Rules of Procedure of the Assembly (January 2023)
(Resolution 1202 (1999) adopted on 4 November 1999) with subsequent modifications of the Rules of Procedure*
Rules on voting by secret ballot in committees Retour au sommaire Atteindre l'élement suivant Atteindre l'élement précédent
- Rules
on voting by secret ballot in committees
approved by the Bureau of the Assembly on 27 November 2008
1. As regards the
scope of secret ballots in committees:
— The Assembly requires secret ballots for the election of the bureaux of committees and sub-committees when there are several candidates (Rule 46.5. of its Rules of Procedure) and for decisions relating to persons eligible for election by the Assembly (Rule 47.2. - Resolution 1504 (2006));— In the case of other decisions “relating to persons”, particularly the appointment of rapporteurs when there are several candidates, committees should be free to decide whether or not they wish to conduct a secret ballot, and to determine whether the circumstances require members’ preferences to remain absolutely confidential. In any case, committees should proceed to vote by secret ballot if at least one member opposes an open ballot.
2. As regards the
procedure for secret ballots in committees, the following guidelines
shall apply:
— only full committee members or alternates who have signed the attendance list can take part in the ballot (within the limit of the number of seats allocated in committee to each national delegation);— two tellers shall be responsible for collating and counting the votes, assisted by the secretariat; if there are no volunteers, they shall be drawn by lot;— the secretariat shall distribute the ballot paper to each voter, while taking care of having counted with the tellers the total number of printed ballot papers and the total number of ballot papers which were distributed. The ballot papers must bear the committee’s stamp (but they should not be numbered, as this might make it possible to identify voters);— voters shall deposit ballot papers in a transparent ballot box, placed at a fixed, visible location; voting shall be by roll call if so requested by at least two members (Rule 47.2. );— where fraud is established, for example because there are more ballot papers in the ballot box than there are voters, the election shall be declared null and void and a fresh election shall be held immediately; the chairperson of the committee concerned may refer the matter to the Bureau for any action deemed necessary.