign properties
worth about US$2 million each, paid for with funds from Swiss bank
accounts. In January 2012, Firestone also filed a complaint against
high-ranking officials of the General Prosecutor’ Office and the Ministry
of the Interior for covering up crimes allegedly committed by officials
associated with Dmitry Klyuev. In November 2012, the Interior Ministry
responded by saying that they found no evidence of complicity of
law enforcement or tax officials in the US$230 million tax reimbursement
fraud against the Treasury

and that there was
also no data indicating the involvement of officials in laundering
the US$230 million.

102. In August 2012, Jamison Firestone filed further complaints
with the Russian Investigative Committee seeking investigation of
the suspicious enrichment of Interior Ministry investigators Kuznetsov
and Karpov (as earlier complaints made since the summer of 2010
had remained unanswered).
103. The Russian Deputy Minister of the Interior pointed out to
me that Mr Karpov is now suing Mr Browder for libel in a London
court. Mr Karpov did indeed appear on Russian TV, complaining that
Mr Browder had not turned up to defend himself. Mr Browder confirmed
that Mr Karpov had indeed launched a lawsuit, and had hired hugely
expensive London lawyers for this purpose. Mr Browder’s lawyers
advised seeking to strike out Mr Karpov’s application on the ground
of it being an abuse of the court process by a nominal claimant
(i.e. effectively by a front man on behalf of other interests).
104. I was told by the Russian authorities, in Moscow, that investigations
were still ongoing in order to identify the recipients of the stolen
funds and prosecute them, and that a case had been opened against
Ms Stepanova. But this needed still more time, and the co-operation
of the authorities of the countries to which the funds had been
transferred. There are quite a few such countries – Hermitage has
to date filed complaints with the law enforcement authorities of
Austria, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Hong Kong, Latvia, Lithuania
and Switzerland, and many of them have already opened formal criminal
investigations. • The mysterious
death of an informer
105. Some of the information facilitating the investigation
of the “money trail” was provided to Hermitage by a Russian whistle-blower,
Mr Perepilichny, who had fled to the United Kingdom, where he died
mysteriously in November 2012 in front of the door of his house
in Surrey – an apparently healthy man in his forties.
106. He had also been questioned by and provided information to
the Swiss law enforcement authorities. This was publicly confirmed
by the Swiss Federal Prosecutor’s Office,

which also
pointed out, with respect to the consequences of Mr Perepilichny’s
death on the ongoing criminal proceedings, “that our strength resides
in our ability to minimise the influence of such a regretful event
on our investigation”.

107. The investigations into the cause of Mr Perepilichny’s death
are still ongoing, and I was unable to obtain any information from
the competent United Kingdom authorities. The representatives of
Hermitage are convinced that the authorities, intentionally or not,
have done an imperfect job so far. In their view, the local police
failed to understand the role that Mr Perepilichny had played in
providing information on some “dangerous people”, including some
of the suspects in the “Magnitsky case”. He had been involved with managing
funds and transactions that are subject of the ongoing Swiss investigation.
When he lost a big amount of his “customers’” money during the financial
crisis in 2008/2009, he felt threatened and fled to England, taking
with him documentation on financial transactions on behalf of his
“customers”. Responding to an appeal by Hermitage to potential whistle-blowers,
he decided to share this information with Hermitage, which in turn
transmitted it to the competent authorities in the countries concerned.
As soon as Hermitage found out about Mr Perepilichny’s death, their
lawyers immediately contacted the police to urge them to be particularly
diligent in establishing the cause of death. Unfortunately, according
to Mr Browder, it took the police several days to react to these
exhortations and request toxicology tests and it may well be that
too much time had passed in order to establish or exclude “foul
play” with certainty.
108. During my meetings with the Russian authorities in Moscow,
insinuations were made on several occasions that the suspicious
death of Mr Perepilichny (as well as that of Mr Magnitsky himself,
and of other possible accomplices) may well serve Mr Browder’s interests.
I do not find these insinuations convincing at all, given that Mr
Browder had strongly pushed the British police, through the media
and political channels, to commence robust and timely investigations
into possible “foul play” in a death that was first found to be
caused by a heart attack by local police officers. Similarly, his
powerful public campaign against “impunity for the killers of Sergei
Magnitsky”, at a time when the authorities were trying to minimise
this death as an unfortunate coincidence, caused at most by the
negligence of some lowly prison officials, would not make any sense
if he had somehow been involved in Sergei Magnitsky’s death. • Meetings with
the Swiss, Cypriot and United Kingdom authorities
109. As authorised by the committee, I have spoken with
the Swiss Federal Prosecutor and his Deputy

in Bern,
and with the Cypriot Attorney General and the head of the Cypriot
anti-money laundering unit (MOKAS)

in Nicosia. They have indeed received
extensive documentation, from Hermitage, establishing “money trails” starting
with the fraudulent tax reimbursements by the Russian treasury and
leading to banks in their countries.
110. My impression was that the Swiss authorities, which have already
opened a criminal case, heard a key informer (Mr Perepilichny, see
above paragraphs 105-108), ordered the freeze of suspect funds and
addressed a request for mutual assistance to Russia (which had recently
also addressed a similar request to them) have acted with due diligence.
The same would appear to apply, in principle, to the Cypriot authorities.
An apparent administrative mishap or breakdown of communication
following the transmission of an initial complaint in 2008 on behalf
of Hermitage concerning the “company thefts” (with Cypriot links)
unfortunately delayed the start of the investigation considerably.
But my impression is that – contrary to what Hermitage seems to

– the
Cypriot authorities did not wait for any “green light” from Moscow
in order to begin their investigation. At the same time, it seems
to me that small countries with a limited investigative capacity,
experience difficulties in carrying out the numerous, complex investigations
of suspected instances of money laundering that come with these
countries’ role as a popular location for so-called “letterbox companies”
holding assets controlled by foreign businesses and wealthy individuals.
It may well be that small countries in a similar position need to further
increase their investigative resources in order to maintain or strengthen
their credibility as financial centres subjected to the rule of

111. On 25 April 2013, a meeting took place at Europol in The Hague
to exchange information and co-ordinate the investigations by anti-money
laundering experts of a number of countries concerned by transfers of
funds originating in the tax reimbursement fraud denounced by Sergei

