Synopsis No. 2000/084

30 May 2000



The Committee on Migration, Refugees and Demography, meeting in Paris on 26 May 2000 with Mr Díaz de Mera in the Chair:

-                     was informed of the state of preparation for its following meetings:

·                    Colloquy on population displacement in South-Eastern Europe: trends, problems, solutions, Ohrid, 14-16 September 2000, to be preceded by a fact-finding mission by the delegation of the Sub-Committee on Refugees to Pristina, 11-13 September 2000;

·                    Colloquy on the policies on integration of immigrants, The Hague, 16-18 November 2000;

-                     was informed of the humanitarian situation in the North Caucasus by representatives of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), held an exchange of views on the subject, and agreed to request the Bureau that the Committee be seized with an opinion on the report on the conflict in Chechnya by the Political Affairs Committee, to be presented at the third part session of the Assembly (26-30 June 2000);

-                     approved a report and adopted a draft recommendation, as amended, on the arrival of asylum seekers at European airports (Rapporteur: Mr Gross, Switzerland, SOC);

-                     considered a preliminary draft report on the participation of immigrants and foreign residents in political life in the Council of Europe member States (Rapporteur: Mr Luís, Portugal, SOC);

-                     considered a preliminary draft report on the expulsion of migrants born or brought up in the receiving country (Rapporteur: Mrs Aguiar, Portugal, EPP/CD), and agreed, on the suggestion of the Rapporteur, to change its title to read: «Non-expulsion of long-term migrants»;

-                     considered a preliminary draft report on the reunion of migrants' and refugees' families and forced separation of families in the case of the repatriation of illegal immigrants or of persons whose applications for asylum have been rejected (Rapporteur: Mrs Aguiar, Portugal, EPP), and agreed, on the suggestion of the Rapporteur, to change its title to read: «The right to family life for migrants' and refugees' families».

-                     considered a memorandum on transit migration in Central and Eastern Europe (Rapporteur: Mr Iwinski, Poland, SOC);

-                     heard the following reports:

·                    by Mrs Aguiar on the meeting of the European Committee on Migration (CDMG), Strasbourg, 3-5 May 2000;

·                    by Mr Cilevics on the Second Colloquy on the European Convention on Human Rights and the protection of refugees, asylum seekers and displaced persons, Strasbourg, 19-20 May 2000;

-                     took note of the conclusions of the Colloquy "One year of Stability Pact for South-East Europe: the way forward" organised by the Committee on Economic Affairs and Development in Dubrovnik on 22-23 May 2000;

-                     invited its Chairman to ask the President of the Assembly that the Committee be represented at the European Conference "All different, all equal: from principles to practice" organised by the Council of Europe in Strasbourg on 11-13 October 2000;

-                     agreed to invite to its next meeting representatives of the European Civil Forum;

-                     agreed to hold its next meetings as follows:

·                     Strasbourg, during the third part-session 2000 (26-30 June 2000)

·                     Ohrid, 14-16 September 2000: full Committee and Sub-Committee on Refugees (Colloquy on population displacement in South-Eastern Europe: trends, problems, solutions)

·                     Strasbourg, during the fourth part-session 2000 (25-29 September 2000)

·                     Paris, 20 October 2000 *

·                     The Hague, 16-18 November 2000: full Committee (Colloquy on the policies on integration of immigrants)

·                     Paris, 15 December 2000 *

·                     Strasbourg, during the first part-session 2001 (22-26 January 2001)


Vladimir DRONOV, Simon NEWMAN, Agnieszka NACHILO



* to be confirmed.