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Amendment No. 5 | Doc. 13456 | 09 April 2014

Decent work for all

Signatories: Mr Konstantinos TRIANTAFYLLOS, