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Amendment No. 4 | Doc. 14849 | 10 April 2019

Modification of various provisions of the Assembly’s Rules of Procedure

Signatories: Mr Mart van de VEN, Netherlands, ALDE ; Ms Reina de BRUIJN-WEZEMAN, Netherlands, ALDE ; Mr Hendrik DAEMS, Belgium, ALDE ; Mr Tiny KOX, Netherlands, UEL ; Ms Petra STIENEN, Netherlands, ALDE ; Ms Tineke STRIK, Netherlands, SOC ; Ms Petra De SUTTER, Belgium, SOC

Origin - 2019 - Second part-session

In the draft resolution, delete paragraph 2.6.

Explanatory note

Rule 50.1 should be kept as currently formulated. Limiting rapporteurships to those who have been a committee member for at least one year and a maximum of three reports would be highly impracticable and undesirable. It would unnecessarily restrict members willing to take up work and responsibilities that the Assembly deems important.