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Amendment No. 10 | Doc. 13160 | 22 April 2013

Post-monitoring dialogue with Turkey

Signatories: Mr Davit HARUTYUNYAN, Armenia, EDG ; Mr Miloš ALIGRUDIĆ, Serbia, EDG ; Mr Valeriu GHILETCHI, Republic of Moldova, EPP/CD ; Mr Joachim HÖRSTER, Germany, EPP/CD ; Ms Arpine HOVHANNISYAN, Armenia, EPP/CD ; Ms Naira KARAPETYAN, Armenia, EPP/CD ; Mr Rubén MORENO PALANQUES, Spain, EPP/CD ; Mr Pieter OMTZIGT, Netherlands, EPP/CD ; Ms Zaruhi POSTANJYAN, Armenia, EPP/CD ; Mr Christoph STRÄSSER, Germany, SOC ; Ms Karin STRENZ, Germany, EPP/CD

Origin - 2013 - Second part-session

In the draft resolution, after paragraph 15.8, insert the following paragraph:

"While acknowledging the importance of minority schools for the preservation of the indentity of the national minorities, the Assembly, nevertheless, regrets that the law of 2007 on private teaching establishments did not reflect the requirements set forth in paragraph 19.14 of the Assembly Resolution 1704(2010). Therefore the Assembly urges Turkey to adapt the legislation so as to allow children from non-Muslim minorities, but without Turkish nationality, to be admitted to minority schools. In this regard the Assembly, while taking into account the reciprocity practice applied in certain cases, notes that ad hoc solutions are not a sufficient remedy for the problem."