Rules of Procedure of the Assembly (January 2023)
(Resolution 1202 (1999) adopted on 4 November 1999) with subsequent modifications of the Rules of Procedure*
Committees Retour au sommaire Atteindre l'élement suivant Atteindre l'élement précédent
Rule 49 - Sub-committees
49.1. Except as otherwise provided
in this Rule, procedure in sub-committee shall follow that in committee.
49.2. A
committee may appoint standing or ad hoc sub-committees,
whose exact composition and competence it shall determine at the
time of appointment. National delegations and political parties
or groups shall be fairly represented.
49.3. A committee
of 81 seats may not appoint more than three standing sub-committees, and
a committee of 32 or 20 seats may not appoint more than two, unless
authorised by the Bureau of the Assembly with a two-thirds majority.
49.4. An ad
hoc sub-committee shall cease to exist once the committee
has considered its report.
49.5. A standing
or ad hoc sub-committee not re-appointed during the
first part of an ordinary session shall cease to exist.
49.6. The
number of members of a sub-committee may not exceed one third of
the full membership of the committee. An alternate from the same
national delegation may be appointed for each full member. In addition,
the chairperson of the committee shall ex officio be
a full member of any of its sub-committees. No member of the committee
may be a member of more than two of its sub-committees.
49.7. The
Bureau of a sub-committee shall include the chairperson and the
vice-chairperson. Elections shall be held in accordance with the
procedures laid down in paragraphs 2, 4 to 6 of Rule 46 while
taking into account the principle of gender equality. Full members
of the sub-committee who have been members of the sub-committee
for at least one year may be candidates for
the office of chairperson or vice-chairperson of the sub-committee.
A single candidate put forward for any office shall be declared
elected without a vote. The chairperson and the vice-chairperson
of a sub-committee may be re-elected for one further term, consecutive
or not. On expiry of a period of four years, they may be again elected
for two new consecutive or non-consecutive terms. A chairperson
or vice-chairperson of a sub-committee elected in the course of
a session for an incomplete term to replace the chairperson or the
vice-chairperson previously elected during the session may be re-elected
for two further terms.
49.8. A
sub-committee shall inform the appointing committee of its work,
which shall approve its decisions.