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Amendment No. 2 | Doc. 14521 | 23 April 2018

Climate change and implementation of the Paris Agreement

Signatories: Ms Melisa RODRÍGUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Spain, ALDE ; Mr José CEPEDA, Spain, SOC ; Mr Hendrik DAEMS, Belgium, ALDE ; Mr Simonas GENTVILAS, Lithuania, ALDE ; Mr Petri HONKONEN, Finland, ALDE ; Mr Carles JORDANA, Andorra, ALDE ; Mr Claude KERN, France, ALDE ; Ms Judith PALLARÉS, Andorra, ALDE ; Ms Patrícia RIBERAYGUA, Andorra, ALDE ; Ms Olena SOTNYK, Ukraine, ALDE ; Mr Aleksandar STEVANOVIĆ, Serbia, ALDE ; Mr Sylvain WASERMAN, France, ALDE

Origin - 2018 - Second part-session

In the draft resolution, paragraph 4, replace the third sentence with the following sentence:

"In this context, urban, estuarial and island development models deserve special support so as to tap the huge potential of green growth in serving both the population and the climate cause".

Explanatory note

Islands play an essential role in sustainable developments and count with untapped potential to drive the transition to a more sustainable economy.