Rules of Procedure of the Assembly (January 2023)
(Resolution 1202 (1999) adopted on 4 November 1999) with subsequent modifications of the Rules of Procedure* ![* Resolutions 1220 (2000),
1234 (2000), 1235 (2000), 1266 (2001), 1275 (2002), 1284 (2002),
1296 (2002), 1325 (2003), 1343 (2003), 1348 (2003), 1356 (2003),
1368 (2004), 1369 (2004), 1379 (2004), 1395 (2004), 1431 (2005),
1432 (2005), 1445 (2005), 1447 (2005), 1448 (2005), 1490 (2006),
1491 (2006), 1503 (2006), 1504 (2006), 1515 (2006), 1529 (2006),
1554 (2007), 1583 (2007), 1584 (2007), 1585 (2007), 1658 (2009),
1698 (2009), 1699 (2009), 1712 (2010), 1780 (2010), 1799 (2011),
1841 (2011), 1842 (2011), 1854 (2011), 1903 (2012), 1911 (2012),
1937 (2013), 1965 (2013), 2002 (2014), 2058 (2015), 2102 (2016),
2169 (2017), 2182 (2017), 2208 (2018), 2278 (2019), 2287 (2019),
2349 (2020), 2350 (2020), 2360 (2021), 2392 (2021), 2405 (2021)<br><br>Wherever used herein, the masculine form refers to both women and men, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. The words "President", "Vice-President", "Secretary General", "Representative", "Substitute", "chairperson", etc. refer to persons of both sexes.](
Exceptional procedures Retour au sommaire Atteindre l'élement suivant Atteindre l'élement précédent
- Exceptional procedures
Rule 51 - Urgent
procedure in the Assembly ![On 27 June 1994 the Assembly
took note of the proposals on urgent procedure made by the Bureau
(Doc. 7080, item XXII): “Depending on their presentation, the Bureau
shall examine requests for urgent procedure having due regard to
the business in hand before the end of the Part-Session. The President
(or another Bureau member) shall present the Bureau’s recommendation to
the Assembly at its next sitting which will decide on the requests
according to Rules 51.3. and 51.4. and fix the date and
time of the debate(s). A committee may normally not submit more
than one request for urgent procedure at any one Part-Session.” The
Bureau also specified that the possibility should not be ruled out
completely for a committee to present more than one request if this
was justified by the events and if the committee’s request was unanimous.
See also Rule 27.4. .](
51.1. At
the request of the Committee of Ministers, of the committee concerned,
of one or more political groups, or of twenty or more representatives
or substitutes, a debate may be held on an item which has not been
placed on the draft agenda as approved by the Bureau. ![A
motion to initiate a complementary joint procedure between the Committee
of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly in response to a serious
violation by a member State of its statutory obligations cannot
be the subject of a request for urgent procedure.](
motion to initiate a complementary joint procedure between the Committee
of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly in response to a serious
violation by a member State of its statutory obligations cannot
be the subject of a request for urgent procedure.](
51.2. A
request for urgent procedure shall be addressed to the President
of the Assembly in time for the last Bureau meeting before the opening
of the part-session. The President shall submit it to the Bureau
shall make a proposal to the Assembly. ![The Assembly
does not have the competence to turn a request for a debate under
urgent procedure into a current affairs debate.](
![On 28 June 2019 the Bureau approved admissibility and selection
criteria of requests for debates under urgent or current affairs
procedure (see document 14911, Appendix 3 - These replace the criteria
approved in 2007, AS/Bur (2007)73). When proposing to the Assembly
to hold a debate under urgent procedure, the selection criteria
for the Bureau shall be the following: relative urgency (as opposed
to topicality), taking into account the need for time to prepare
proper draft text; the political, social or economic context at
the particular point in time justifying the urgency, with the subject-matter
either being a new one for the Assembly or an ongoing subject which
had come to a culminating point; the controversial nature of the
subject-matter, which implied higher participation by members and
a bigger impact of the text adopted; the number of member States
affected; the number and relative priority of all the requests tabled.The Bureau shall have right to transform a request for an
urgent procedure debate into a current affairs debate. The Bureau
shall have right to change the title of an urgent procedure. For
both the transformation of a request and the change of the title
by the Bureau, the prior agreement of those who made the original
request (or their representatives) shall be required. If such an
agreement is not obtained, the Bureau cannot proceed with neither
transformation of a request nor change of the title.](
![The Assembly
does not have the competence to turn a request for a debate under
urgent procedure into a current affairs debate.](
51.3. Only
the following may speak on a request for urgent procedure: one speaker
for the request, one speaker against, the chairperson of the committee
concerned and a representative of the Bureau speaking in its name.
51.4. The
adoption of urgent procedure shall require a two-thirds majority
of the votes cast.
urgent procedure is adopted, the Assembly shall decide the date
for the debate and refer the item to a committee of the Assembly
for report and, if appropriate, to one or several committees for
![Only affirmative and negative
votes shall count in calculating the number of votes cast (Rule 40.4. )](
Rule 52 - Urgent procedure in the Standing Committee
52.1. At the
request of the Committee of Ministers, of a committee of the Assembly,
or of ten or more representatives or substitutes, a debate may be
held on an item which has not been placed on the agenda of the Standing
Committee. ![A motion to initiate a complementary
joint procedure between the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary
Assembly in response to a serious violation by a member State of
its statutory obligations cannot be the subject of a request for
urgent procedure.](
![A motion to initiate a complementary
joint procedure between the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary
Assembly in response to a serious violation by a member State of
its statutory obligations cannot be the subject of a request for
urgent procedure.](
52.2. A
request for urgent procedure shall be addressed to the President
of the Assembly, not later than one week before the meeting of the
Standing Committee.
52.3. The request
shall be considered by the Bureau in the light of the other items
already on the draft agenda of the Standing Committee.
52.4. If the Bureau
approves the request, it shall, subject to confirmation by the Standing Committee:
- refer the item to a committee of the Assembly for report;- place the item on the draft agenda of the Standing Committee.
52.5. The
Standing Committee shall decide upon urgent procedure as the first
order of the day. Only the following may speak: one speaker in favour,
one speaker against, the chairperson of the committee concerned
and a representative of the Bureau speaking in its name.
52.6. Confirmation
of urgent procedure shall require a two-thirds majority of the votes
Rule 53 - Current affairs debates
53.1. The Assembly
may hold one or two current affairs debates on a subject matter
which is not on the draft agenda of the part-session as approved
by the Bureau and for which the Assembly has not decided on urgent
53.2. A
request for a current affairs debate shall be addressed to the President
of the Assembly by at least twenty representatives or substitutes,
by one political group, by one national delegation or by one committee.
It shall be submitted in writing in time for the last meeting of
the Bureau before the opening of the part-session.
53.3. The
Bureau of the Assembly may decide to accept only one request, to
accept two requests or to reject all requests.
This decision
shall be endorsed by the Assembly. ![If a member of
the Assembly objects to the decision of the Bureau to reject a request
for a current affairs debate, and if the Assembly endorses the decision
of the Bureau, by a majority of the votes cast, the Assembly will
not hold such a current affairs debate. If the Assembly rejects
the decision of the Bureau, by a majority of the votes cast, the
Assembly will hold this current affairs debate.A member of the Assembly
who objects to the decision of the Bureau to reject all requests
for a current affairs debate shall specify their objection, clarifying
which specific current affairs debate they wish to propose to be
held by the Assembly. If the Assembly approves the decision of the
Bureau, by a majority of the votes cast, the Assembly will hold
no current affairs debate. If the Assembly rejects the decision
of the Bureau, by a majority of the votes cast, the Assembly will
hold the current affairs debate which has been the subject of the
contestation.The Assembly does not have the competence to turn a request
for a current affairs debate into a debate under urgent procedure. The
Assembly does not have the competence to change the title of a current
affairs debate.](
proposing to the Assembly to hold a current affairs debate, the
selection criteria for the Bureau shall be the following: the topicality
of the subject-matter (as opposed to the urgency); the interest
in the subject-matter by a large number of members of the Assembly
and member States of the Council of Europe; the input which a debate
could provide for an Assembly committee thereafter to draw up a
report; the visibility in the media which a debate could engender.The Bureau shall have right to transform a request for a
current affairs debate into an urgent procedure debate. The Bureau
shall have right to change the title of a current affairs debate.
For both the transformation of a request and the change of the title
by the Bureau, the prior agreement of those who made the original
request (or their representatives) shall be required. If such an agreement
is not obtained, the Bureau cannot proceed with neither transformation
of a request nor change of the title.](
![If a member of
the Assembly objects to the decision of the Bureau to reject a request
for a current affairs debate, and if the Assembly endorses the decision
of the Bureau, by a majority of the votes cast, the Assembly will
not hold such a current affairs debate. If the Assembly rejects
the decision of the Bureau, by a majority of the votes cast, the
Assembly will hold this current affairs debate.A member of the Assembly
who objects to the decision of the Bureau to reject all requests
for a current affairs debate shall specify their objection, clarifying
which specific current affairs debate they wish to propose to be
held by the Assembly. If the Assembly approves the decision of the
Bureau, by a majority of the votes cast, the Assembly will hold
no current affairs debate. If the Assembly rejects the decision
of the Bureau, by a majority of the votes cast, the Assembly will
hold the current affairs debate which has been the subject of the
contestation.The Assembly does not have the competence to turn a request
for a current affairs debate into a debate under urgent procedure. The
Assembly does not have the competence to change the title of a current
affairs debate.](
53.4. A current
affairs debate may not exceed one and a half hours. It shall be
opened by one of the members who requested the debate, as chosen
by the Bureau. He or she shall be allowed ten minutes.
the end of a current affairs debate, the Assembly shall not vote
but the Bureau may subsequently propose that the subject be referred
to the appropriate committee for report.
53.6. Rules 53.1.
to 53.5.
shall apply mutatis mutandis to
a current affairs debate which may be requested to be held at the
Standing Committee.
Rule 54 - Procedure for dismissing the President and Vice-Presidents of the Parliamentary Assembly
54.1. The Assembly may terminate
the functions of the President of the Parliamentary Assembly or
a Vice-President of the Assembly on the ground that he or she no
longer enjoys the confidence of the Assembly, be it that he or she
no longer fulfils the conditions required for the exercise of that
office or is guilty of serious misconduct by seriously or repeatedly
violating the provisions of the Code of conduct for members of the
Parliamentary Assembly.
A motion for dismissal concerning the same person and based
on the same grounds may be tabled only once in the course of an
ordinary session of the Assembly.
54.2. A
motion for dismissal shall be presented in both official languages
and signed by at least one tenth of the component members (representatives
and substitutes) of the Assembly belonging to at least three political
groups and ten national delegations.
The motion for dismissal shall be published as an official
document within twenty-four working hours, forwarded to the member
concerned and referred to the Committee on Rules of Procedure, Immunities
and Institutional Affairs, which shall give an opinion on its admissibility.
The committee hears the member concerned; the absence of the duly
invited member at the meeting is not a valid ground for postponing
the committee’s decision. The committee’s opinion shall be approved
within twenty-four hours following the reference, if it is decided
in the course of a part-session of the Assembly, or otherwise at
the meeting which immediately follows the reference. The motion
for dismissal shall be put to the vote of the Assembly within twenty-four
hours after the approval of the committee’s opinion if it is issued
in the course of a part-session of the Assembly, or otherwise at
the opening of the part-session which immediately follows the approval
of the committee’s opinion.
54.3. A
motion for dismissal, presented in both official languages, may
also be signed by at least one fifth of the component members (representatives
and substitutes) of the Assembly belonging to a least three political
groups and fifteen national delegations.
The motion for dismissal shall be published as an official
document within twenty-four working hours and forwarded to the member
concerned. It shall be put to the vote of the Assembly within twenty-four
hours after its publication, if it is issued in the course of a
part-session of the Assembly, or otherwise at the opening of the
part-session which immediately follows its publication.
54.4. After the publication of
the motion for dismissal and until the final decision on the motion
is taken, the President or Vice-President ceases to chair the meetings
of the Assembly.
54.5. The provisions of Rules 27.5.
(alteration of the
agenda), 33
and consideration of texts), 34
(amendments and sub-amendments) and 37
motions) shall not apply.
54.6. Only
the first signatory of the motion, the chairperson of the Committee
on Rules of Procedure, Immunities and Institutional Affairs or a
representative appointed by the committee, the chairperson of each
political group or a representative appointed by the group, and
the member to whom the procedure relates may be heard in the debate.
54.7. The Assembly
shall decide by using the electronic voting system, in accordance
with the quorum conditions laid down in Rule 42.3.
and by a two-thirds majority of the
votes cast.
54.8. The
voluntary resignation of the member concerned from his or her office
shall terminate the procedure.
54.9. The
dismissal of the President or Vice-President of the Assembly shall
take effect immediately after the announcement that the motion has
been carried.
54.10. A President of the Parliamentary
Assembly who has been dismissed may not rely on the provisions of
Rule 20.3.
. He or she shall
not be eligible for re-election to the office of President or for
election to the offices of Vice-President of the Assembly, or of
chairperson or vice-chairperson of a committee. He or she shall
not be granted the title of Honorary President of the Parliamentary
Assembly. A President or Vice-President of the Assembly who has
been dismissed from office may not be granted the title of honorary
associate of the Parliamentary Assembly.
Rule 55 - Procedure for dismissing chairpersons and vice-chairpersons of committees
55.1. A
committee may terminate the office of its chairperson or a vice-chairperson
at the request of one third of the full members of the committee
belonging to at least three political groups and five national delegations
on the ground that he or she no longer enjoys the confidence of
the committee, be it that he or she no longer fulfils the conditions
required for the exercise of that office or is guilty of serious
misconduct by seriously or repeatedly violating the provisions of
the Code of conduct for members of the Parliamentary Assembly.
A motion for dismissal concerning the same person and based
on the same grounds may be presented only once in the course of
an ordinary session of the Assembly.
55.2. The motion for dismissal shall
be sent to the members of the committee at least one week before
the date of the meeting for which its signatories have requested
it be placed on the agenda.
55.3. After the motion for dismissal
has been released and until the final decision on the motion is
taken, the chairperson or vice-chairperson ceases to chair the meetings
of the committee.
55.4. The
dismissal shall be pronounced by the committee under the quorum
conditions laid down in Rule 47.3.
, and by a two-thirds majority of the
votes cast. It shall have immediate effect. Rule 47.2.
on secret ballot shall not apply.
55.5. The
voluntary resignation of the chairperson or vice-chairperson concerned
from his or her office shall terminate the procedure.
55.6. A committee chairperson or
vice-chairperson who has been dismissed shall not be eligible for
election or re-election to the position of chairperson of vice-chairperson
of a committee. He or she may not be granted the title of honorary
associate of the Parliamentary Assembly.