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Amendment No. 22 | Doc. 14527 | 24 April 2018

Humanitarian needs and rights of internally displaced persons in Europe

Signatories: Mr Yasin AKTAY, Turkey, FDG ; Ms Ulviyye AGHAYEVA, Azerbaijan, FDG ; Mr Elshad HASANOV, Azerbaijan, FDG ; Mr Akif Çağatay KILIÇ, Turkey, EC ; Mr Samad SEYIDOV, Azerbaijan, EC ; Mr Mustafa YENEROĞLU, Turkey, FDG

Origin - 2018 - Second part-session

In the draft resolution, delete paragraph 5.3.

Explanatory note

This paragraph gives the impression that IDPs live in "refugee camps" and as such should be protected against mines. This does not reflect the realities on the island where both Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot IDPs have long been integrated into the society and live in towns and villages as any other person on the island.