Rules of Procedure of the Assembly (January 2023)
(Resolution 1202 (1999) adopted on 4 November 1999) with subsequent modifications of the Rules of Procedure*
Terms of reference of Assembly committees Retour au sommaire Atteindre l'élement suivant Atteindre l'élement précédent
- Terms of
reference of Assembly committees
(Resolution 1842 (2011) adopted on 7 October 2011, as modified by Resolution 2002 (2014))
A. General terms of reference applicable to all Assembly Committees
1. Committees may
examine any matter within their specific terms of reference (Rule 45.1. of the Rules of Procedure)
and, possibly, table information reports on these matters (Rule 50.6. ).
2. Committees shall
only prepare reports for debate in the Assembly:
3. The committees
ensure the appropriate follow-up to resolutions and recommendations adopted
by the Assembly in the fields covered by their specific terms of
4. Committees may
organise conferences and other events on matters within their specific terms
of reference and which are linked to their work programme, subject
to availability of funds.
5. Committees shall
establish and maintain working relations with:
— the competent bodies (committees, etc.) of national parliaments of member states;— the competent bodies (committees, etc.) of European parliamentary assemblies (European Parliament, Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Interparliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and others) and of the Interparliamentary Union (IPU);— subject to decision by the Bureau of the Assembly, the competent bodies (committees, etc.) of national parliaments holding special guest, observer or partner for democracy status;— subject to decision by the Bureau of the Assembly, the competent bodies (committees, etc.) of national parliaments of non-member states.
6. Committees shall
follow the activities of the Committee of Ministers in the fields
covered by their specific terms of reference.
7. Committees shall
follow the activities of, and maintain working relations with:
— the relevant rapporteur groups, working groups and liaison committees of the Ministers' Deputies and rapporteurs of the Ministers' Deputies;— the relevant Council of Europe structures and bodies such as the European Court of Human Rights, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, the Commissioner for Human Rights, the Council of Europe partial agreements, the Council of Europe monitoring bodies and the relevant Council of Europe expert committees.
8. Committees are
entitled to be represented in the Assembly's delegations to the
relevant European conferences of specialised ministers and to follow
their activities.
9. Committees shall
follow the activities of, and maintain working relations with, the
European and international organisations and bodies which carry
out activities in the fields covered by their specific terms of
reference, in particular the European Union, the OSCE, the United
Nations and their agencies and institutions.
10. Committees are
entitled to develop and maintain working relations with the European
and international non-governmental organisations which carry out
activities in the fields covered by their specific terms of reference.
11. Committees shall
promote the ratification and the implementation by Council of Europe member
states of relevant conventions covered by their specific terms of
B. Specific terms of reference of Assembly Committees
I. Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy (AS/Pol)
Number of seats: 81
of reference:
1. The committee
shall consider the general policy of the Council of Europe and all
political matters which fall within the competence of the Organisation.
It shall report on urgent political situations and crises in Council
of Europe member states.
2. The committee
shall in particular consider:
i. requests for membership of the Council of Europe;ii. requests for granting observer status with the Council of Europe and with the Parliamentary Assembly, subject to the provisions of Rule 63 of the Assembly’s Rules of Procedure;iii. requests for special guest status with the Parliamentary Assembly, in accordance with Rule 62.3. of the Rules of Procedure;iv. requests for partner for democracy status with the Parliamentary Assembly, in accordance with Rule 64.7. of the Rules of Procedure;v. questions relating to the state of democracy and the functioning and development of democratic institutions in Europe, as well as in the observer states and in the states whose parliaments enjoy observer or partner for democracy status;vi. major political challenges to modern society;vii. issues related to democratic stability in Europe;viii. issues related to deep/soft security in Europe;ix. the prevention and settlement of crises and conflicts in, between, or having an impact on, member and observer states, as well as non-member states whose parliaments enjoy, or seek to acquire, observer or partner for democracy status.
3. The committee
shall prepare reports on the activities of the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
For the preparation of the reports and the debates in the Assembly,
the committee maintains relations with the OECD and the EBRD, and
with parliaments of non-member states participating in these debates.
4. The committee
shall consider the situation in states which are not members of
the Council of Europe in the light of the fundamental values upheld
by the Council of Europe, make proposals and, subject to approval
by the Bureau, take political action to promote these values.
5. The committee
may propose to the Bureau the conclusion of co-operation agreements,
or other ways of stepping up co-operation, with parliaments of non-member
states and international interparliamentary institutions.