I can only applaud Europol for
organising such a meeting, which should in my view mark the beginning
of co-ordinated action by the competent authorities to follow the
“money trail” wherever it leads. The competent Russian authorities should
be at the forefront of such an action, as it is the money of the
Russian people that was stolen. But international co-operation requires
a minimum of mutual trust, which is likely to suffer when serious
allegations of corruption against law enforcement officials are
not investigated robustly and without undue delay. I received confirmation
of such distrust in London. The Head of the Central Authority in
the United Kingdom

told me at our meeting in February 2013
that a request for legal co-operation received from Moscow in March
2012 was so “blatantly politically motivated” that the British authorities
could not possibly accede to it. • The similarity
of the modus operandi used in the Magnitsky case and in the Rengaz
and other frauds
112. A very strong argument against blaming the US$230
million tax reimbursement fraud on Sergei Magnitsky himself is the
fact that similar tax reimbursement frauds were committed before
and after Mr Magnitsky was taken into custody, and even after his

Thanks to the above-mentioned investigations
on the “money trail”, it has been shown that the same suspects (the
so-called “Klyuev group”), using the same modus operandi (annulling
a fraudulently re-registered company’s profits of the previous year through
sham damages claims and then obtaining the reimbursement of the
taxes which had been paid by the company’s real owners), using the
same Moscow tax offices Nos. 25 and 28 and the same money-laundering paths,
beginning with newly opened accounts in Mr Klyuev’s Universal Savings
Bank and a new bank which replaced it at a later stage. In the Rengaz
fraud, which took place in 2006, a year before the US$230 million fraud,
the perpetrators even used the same arbitrage courts in Moscow and
Kazan in order to obtain the damages judgments annulling Rengaz’s
profits. The lawsuits in Kazan in the Rengaz case were brought by
the same lawyer as in the case denounced by Mr Magnitsky (namely
Mr Pavlov), on behalf of the same plaintiff (Mr Sheshenia); similarly,
the lawsuits in Moscow were brought by a Mr Plaksin as plaintiff,
and again Mr Pavlov as his lawyer. The perpetrators of the Rengaz
fraud even used the same “templates” for their sham damages claims
as in the fraud denounced by Mr Magnitsky, consisting of a “Framework
Agreement”, a “Sale-Purchase-Agreement” and a “Cancellation Agreement.”

In both cases, the defendant
companies immediately accepted the claims in full, and the judges
released the plaintiffs from the requirement to prove the case.
In my view, all these similarities cannot be mere coincidences. iv) Assessment
of the accusations against Sergei Magnitsky concerning the US$230
million tax reimbursement fraud
113. In view of the factual elements presented above,
in particular:
- the powerful
testimony of the lawyers who had worked on the case, MM. Khareitdinov
and Pastukhov;
- the fact that Mr Magnitsky had played a key role in preparing
the criminal complaints by Hermitage denouncing the conspiracy before
the fraud was actually completed;
- the suspiciously fast approval of the tax refunds, which
Mr Magnitsky and Hermitage could not have controlled;
- the mild sentence imposed on Mr Markelov, suspected as
the “straw man” or “fall guy” of the criminal conspirators;
- the previous connections between Mr Markelov and other
key suspects, including the Interior Ministry Investigators Lt.
Col. Kuznetsov and Major Karpov, whom Mr Magnitsky had accused of
being co-conspirators, and who were effectively put in charge of
the investigation against themselves, and between the police officers
and the lawyers involved in the sham lawsuits and the owner of one
of the banks involved in the fraud, Mr Klyuev;
- the unbroken “money trail” leading directly to key suspects
accused by Mr Magnitsky and Hermitage and members of their family,
including Ms Stepanova, the head of one of the tax offices involved
in the fraud, two of her collaborators, and Mr Klyuev;
- the well-documented wealth of key suspects, living far
beyond the means afforded by their official salaries or pensions,
and the lukewarm reaction of the authorities thereto;
- the similarity between the case now blamed on Sergei Magnitsky
and other tax reimbursement frauds carried out before and after
his arrest and even after his death.
114. I am personally convinced that this crime was not committed
or in any way aided or abetted by Mr Magnitsky, but by a group of
criminals, including the people he had accused before these same
people took him into custody, where he died in the circumstances
that we are now going to look at in some more detail.
2.3. Sergei Magnitsky’s
ordeal in pretrial detention – pressure until death
2.3.1. The undisputed
115. On 7 October 2008, Sergei Magnitsky testified before
the Russian State Investigative Committee about the suspected involvement
of Interior Ministry officials Lt. Col. Kuznetsov and Major Karpov
and others in the fraudulent re-registration of Hermitage companies
and the US$230 million tax reimbursement fraud. On 6 November 2008,
General Logunov, Deputy Head of the Interior Ministry’s Investigative
Department, assigned the case to Lt. Col. Kuznetsov and three of
his subordinates, to investigate the crime denounced by Mr Magnitsky.
On 12 November 2008, General Logunov of the Interior Ministry assigned
the same officers to the case against Hermitage/Magnitsky.

Both investigative groups (consisting
of the same people) were headed by Interior Ministry Investigator
Major Oleg Silchenko.
116. Less than two weeks later, on 24 November 2008, Sergei Magnitsky
was arrested at his home, following a search, by two subordinates
of Lt. Col. Kuznetsov following an order by investigator Oleg Silchenko.
He was first held at “IVS-1”, a Temporary Detention Centre in Moscow
assigned to the Moscow Branch of the Interior Ministry, then transferred
to Moscow Detention Centre No. 5, then back to IVS-1, back to Detention
Centre No. 5 and after that to Matrosskaya Tishina (henceforth MT)
pretrial detention centre, where he fell ill by June 2009, losing
40 pounds and suffering from severe abdominal pains. According to
medical records of the MT detention centre dated 13 July 2009, he
was diagnosed with pancreatitis, cholecystitis and gallstones, based on
an ultrasound examination on 1 July 2009.

He was prescribed surgery within one
month, after another ultrasound examination. This was confirmed
in a letter addressed to Mr Magnitsky’s lawyers by D. Vasiliev, acting
Head of MT, in the following terms: “hereby to confirm that Sergei
Magnitsky was examined on 1 July 2009 and diagnosed with calculous
cholecystitis, prescribed with an ultrasound examination within
a month and a scheduled surgery.”
117. On 25 July 2009, a week before his scheduled examination and
surgery, Mr Magnitsky was suddenly transferred to Butyrka prison,
a maximum security detention centre, which had no facilities to
perform an ultrasound examination or surgery. The transfer was co-ordinated
with Interior Ministry investigator Oleg Silchenko and approved
by the Deputy Head of the Federal Penitentiary Service, General

At Butyrka,
Mr Magnitsky’s state of health continued to deteriorate.
118. On 16 November 2009, Dmitry Komnov, Head of Butyrka, ordered
his subordinates to transfer Mr Magnitsky back to MT, due to the
“need for urgent admission to a hospital with a diagnosis of acute pancreatitis
and cholecystitis”. The transfer was approved by General Davydov,
the Head of the Moscow Penitentiary Service. Upon arrival at MT,
Mr Magnitsky was placed in an isolation cell and handcuffed to a bed.

civilian emergency medical team was called to MT prison by duty
officers. It arrived at 8 p.m. but was not allowed into Mr Magnitsky’s
cell for one hour and 18 minutes. Sergei Magnitsky died the same
evening at the MT detention centre.
2.3.2. The disputed facts Did Sergei Magnitsky
complain about his detention conditions and lack of medical care?
119. Officials in Moscow (representatives of the Interior
Ministry and of the Prosecutor General’s Office) told me that Sergei
Magnitsky had complained neither about his detention conditions,
nor about lack of health care provided to him in detention.
120. Mr Magnitsky’s mother and Hermitage provided me with a long
list of the complaints made by Mr Magnitsky and his lawyers on his
behalf, as well as copies of the complaints and translations into
English, complete with the replies given by the authorities to these
- on 9 and 11 August
2009 to D. Komnov, Head of Butyrka Prison: “I hereby urgently request
to be seen as the nature of my rights violations endangers my health”;
- on 19 August 2009 to O. Silchenko, Interior Ministry investigator:
“Please allow to carry out the medical examination of Sergei Magnitsky,
who had been diagnosed with pancreatitis and cholecytitis”;
- on 31 August 2009 to V. Davydov, Head of the Moscow Penitentiary
Service: “For a week I was deprived of any access to clean and hot
water, which I require given my abdominal illnesses”;
- on 11 September 2009 to Y. Chaika, General Prosecutor:
“Medical care has been denied, no medical examination and no operation
have been performed. Please intervene”;
- on 14 September 2009 to Judge A. Krivoruchko, at the Tverskoi
District Court: “I request to review my complaints about the unbearable
conditions of my detention and the denial of all medical care”;
- On 12 November 2009 to Judge E. Stashina, at the Tverskoi
District Court: “I request to review my medical records, ultrasound
examination results, requests for medical care, complaints about
my conditions in detention, described in the complaint filed with
the European Court of Human Rights”.
121. The replies speak for themselves:
- on 2 September 2009 from investigator O. Silchenko: “I
deny in full the request for a medical examination of Magnitsky”;
- on 14 September 2009, from Judge A. Krivoruchko: “Request
to review complaints about withholding of medical care and cruel
treatment is denied”;
- on 7 October 2009 from V. Davydov, Head of the Moscow
Penitentiary Service: “Magnitsky received his boiler. The hot water
supply is centralised”;
- on 7 October 2009 from D. Komnov, Head of Butyrka prison:
“Based on his medical records, Magnitsky can be detained”;
- on 9 October 2009 from A. Pechegin, of the Prosecutor
General’s Office: “No pressure was exerted. There is no reason for
the prosecutor to intervene”;
- on 12 November 2009 from Judge E. Stashina: “Deny request
to review the medical records and conditions of detention as irrelevant”.
122. The investigators of the Public Oversight Committee (POC),
mandated by the President of Russia to inspect any places of detention
at any time and speak freely with prison employees and inmates,
carried out visits to the Butyrka and Matrosskaya Tishina detention
centres beginning on the day after Mr Magnitsky’s death. At my meeting
in Moscow with the POC team led by Mr Valery Borshov, I was told
that they were shown the official log (ledger) of complaints at
Butyrka prison, which did not include any complaints from Mr Magnitsky.
But the log had looked manipulated in that the entries for the relevant
time were all made in the same handwriting and using the same pen,
apparently in one trait, instead of the separate entries after each complaint
prescribed by law. Officials later told Mr Borshov that the log
had never been properly kept. Mr Borshov told me in Moscow that
he too was told, by Mr Komnov (the Head of Butyrka prison), and
in the presence of a person who had actually responded to such a
complaint, namely General Davydov, that Mr Magnitsky had never complained.
123. Here are some examples of Mr Magnitsky’s complaints about
his detention conditions, quoted from a handwritten statement addressed
to the court on 19 January 2009:
- “Cells
are overcrowded. Fourteen people can be kept in a cell with eight
beds. We have to take turns to sleep.”
- “At the same time, a freezing wind comes from the permanently
opened window.”
- “I have to eat in the same space as the toilet. There
is constant smoke in the overcrowded cell.”
- “Hot food is provided essentially only once a day, at
lunch time, at breakfast we get porridge with insect larvae, and
at dinner – rotten boiled herring, just the smell of which causes
nausea. Sometimes there is no food at all.”
- “I am kept in a cell with defendants and those already
convicted for violent crimes like burglary, murder and battery.”
124. He had also complained about being kept for several days in
a cell in which the toilet, situated inside the cell, overflowed
so that the floor was covered with excrement.

125. Sergei Magnitsky cried for help in a dramatic letter to his
lawyer, Mr Kharitonov, of 25 August 2009, which formed the basis
for his lawyers to form numerous formal complaints, including on
11 September 2009 to Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika and to the head
of the Interior Ministry’s Investigative Committee, General Anichin:
“On 23 August 2009 at 4.30 p.m.
I felt excruciating pain at the solar plexus … I laid down and struggled with
it … a bit later the pain started to increase again even harder
than earlier … to stand against it could only be possible by sitting
in a crouched position, the pain was so hard I could not even breathe
… On 24 August around 4 p.m. a pain attack started again. I could
not lay down this time, as it was hard to sustain it and again I
was crouching … My cell mate … started pounding on the door crying
for help, but no one came …”
126. The complaint was assigned for review to Major Silchenko,
who recommended it to be “archived” as this complaint was “not within
[their] competence”. Mr Silchenko’s recommendation was approved
by his superior, Colonel Karlov.

127. On 12 November 2009, at his last court appearance, his detention
was prolonged again. According to Butyrka prison doctor Ms Litvinova,
Mr Magnitsky was upset about the prolongation of his detention.
In a handwritten complaint dated 13 November 2009, Mr Magnitsky
explained that he was suffering from acute pain and requested urgent
medical assistance, recalling once again that he had been scheduled
for an ultrasound in July at Matrosskaya Tishina but was transferred
to Butyrka just before the scheduled examination. Having again and
again complained about his ill health, he had been told that he
could get treatment when he got out.
128. The investigators of the Public Oversight Committee (POC)
confirmed that in Russia, in their experience, substandard detention
conditions are commonly applied during pretrial detention on the
instruction of the investigators in charge of the case in order
to “break” inmates and oblige them to confess or otherwise co-operate
with the investigators. The “standard bag of tricks” commonly used
in Butyrka included overflowing toilets, broken windows in winter,
and aggressively violent new cell mates. Mr Borshov also pointed
out that the fact that Mr Magnitsky was moved five times between
prisons, and more than 20 times between different cells (including
eight times in the final three months) was another typical indication
of pressure being exerted on him.

129. Mr Borshov also pointed out that the initiative for moving
Mr Magnitsky from Matrosskaya Tishina to Butyrka (a prison without
the required medical facilities) in July 2009, a week before the
scheduled treatment, had come from investigator Silchenko.

The Governors
of Matrosskaya Tishina and Butyrka prisons would have been duty-bound
to refuse the transfer if they could not provide the required treatment.
The planned renovation of Mr Magnitsky’s cell at Matrosskaya Tishina,
which was officially given as the reason for the transfer, had still
not begun when Mr Borshov carried out his inspection visit after
Mr Magnitsky’s death in November. It was well known that withholding
necessary medical treatment was a frequently used method of putting
pressure on pretrial detainees.
130. In light of the well-documented, specific complaints reproduced
above, I find it downright cynical that the authorities now say
that Sergei Magnitsky never actually complained about his treatment
in detention and the lack of medical treatment, and that the conditions
of detention for criminals held in Russian prisons had improved
a lot; while they were still not pleasant, especially for persons
used to a more comfortable life, this was inevitable (“dura lex
sed lex”). In my view, this is unacceptable: Sergei Magnitsky was
a healthy young man when he was taken into custody, presumed innocent
by law. He was not allowed to talk to his wife and children even
once, for almost a year. Being kept deliberately in miserable, unhealthy
conditions, he developed serious diseases, for which he was not
given adequate treatment. Less than a year after his arrest, he
died in still unclear circumstances. This is not “dura lex sed lex”,
this is a violation of Russian law and of the European Convention
on Human Rights.
131. During my second visit to Moscow, the representatives of the
Investigative Committee put into doubt the family’s assertion that
Mr Magnitsky was in good health when he was arrested.

When I mentioned
this to Ms Magnitskaya and Mr Borshov, whom I met the following
day, they informed me that Ms Litvinova (the prison doctor, really
trained as a “hygiene specialist”, who treated Mr Magnitsky at Butyrka
prison) had first testified that Mr Magnitsky had given her a paper
from Moscow hospital No. 36 saying that he had been diagnosed with pancreatitis
or some other stomach problem, in March 2008 (that is to say well
before his arrest). But a reply from hospital No. 36 was received
and added to the file of the case on Mr Magnitsky’s death according
to which Mr Magnitsky had never been diagnosed or treated at this
hospital. Was Sergei Magnitsky
beaten upon his arrival at Matrosskaya Tishina prison on 16 November
2009 prior to his death, and why?
132. I was told by several representatives of the authorities
that Mr Magnitsky was not beaten upon his arrival at MT prison.
133. But the use of “special measures” including handcuffs and
rubber batons against Mr Magnitsky because of a “nervous breakdown”
was expressly mentioned in a report signed by a “D.F. Markin”

and two “witnesses”,
inspectors Larin and Borovkov, and sanctioned by the Head of MT
prison, Mr F. Tagiev.

am not convinced by the explanations given to me during my second
visit in Moscow that this document is “out of context” and that
the mentioning of rubber batons as part of the special measures
used against Mr Magnitsky was purely “automatic”.
134. According to Mr Borshov, Chair of the Public Oversight Committee,
Russian law does not allow the use of batons in the case of a nervous
breakdown. Also, according to a psychiatric expertise ordered by
investigator Lomonossova for the judicial proceedings brought against
certain prison officials, Mr Magnitsky was not in an unusual mental
state. According to testimony of the prison guards referred to by
Mr Borshov, Mr Magnitsky had fully co-operated with the prison staff
putting on the handcuffs and followed them to the holding cell voluntarily.
135. In addition, the autopsy, the testimony of Mr Magnitsky’s

photographs taken by family members when they were first permitted
to see the body confirm that Mr Magnitsky had visible injuries on
his body that had never been explained, including bruising on the
knuckles of both hands and deep marks on both wrists that could
not be explained by the normal use of handcuffs. The explanation
given by Dr Alexandra Gaus, namely that the bruises were caused
by throwing around the cot (bed) to which he was handcuffed, was dismissed
by Mr Borshov, who pointed out that the cots in the cells are bolted
to the floor. The Second Medical Commission report No. 555/10 also
notes that the formation of the injuries found on the body of Mr
Magnitsky “does not exclude the possibility that part of the injuries
formed based on the traumatic impact of a rubber truncheon”.

136. It is therefore clear to me that Sergei was indeed beaten
shortly after his arrival at MT prison, whereas the reason mentioned
in the official report about the use of batons – a nervous breakdown
– is doubtful both for legal and factual reasons. Where, when and
how exactly did Sergei Magnitsky die?
137. Dr Alexandra Gaus, the MT prison doctor had seen
Mr Magnitsky upon his arrival at MT and filled in his arrival papers.
She diagnosed Mr Magnitsky with a “mental breakdown”; he had shouted
“someone is trying to kill me” and “someone is going through my
personal belongings”.
138. The POC report gives the following account of the testimony
given to them by Dr Gaus:
the survey, his abdomen was tense, he felt pain in both the left
and right parts of the area, which is an obvious symptom of pancreatitis.
In the medical records, she read about the prescription to undergo a
repeat ultrasound examination. During the survey, Magnitsky had
twice a desire to vomit (with no actual vomiting), and she gave
him a hygienic [plastic] bag. Initially, he was calm, agreed to
a hospitalisation and signed on the medical record. … He then sat
down and covered himself with the plastic bag and said that they
want to kill him. It continued for a short period of time and he
twice hit the floor with the cot, then put it back and got scared
and started to hide again behind the plastic bag which she had given
him. In her opinion, it looked like acute psychosis and delirium
of persecution. They called for the psychiatric emergency services.” 
139. Mr Borshov pointed out that 250 pages from Mr Magnitsky’s
diary had indeed gone missing. Regarding the plastic bag, Mr Borshov
suspects that it was another measure of restraint and pressure that
is habitually used against detainees. Another indication for “foul
play” at this stage was that the video recordings of the arrival,
mandated by law, had been “unavailable” to the POC inspectors, but
also to Ms Lomonossova, the first investigator in charge of the
investigation of Mr Magnitsky’s death. On the video recording made
at Butyrka prison on his departure, which Mr Borshov was shown,
Mr Magnitsky appeared calm and sufficiently well to walk by himself,
carrying two bags with his belongings. Earlier the same day (16
November 2007), his acute pancreatitis had apparently required emergency
treatment. An emergency call was placed at 2.29 p.m. and an ambulance
arrived at Butyrka prison at 2.57 p.m. But the ambulance team were
then kept waiting for 2 hours and 35 minutes, with no explanation
given for this delay. Regarding the recordings of Mr Magnitsky’s
arrival at Matrosskaya Tishina prison, Mr Borshov had been told
by the Head of MT, Mr Taghiev, at a meeting three days after Mr
Magnitsky’s death, that the recordings had been taken away by investigators.
Later, Mr Taghiev fell in line with the official version according
to which there were no recordings. Mr Magnitsky’s family’s lawyers
had asked for Mr Taghiev to be summoned as a witness in court, but
this request was denied.
140. Because of Mr Magnitsky’s “mental breakdown”, Dr Gaus called
in the civilian “psychiatric emergency” doctors as well as a group
of eight prison security staff headed by Mr Markov, who used “special
means” against Mr Magnitsky (see paragraphs 132-136 above). The
security officers took Mr Magnitsky into another cell (No. 4), where
he was left without medical assistance or any medical observation.
Fifteen minutes later, at 8 p.m., the civilian emergency doctors,
led by Dr Kornilov, arrived at the prison gate, but they were kept
waiting for over an hour, according to Dr Kornilov’s testimony.
When they were allowed to enter cell No. 4, at about 9.15 p.m.,
they found Mr Magnitsky’s lifeless body on the floor. According
to Dr Kornilov, who had carefully examined the body, Mr Magnitsky
had already been dead for more than fifteen minutes. Dr Kornilov
called in the time of death to the headquarters of the Medical Emergency
Service, where it is officially documented.

lawyers for Mr Magnitsky’s mother pointed out that Dr Kornilov’s
testimony is consistent with that of Captain Pluzhnikov of the MT
prison, who stated that he had received two calls at about 9 p.m.
to prepare for receiving a detainee “who was in a grave condition”,
and another call from Major D.F. Markov shortly thereafter asking
him to “write a report on the detainee’s death”.

with respect to the time of death, Major Markov stated that between
8.15 and 8.20 p.m., he received a message from the duty officer’s
room that Mr Magnitsky was “bad” and went to the cell where he found
him unconscious on a stretcher. At 8.50 p.m., Dr Gaus had called him
to tell him that Mr Magnitsky was dead.

But Dr Gaus testified that she received
a call at about 9.20 p.m. that Mr Magnitsky “felt bad” and went
to cell No. 4. By contrast, Dr Kornilov said that while he and his emergency
team were waiting to see the patient, the medical officer came back
“to say that the patient was dead”. By contrast, Dr Gaus stated
that when she entered the cell at 9.20 p.m., she found nurse Semenov attempting
resuscitation, that “Dr Nafikov ran in to perform resuscitation
procedures” and that on examining the patient herself she found
a pulse “only on the carotid artery”. Mr Borshov told me that nurse
Alexander Semenov looked scared when he and his colleagues had tried
to interview him about the circumstances of Mr Magnitsky’s death.
141. The official prison medical record states that Mr Magnitsky
was still alive at 9.15 when Dr Kornilov and his assistant Mr Morozov
arrived at cell No. 4. The records describe Mr Magnitsky as “sitting
on the cot”, “sweating and experiencing difficulty breathing” and
note that “during the examination performed by the psychiatrist”,
Mr Magnitsky’s condition “suddenly and sharply worsened, and the
patient lost consciousness”. By contrast, Dr Kornilov himself testified
that when he came to the cell just before, at 9.15 p.m., there was
“no pulse, no heart beating, no breath, and no arterial tension”.
Whilst Dr Kornilov stated that he had reported the fact that the
patient had died before the arrival of the first-aid team to the
two medical officers of the detention centre who were present, this
was not mentioned by Drs Gaus and Nafikov. These astonishing contradictions between
the witness testimonies and official records about the time of death
have still not been investigated, let alone resolved.
142. What about the cause of death? Natalia Magnitskaya is convinced
that the prison staff deliberately killed her son. She bases herself
on the evidence of the use of rubber batons against her son (see
paragraph 133 above), who had clearly been in a critical medical
condition even before, and the fact that he was left without medical
attention for the last hours before his death, whilst the civilian
emergency team was kept waiting outside. On the morning of 17 November
2009, Mr Magnitsky’s lawyers were informed by MT staff that their client
had died from pancreonecrosis, rupture of the abdominal membrane
and toxic shock. On the same day at noon, the spokesperson of the
Interior Ministry, Ms Irina Dudukina, stated that the cause of death
was heart failure and that there were no signs of violent death.

143. The official death certificate (“act of death”) of 16 November
2009 prepared on the day of Mr Magnitsky’s death, signed by Dr Gaus,
Major Markov and Captain Pluzhnikov and bearing an official stamp
includes as one of the (possible) causes of death, in addition to
“heart failure”, a “closed craniocerebral injury”. A copy of this document
in its original form was obtained by the Public Oversight Committee,
Mr Borshov. But it was later amended, for unexplained and uninvestigated
reasons, as shown by documents made available by Ms Magnitskaya’s
lawyers. Whilst the date, the layout and the signatures remained
unchanged, the (abridged) reference to the “closed craniocerebral
injury” (which had appeared at the end of a paragraph) disappeared.

144. When I raised this apparent manipulation with the representatives
of the Investigative Committee, during my second visit to Moscow,
I was told that the document had been referred to out of context
and was legally irrelevant, because Dr Gaus was not qualified to
make an assessment of the causes of death. The causes of death could
only be determined by a proper autopsy, which had been done by highly
qualified experts subsequently. When I asked why the document, if
it was legally irrelevant, was nevertheless altered in such an unusual
way, I was not given any meaningful reply. Mr Borshov commented
that the possibility of a head injury indicated in the original
version of the “act of death” should at the very least have been
investigated and commented on during the official autopsy.
2.3.3. Reactions and judicial
proceedings following Mr Magnitsky’s death
145. At the end of November 2009, the then Russian President,
Dmitry Medvedev, ordered prosecutors and the Ministry of Justice
to investigate the death of Sergei Magnitsky.
146. However, the initial reaction of the Russian authorities was
to downplay wrongdoings. The Head of the Investigative Committee
of the Ministry of the Interior, Aleksey Anichin, at a press conference
on 23 December 2009, even described Mr Magnitsky as “guilty” of
committing the crimes he was taken to prison for. The Minister of
Justice, Alexander Konovalov, whilst admitting serious problems
in pretrial detention facilities, said that more evidence was needed
to show that Mr Magnitsky had not received adequate medical care.
In the opinion of the Head of the Moscow Investigative Committee,
Anatoly Bagmet, there was no justification for starting a criminal case
against officials.

By contrast, the Chairperson of
the Moscow Helsinki Group, Ms Lyudmila Alekseyeva,

Human Rights activists from several countries appealed to President
Medvedev to push for criminal proceedings against the suspects,
following an independent investigation carried out by the Moscow
Public Oversight Commission chaired by Mr Valery Borshev.

147. Bill Browder’s campaign also established a list (“Magnitsky
list”) of persons suspected of wrongdoings in this context and is
lobbying for these persons to be subjected to “targeted sanctions”
(visa bans, asset freezes).

The Russian Foreign Ministry
considers such measures as an attempt to pressure investigators and
interfere in the internal affairs of another State and that such
sanctions would violate the presumption of innocence. President
Putin, shortly after his re-election, has even included fighting
off such sanctions (“to work actively on preventing unilateral extraterritorial
sanctions by the United States against Russian legal entities and

) in the list of priority
foreign policy objectives for the Russian Federation.
148. In January 2011 the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture,
Juan E. Mendez, opened an investigation into Mr Magnitsky’s treatment
and death. However, the Russian Foreign Ministry turned down the request
to provide information about the investigation into Mr Magnitsky’s
death to the United Nations Human Rights Council.
149. On 6 July 2011, the Presidential Human Rights Council presented
a report to President Medvedev finding that Sergei Magnitsky had
been mistreated and denied adequate medical care in prison, particularly
in the last days and hours of his life. “There is also reason to
suppose that his death was provoked by beating”, the report added.
The Council singled out a number of officials as being at fault
for neglect over his death. The President reportedly commented that
“[p]eople should not die in prison. If they are ill, they should
get out for treatment”.

The report asserts that “this conflict
of interest testifies either to negligence or to a particular interest
on the part of those leading the investigation”.

Another report published in July
2011 by the National Anti-Corruption Committee, chaired by Mr Kyrill
Kabanov, reportedly found that there was no way Mr Magnitsky himself
could have organised the theft of US$230 million.

150. The Presidential Human Rights Council noted that “the officials
accused by Sergei Magnitsky of implication in illegal tax refund
and involved in the investigation on his case, were not brought
to criminal responsibility but promoted afterwards”.

Following the release
of the Human Rights Council’s findings, President Medvedev reportedly
acknowledged that a crime had been committed in this case. But despite
the fact that the Council named specific officials as being responsible
for Mr Magnitsky’s illegal arrest and torture in detention, no criminal
investigation has been opened against the said officials and none
of them have been charged. On the contrary, the Russian Interior
Ministry formally rejected as inadmissible the Presidential Council’s
151. On 13 July 2011, “Physicians for Human Rights”, a non-governmental
organisation (NGO) supporting torture victims, published an independent
evaluation of Magnitsky’s medical records, calling his ill-treatment
in custody “deliberate, calculated and inhumane”.

152. On 18 July 2011, the Russian Investigative Committee indicted
a prison doctor at Butyrka, Ms Litvinova, and the former deputy
head of the prison, Mr Kratov, of negligence leading to the death
of Mr Magnitsky.

153. On 30 July 2011, Deputy Prosecutor General Victor Grin ordered
the opening of a posthumous criminal case against Sergei Magnitsky.

It was
assigned to Interior Ministry investigators O. Silchenko and M. Sapunova,
who were members of the investigative team on the case against Mr
Magnitsky prior to his death.
154. In August and September 2011, Magnitsky’s mother and widow
were summoned for questioning as witnesses under the posthumous
case opened against the deceased. They objected to the reopening
of the case and to the psychological pressures exerted upon them
by the same officials they believe had tortured Sergei Magnitsky
in custody.
155. In September and October 2011, the Interior Ministry refused
petitions from relatives to stop Mr Magnitsky’s posthumous prosecution
and to remove the investigators from the case who were suspected of
being involved in Mr Magnitsky’s ill-treatment and death – refusals
that were confirmed by the Prosecutor General’s Office in November
2011. In January 2012, the Interior Ministry insisted that the family
should either participate in the posthumous prosecution or wave
their right to Mr Magnitsky’s rehabilitation. In February 2012, Mr
Magnitsky’s mother filed new complaints with respect to pressure
placed on the family, by the Russian Interior Ministry, in connection
with the posthumous prosecution of her son. On 2 March 2012, she
also complained to the Presidential Human Rights Council about the
intensive pressure and intimidation the family were subjected to.
In April and May 2012, more appeals by the mother against the posthumous
prosecution of Sergei Magnitsky were rejected by Russian courts.
On 4 April 2012, Amnesty International supported the mother’s appeals.

156. In February 2012, the Moscow City Court refused an appeal
from Mr Magnitsky’s mother against the refusal by the Russian Investigative
Committee to investigate mid- and high-ranking officials of different
law enforcement bodies for the false arrest, torture and murder
of her son.
157. In March 2012, the Investigative Committee appointed a new
investigator, Mr Strizhov,

to continue with
investigating an overall case of Mr Magnitsky’s death.

But investigator Strizhov has
since then refused numerous petitions of the family seeking access
to information about the investigation and closed the case in March
2013 for “lack of crime”. Between June and October 2012, the Investigative
Committee, according to the lawyers, had refused several other petitions
to question essential eye witnesses and collect available documentary
evidence concerning this case.
158. Also in March 2012, the United Nations Special Rapporteur
on Torture, Mr Juan E. Mendez, published the results of his review
of the case of Sergei Magnitsky, which had been requested by the
NGO “Redress” (based in the United Kingdom) specialising in accountability
for torture victims. Mr Mendez called the Russian Government’s response
“unpersuasive” and stressed that Russia had failed to comply with
international obligations under the UN Anti-Torture Convention and
with the United Nations Principles on Extralegal and Arbitrary Executions.

159. On 2 April 2012, the Investigative Committee dropped the charges
against Dr Litvinova, one of the two prison employees charged for
negligently causing Mr Magnitsky’s death by “improper fulfilment
of professional duties”.

Following legislative
changes introduced in early December 2011, the limitation period
was reduced to two years. This made the charges brought in December
2011 time-barred.
160. In May 2012, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal
case connected to the tax refund of a portion of the equivalent
of US$230 million via the Moscow Tax Office No. 28 in which Mr Magnitsky
was posthumously named as a perpetrator of the crime he had exposed.
Complaints from the Magnitsky family’s lawyer against this posthumous
accusation were rejected.

was told that in Moscow in February 2013 that the investigations
were still ongoing. This case was opened in addition to another
case (No. 678540) opened on 1 July 2011 by the Russian Interior
Ministry by the order of Deputy General Prosecutor Grin to investigate the
money laundering in relation to the US$230 million theft, in which
Mr Magnitsky was also posthumously named as an accomplice. Deputy
General Prosecutor Grin also issued conclusions exonerating all
Interior Ministry officials who were responsible for the proceedings
against Mr Magnitsky, finding no violations in their actions. According
to the Magnitsky family’s lawyers, the General Prosecutor’s Office
refused to disclose his conclusions and their reasons to them.
161. In October 2012, during the trial of Dr Dmitry Kratov, deputy
director of Butyrka prison in charge of medical services, Natalia
Magnitskaya (Mr Magnitsky’s mother) drew attention in her testimony
to the roles of numerous other officials, none of whom had been
charged. During the same trial, in November 2012, a witness, former
prison official Olga Grigorieva, reportedly stated in court that
she had received death threats against her mother and son several
weeks before her testimony, that she was told that the case was
“ordered” and everything was “decided” and that she should not “talk”.
162. In November 2012, the United Nations Committee against Torture
(UNCAT) noted that the case of Sergei Magnitsky was “indicative”
of a pattern of intimidation and killings not followed by adequate investigations.
In its final observation, the committee states: “In this regard,
although authorities revived a closed criminal investigation into
the 2009 death in custody of Mr Sergei Magnitsky following a report
of the Moscow POC, only one relatively low-level prison official
has been prosecuted in connection with his death to date, despite
the fact that the POC report concluded that a number of investigators
and penitentiary officials, including the lead investigator in the
criminal case against Mr Magnitsky, should have been investigated
as well (articles 2 and 11).”

163. Finally, in Moscow, on 28 December 2012, Dr Dmitri Kratov,
the former Deputy Director in charge of medical services at Butyrka
Prison, who had been charged with involuntary manslaughter from
negligence, was acquitted by the Tverskoy court in Moscow. On 24 December
2012, as the trial neared its end, the prosecutor conducting the
trial against Dr Kratov had suddenly reversed course and sought
acquittal. This reversal followed a press conference of the President
on 20 December 2012 where he reportedly stated: “Magnitsky died.
Died not from torture. He was not tortured. He died from heart failure.”

164. On 27 April 2013, all the main television channels in Russia
showed the Minister of Interior, Mr Kolokoltsev, praise officers
Karpov, Kuznetsov, Tolchinsky, Silchenko, Vinogradova and Droganov
for the good job done on the Magnitsky/Hermitage case and state
that they should not be concerned with the fact that their names
were on the American “Magnitsky list”. On the same day, the Minister
of Justice, Mr Konovalov, praised Mr Prokopenko (Head of Matrosskaya
Tishina prison) and Mr Komnov (Head of Butyrka prison) for the job
well done in relation to Magnitsky.
2.3.4. Global assessment
of the causes of Sergei Magnitsky’s death
165. In light of the above, it is clear that Sergei Magnitsky’s
tragic death has many causes, including the health problems caused
by the terrible detention conditions and the failure to provide
necessary medical treatment, which had become particularly acute
on the day of his death, combined with the beatings he suffered
on his last evening following his arrival at Matrosskaya Tishina
and the subsequent lack of medical attention. Whether the combination
of all these factors ultimately caused heart failure and/or potentially
lethal head injuries may never be established with certainty. But
there is no doubt that some of the causes of Mr Magnitsky’s death
were created deliberately, by identifiable persons, others by negligence.
The refusal to grant Mr Magnitsky necessary medical treatment was
decided by the investigator in charge of the case for which Mr Magnitsky
was placed under arrest, Mr Silchenko,

at the time when, according to a previous diagnosis, he should have
been given another ultrasound, followed by surgery. Mr Magnitsky
had previously given testimony accusing two colleagues of Mr Silchenko
of complicity in the crimes he had denounced, and which are now blamed
on him. This would be a strong motive for increasing the pressure
already denounced by Mr Magnitsky to make him change his testimony.
When this pressure did not produce the desired result, did the investigators then
decide to silence Mr Magnitsky altogether? What happened in the
evening of 16 November 2009 at Matrosskaya Tishina – the seriously
sick man was beaten without any valid grounds,

then left without medical or any other attention until he died,
all in the presence of such powerful motives for foul play as those described
in this report – was this murder, or was it “only” yet another case
of the usual brutality against pretrial detainees with a tragic,
but ultimately unintended outcome? In my view, the manipulation
of the initial “death act” is a strong indication for an official
cover-up. So is the rejection of the two requests for an independent autopsy
made by Mr Magnitsky’s family on 17 and 19 November 2009, and the
testimony I received from one of Mr Magnitsky’s lawyers that a member
of the Federal Prison Service he had invited to testify in court
refused to do so because she had been threatened. I feel that I
still do not know all there is to know,

and it is in any case
not my role to pass judgment on individual persons.
166. But those whose role it was to ensure that judgment be passed
have done a dismal job, as I see it. The belated, sluggish, and
contradictory investigations led only to the indictment of two Butyrka
doctors, one of them for negligently failing to diagnose diseases
that Mr Magnitsky never actually had, whilst exonerating all others
– including all those who were present when Mr Magnitsky died at
Matrosskaya Tishina, those responsible for the failure to treat
his actual, diagnosed diseases, those responsible for the beatings
and for the numerous cover-ups. To top it all up, the proceedings
against one of two indicted persons, Ms Litvinova, were terminated
due to a newly shortened limitation period, and Mr Kratov was acquitted
on 28 December 2012 after a last-minute reversal of the position
of the Prosecutor’s Office, against the political background of
the angry reaction of the highest Russian authorities to the adoption
of the “Magnitsky Act” by the US Congress.
167. This result – complete “impunity of the killers of Sergei
Magnitsky”, as it is formulated in the title of the motion underlying
this report – is simply unacceptable. The official position, which
I heard again at the Prosecutor General’s Office in May 2013, namely
that Mr Magnitsky’s death is merely the tragic consequence of his
being unable to withstand the normal rigours of detention, is unacceptable.
This is true also of the slightly nuanced view I heard at the Investigative
Committee, namely that Ms Litvinova was not actually exonerated
of the accusation of negligence by the fact that the proceedings
were terminated because of the statute of limitation.
168. This result should first and foremost be unacceptable for
the Russian people and the Russian State. Sergei Magnitsky had denounced
a gigantic robbery whose victim was Russia herself. He died because
he refused to give in to the pressure that corrupt mid-level officials
had put on him in order to get away with their crimes. Why, then,
does the Russian State, and at such a high level, try so hard to
cover up this crime? Why do the competent authorities not simply
investigate and expose the criminal conspiracy, put the perpetrators behind
bars and follow the “money trail” to get the stolen taxes back?
169. I have heard three possible explanations for the strange behaviour
of the Russian authorities described throughout this report. I should
like to say right from the start that I do not subscribe to any
of them, but I presently have no other ideas myself.
170. The first is Mr Browder’s fairly simple thesis: in a mafia-style
structure, the “boss” – on pain of losing his position at the top
– can never allow that his “underlings” are held to account by the
Law, for whatever they have done, as long as they remain loyal to
him. This also explains, in his view, President Putin’s anger directed at
his lobby campaign in favour of targeted sanctions against corrupt
171. The second approach, which I heard from other interlocutors,
is somewhat more sophisticated: in this view,

Russia has
a huge “parallel budget”, involving massive “black funds” used for
stabilising and expanding the elite’s power, in Russia and beyond,
especially in the territory of the former Soviet Union: power “purchased”
in the style of Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World”, versus power
“enforced” as in George Orwell’s “1984”. Such a parallel budget
needs to be fed. According to my interlocutors, the funding methods
include large-scale tax reimbursement frauds (of the sort denounced
by Mr Magnitsky), “contributions” of 20% to 30% collected from bidders
obtaining public procurement contracts, payments made by candidates
for potentially lucrative posts in the public sector, “off balance
sheet contributions” by State-controlled firms (of the sort that Hermitage
tried to stop as a minority shareholder), and other methods. Sergei
Magnitsky merely had the bad luck to stumble on an operation (the
US$230 million tax reimbursement fraud denounced by him) that was
part of this “system”, which had previously been threatened by the
“Hermitage effect” (namely minority shareholder activism denouncing
inefficiency and graft).
172. Such an explanation would partly square with the astonishing
statement by the outgoing head of the Russia Central Bank,

Mr Ignatiev, who said that according
to Central Bank records, the equivalent of about US$49 billion annually
were transferred out of Russia illicitly, half of this apparently
being the work of one well-organised group. The “money trail” research
done by the
Novaya Gazeta journalists
also confirms that tax reimbursement fraud is very wide-spread –
the relatively narrow sample of tax reimbursements they investigated
yielded the equivalent of US$1 billion in fraudulent tax reimbursements.
173. During my meeting with Mr Ignatiyev on 21 May 2013, he essentially
confirmed what he had said in the above statement, specifying that
whilst the companies set up as initiators and final beneficiaries
of money laundering operations were frequently changed, the intermediary
“way stations” often remained the same for a long time, possibly
for fear of the crooks getting lost in their own mazes. Efficient
action by the State against such fraud was hampered by the fact
that information and competences to act were spread among numerous State
bodies, which had difficulties in co-ordinating their work. Whilst
he had never heard of the notion of a “parallel budget” or “black
budget”, he seemed to agree with me that many Russian civil servants
still lack the sense of duty and loyalty towards their State, which
they often treated as a mere cash cow.
174. The third possible explanation for the apparent official cover-up
of the Magnitsky case is one that I heard in political and diplomatic
circles: the Russian leadership is so angry about the interference
by Mr Browder in the internal affairs of their country that they
reacted in an irrational, even spiteful way. How else, I was told, could
it be explained that the adoption of Russian orphans (mostly handicapped
children who have little chance of adoption in Russia) by American
families was blocked in retaliation for the “Magnitsky Act”? A well-known Russian
human rights defender thought that it would have made a lot more
sense for the Russian Duma to pass a “Guantanamo Act” imposing visa
bans and account freezes against American officials involved in
the human rights violations committed there. But it would appear
that orphans and their would-be adoptive parents are still the preferred
object of retaliation: I heard from an Irish fellow parliamentarian
that Russia had recently dissuaded the Irish Parliament from supporting
targeted sanctions modelled on the “Magnitsky Act” by threatening
to extend the adoption ban also to Irish families. But I was also
reminded that the high-level cover-up began right after Mr Magnitsky’s
death, long before Mr Browder’s campaign in favour of sanctions
had gained any traction.
3. Conclusions
175. As indicated in my introductory memorandum in January
2013, I still see the case of Sergei Magnitsky in the context of
the need to fight corruption in the Russian Federation, of which
this case would appear to be a particularly impressive and well-documented

objective of this report is therefore not only to help shed more
light on the fate of Sergei Magnitsky and the responsibilities of
different officials in this respect, but also to contribute to a
better protection of individuals against lawless behaviour of State
officials in future. The Magnitsky case is just one emblematic example
of how helpless individual citizens are once they are taken into
custody. Many nameless detainees have suffered a similar fate without
having had the country’s best lawyers and a wealthy hedge fund manager
to back them up. It is for the sake of these nameless victims that the
international community must not accept the outcome of this case
so far. In the interest of the Russian people themselves and of
their State, corrupt officials must not be allowed to plunder State
property whilst brutally silencing those standing in their way,
with impunity.
176. Should we send a strong message in this sense by supporting
the call for targeted sanctions against officials suspected of involvement
in the crime and its cover-up? The argument put forward by well-known Russian
journalists and human rights and anti-corruption activists is interesting:
if you really want to interest our corrupt elites in turning Russia
into a better place, you must sentence them to “life in Russia”,
by preventing them from taking out of the country what they value
most: their money and their families.
177. But the publication of a list of “corrupt officials” who would
be subjected to visa bans and account freezes runs into considerable
practical and legal difficulties: it would be necessary to establish
a fair procedure, implemented by an independent, quasi-judicial
body giving suspected persons a fair chance to defend themselves.
The Parliamentary Assembly has previously found that the procedure
in force at the United Nations Security Council’s sanctions committee
entrusted with establishing an “anti-terrorism black list” does not
fulfil minimum standards of procedural fairness. The European Court
of Justice in Luxembourg censored the Council of the European Union
for similar violations.

we were to propose similar “targeted sanctions against individuals,
we would have to do better than that. To make a concrete proposal
in this respect would, in my view, exceed the scope of this report.
I would therefore propose that we limit ourselves to a more general appeal
to member States to carefully consider putting into place what I
would call “intelligent sanctions”, taking into account different
possible approaches, including informal ones such as that apparently
followed by the United Kingdom.

178. The draft resolution also spells out clearly the areas in
which investigations are still lacking and should therefore be undertaken
urgently, as a matter of the “duty to investigate” postulated by
the case law of the European Court of Human Rights in the presence
of allegations of unlawful killings and torture.

179. I should like to finish on a positive note: the vigorous reaction
by Russian public opinion

civil society, and especially the professional and fearless work
of the Public Oversight Committee (POC) headed by Mr Valery Borshov,
strongly supported by the Presidential Human Rights Council, are
as many reasons for hope. The robust public mandate and independence
of the POC, following a British model, is an achievement that Russia
can be proud of. Clearly, the outcome, to date, of the Magnitsky
case, is not.
180. I therefore call on the Assembly to send a clear signal to
the Russian authorities that the cover-up must be reversed and the
true culprits must be held to account, by supporting the draft resolution
preceding this report.