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Amendment No. 8 | Doc. 14450 Part 1 | 24 January 2018

The progress of the Assembly's monitoring procedure (January-December 2017) and the periodic review of the honouring of obligations by Estonia, Greece, Hungary and Ireland

Signatories: Mr Zsolt CSENGER-ZALÁN, Hungary, EPP/CD ; Ms Mónika BARTOS, Hungary, EPP/CD ; Ms Elvira KOVÁCS, Serbia, EPP/CD ; Mr Zsolt NÉMETH, Hungary, EPP/CD ; Mr Attila TILKI, Hungary, EPP/CD

Origin - 2018 - First part-session

In the draft resolution paragraph 10.3.1, replace the words:

"reforms that have raised questions with regard to attempts to establish political control of most key institutions while in parallel weakening the system of checks and balances"

with the following words:

"certain recent reforms".

Explanatory note

The Hungarian government has always cooperated in a very constructive way with the Venice Commission and other expert bodies of the Council of Europe and amended the laws in question accordingly. The Hungarian parliament has postponed a final vote on the draft law on the Transparency of Organisations Receiving Foreign Funds.