6. The committee
shall share the Assembly representation in the European Commission against
Racism and Intolerance (ECRI)
and in the Council for Democratic Elections of the European Commission
for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission).
II. Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights (AS/Jur)
Number of seats: 81
of reference:
1. The committee
shall consider all legal and human rights matters (including proposals
for and the preparation of statutory opinions on draft Council of
Europe conventions) which fall within the competence of the Council
of Europe.
2. The committee
shall in particular consider:
i. all matters concerning the human rights treaties and mechanisms of the Council of Europe, notably the European Convention on Human Rights and its protocols, the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, and other international instruments;ii. other issues concerning the state of human rights and fundamental freedoms and the rule of law in Europe, as well as in the observer states and in the states whose parliaments enjoy observer or partner for democracy status, including allegations of serious human rights violations of a systemic or otherwise widespread nature;iii. the functioning of national and international judicial institutions (as well as ombudspersons and national human rights institutions), the police, detention centres and prisons in the member states of the Council of Europe;iv. national and international criminal law and criminology; the treatment of offenders and conditions of detention (including pre-trial detention); alternatives to imprisonment;v. legal and human rights issues relating to the fight against terrorism.
3. The committee
shall give an opinion on the law, legal practice and the observance
of human rights and fundamental freedoms of applicant states for
membership of the Council of Europe, and of states whose parliaments
seek to acquire partner for democracy status with the Parliamentary
Assembly, to assess compliance with Council of Europe standards.
4. The committee
shall promote Council of Europe standard-setting legal instruments
in the field of respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms and
the rule of law in non-member states.
5. The committee
shall be in charge of interviewing all candidates for the post of
Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, before his or her
election by the Assembly. It shall also examine the curricula vitae
of candidates to the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture
and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
6. The committee
shall follow the activities of the European Ombudsmen Conference.
7. The committee
shall share the Assembly representation in the European Commission
for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) and in its Council
for Democratic Elections.
8. The committee
shall represent the Assembly in the Council of Europe Group of States against
Corruption (GRECO) and shall participate in the work of the European
Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ).
9. The committee
shall represent the Assembly in, and follow the work of, the relevant
expert committees of the Council of Europe.
III. Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development (AS/Soc)
Number of seats: 81
1. The Committee
shall consider issues relating to social rights and policies, public
health, sustainable development, economic co-operation and development,
local and regional democracy and good governance in these fields,
having special regard to the situation of the more vulnerable groups
in society.
2. The committee
shall in particular consider:
i. the implementation and possible development within the member states and at European level of the rights guaranteed by the (revised) European Social Charter and the contribution of social cohesion to democratic security;ii. the promotion of sustainable development including protection of biodiversity, forward-looking management of the environment and natural resources, climate change, co-operation for development, "greening" the economy, as well as relevant sectoral policies (in particular energy, transport, tourism, trade);iii. access to adequate and affordable health services and effective management of public health risks and opportunities (in particular food security, natural and technological disasters, counterfeits, drugs, epidemics, pollution, biomedicine);iv. policies aimed at improving social cohesion (in particular employment, social dialogue, social security, pensions), supporting groups which are in need of special protection (in particular children, the elderly, families), and fostering solidarity between generations, taking into account demographic, economic and social trends;v. good governance and democratic practices at local and regional level.
3. The committee
shall follow the activities and maintain working relations with
the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of
Europe and with European and international organisations, agencies
and associations of local and regional authorities.
4. The committee
shall report regularly on the activities of the Council of Europe
Development Bank.
5. The committee
shall share the Assembly representation in the European Centre for
Global Interdependence and Solidarity (North-South Centre).
6. The committee
shall represent the Assembly in, and follow the work of, the relevant
expert committees of the Council of Europe.
7. The committee
shall, on behalf of the Assembly, select the candidates for, and
the winners of, the Europe Prize and related awards for local authorities.
IV. Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons (AS/Mig)
Number of seats: 81
of reference:
1. The committee
shall consider all relevant matters relating to migration, asylum
and displacement, in Europe and in other relevant parts of the world,
focusing in particular on the persons affected and their rights.
It shall work and propose legal and political solutions and actions for
closer European co-operation in these fields, as well as, when relevant,
with non-European countries, in keeping with the human rights and
humanitarian values of the Council of Europe.
2. The committee
shall in particular consider:
i. questions relating to migration, including the rights of migrants, during the migration process;ii. issues linked to the asylum process in Europe and the rights of asylum seekers and refugees;iii. the situation of internally displaced persons in Europe and their rights and humanitarian needs;iv. co-operation between countries of origin, transit and destination;v. community relations in multicultural societies, including the situation and integration of migrants and their social, economic and civil and political rights;vi. humanitarian law and humanitarian issues;vii. questions relating to population, demography, nationality and stateless persons.
3. The committee
shall represent the Assembly in, and follow the work of, the relevant
expert committees of the Council of Europe.
V. Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media (AS/Cult)
Number of seats: 81
of reference:
1. The committee
shall consider issues relating to culture, science, education, youth,
sport and media in Europe and shall encourage cultural co-operation
and intercultural dialogue within Europe and between Europe and
other relevant parts of the world, in particular the Mediterranean
2. The committee
shall in particular consider:
i. culture, education and youth policies and associated rights;ii. cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue;iii. management of cultural heritage;iv. higher education and research policies;v. the ethics of scientific and technological developments;vi. sport and society;vii. freedom of expression and information, media freedom and ethics;viii. internet governance and security.
3. The committee
shall, on behalf of the Assembly, decide on the annual award of
the Council of Europe Museum Prize.
4. The committee
shall share the Assembly representation in the European Commission against
Racism and Intolerance (ECRI)
and the European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity
(North-South Centre).
5. The committee
shall represent the Assembly in the Council of Europe’s Committee
for Works of Art (C-ART).
6. The committee
shall represent the Assembly in, and follow the work of, the relevant
expert committees of the Council of Europe.
VI. Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination (AS/Ega)
Number of seat: 81
of reference:
1. The committee
shall consider questions of equality and non-discrimination on any
ground such as sex, sexual orientation and gender identity, race,
colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national
or social origin, ethnicity, belonging to a national minority, property, birth,
age, disability or other status.
2. The committee
shall, in particular, consider:
i. questions relating to the promotion of equality and equal opportunities across the board;ii. all matters affecting equality between women and men, including political representation, economic empowerment, violence against women and gender-related crimes, trafficking in women, and sexual and reproductive health issues related to women's rights and freedoms;iii. questions regarding national and other minorities, including Roma and Travellers;iv. questions relating to the prevention and fight against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and intolerance in Europe.
3. The committee
shall follow up on the compliance of the Council of Europe, its
bodies, as well as its member and observer states and states whose
parliaments enjoy observer or partner for democracy status, with
the recommendations of the Parliamentary Assembly relating to equality
and non-discrimination.
4. The committee
shall promote gender mainstreaming in the work of the Assembly so
that a gender equality perspective is incorporated at all levels
and in all fields. It shall also promote a balanced representation
of women and men in the Assembly structures.
5. The committee
shall establish and maintain working relations with national equality
6. The committee
shall share the Assembly representation in the European Commission against
Racism and Intolerance (ECRI).
7. The committee
shall represent the Assembly in, and follow the work of, the relevant
expert committees of the Council of Europe.
8. The committee
shall, on behalf of the Assembly, choose the winners of the Gender
Equality Prize.
VII. Committee on Rules of Procedure, Immunities and Institutional Affairs (AS/Pro)
Number of seats: 32
of reference:
1. The committee
shall ensure that the Assembly’s Rules of Procedure are applied
properly and that they – as well as the ancillary texts to the rules
– remain consonant with the Assembly’s practice. It shall consider
proposed amendments to the rules, in accordance with Rule 74 of
the Rules of Procedure.
2. The committee
shall, in particular:
i. advise the Bureau of the Assembly (following its request) on all matters of procedure or report to the Assembly or the Standing Committee on questions of interpretation or modification of the Rules of Procedure;ii. report to the Assembly on any contested credentials of representatives and substitutes, in accordance with Rule 7. of the Rules of Procedure, and give its opinion on any challenge of still unratified credentials and any requests for annulment of previous ratifications of credentials on substantive grounds, in accordance with Rules 8.3. and 9.2. of the Rules of Procedure;iii. report to the Bureau on any contested credentials of members of special guest delegations, after a joint meeting with the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy, in accordance with Rule 62.6. of the Rules of Procedure;iv. consider questions relating to the privileges and immunities of members of the Assembly, including those connected to the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe of 2 September 1949 and its protocol of 6 November 1952;vi. consider questions concerning the right of representatives and substitutes to participate in meetings and the reimbursement of travel costs by national parliaments or governments;vii. keep under review the Assembly’s committee structure and the functioning of the Assembly’s system of committees, and report on proposals for the setting up of new committees.
3. The committee
shall, upon instruction from the Bureau of the Assembly, update
the terms of reference of Assembly committees.
4. The committee
shall report on Council of Europe budgetary and financial matters.
It in particular prepares the Assembly's opinion on the Council
of Europe's draft budget and the resolution on the Assembly's expenditure
and examines questions related to the Assembly's budgetary competences.
5. The committee
shall consider questions of an institutional character referred
to it by the Assembly or its Bureau.
6. The committee
shall follow the evolution at European and international level of
legal instruments concerning privileges and immunities of parliamentarians.
VIII. Committee on the Election of Judges to the European Court of Human Rights (AS/Cdh)
Number of seats: 20
of reference:
1. In the framework
of the procedure for the election of judges to the European Court
of Human Rights, in accordance with Article 22 of the European Convention
on Human Rights, the committee shall examine the candidatures and
make recommendations to the Assembly.
2. The committee
i. study the curricula vitae and interview all candidates for posts of judge of the European Court of Human Rights, before their election by the Assembly;ii. under the authority of its chairperson, prepare a report to the Assembly on the election of each judge to the European Court of Human Rights, which shall include its recommendations. Whenever possible, the reasons for its recommendations and ranking of candidates shall be indicated in the report;iii. review, when necessary, the standard curriculum vitae sent to candidates for the post of judge of the European Court of Human Rights;iv. seek to ensure that the national procedure for the nomination of candidates complies with the criteria which the Assembly has drawn up for the establishment of lists, and in particular the presence of candidates of both sexes.
3. The committee
may report to the Assembly on any question related to the procedure
for the selection of candidates and the procedure for the election
of judges to the European Court of Human Rights.
4. In addition to
the general regulations or as an exception thereto, the committee
shall apply the following rules:
i. the committee shall vote by a majority of the votes cast. A decision to consider a single-sex list of candidates in exceptional circumstances shall require a two-thirds majority of the votes cast. The committee shall vote on candidates by secret ballot. Only members who have attended in full the interview procedure for a post of judge may vote. Members of the committee from the country whose list is under consideration shall not have the right to vote, either on the possible rejection of their country’s list or on the expression of preferences among candidates. For any other decision, voting shall take place by a show of hands. However, voting may be by secret ballot if requested by at least one-third of the members present. The chairperson shall be entitled to vote;ii. when rejection of a list of candidates is recommended to the Assembly, the reason(s) must be specified.
5. In order to be
able to evaluate the qualifications and skills of candidates, committee
members shall have appropriate knowledge or practical experience
in the legal field.
IX. Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe (Monitoring Committee) (AS/Mon)
Number of seats: 85
of reference
1. The committee
is responsible for seeking to ensure:
i. the fulfilment of the obligations assumed by the member states under the terms of the Council of Europe Statute, the European Convention on Human Rights and all other conventions concluded within the Organisation to which they are parties;ii. the honouring of the commitments entered into by the authorities of member states on their accession to the Council of Europe.
2. The committee
may propose to the Assembly the initiation or reopening of a monitoring procedure
when a member state is not fulfilling its obligations or not honouring
its commitments.
3. The committee
shall also consider applications to open a monitoring procedure
originating from:
i. the general committees of the Assembly by reasoned written application to the Bureau;ii. no fewer than 20 members of the Assembly representing at least 6 national delegations and 2 political groups, through the tabling of a motion for a resolution or recommendation;iii. the Bureau of the Assembly.
4. The committee
may also be instructed to carry out a monitoring procedure by decision pursuant
to a text adopted by the Assembly or the Standing Committee.
5. The committee
shall report to the Assembly once a year on the general progress
of the monitoring procedure and at least once every three years
on each country being monitored or involved in a post-monitoring
6. Once a post-monitoring
dialogue with a member state has been decided on by the Assembly,
the committee shall pursue this dialogue on the follow-up undertaken
by the authorities of that state to the steps recommended by the
Assembly in its adopted texts closing the monitoring procedure,
or on any other issues arising from that state’s obligations. It
shall subsequently report to the Bureau of the Assembly.
7. The committee
shall follow the activities of and maintain working relations with
the subsidiary bodies of the Committee of Ministers which are competent
to monitor member states’ obligations and commitments, and with
the relevant international institutions.
8. The committee
shall share the Assembly representation in the Council for Democratic Elections
of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission).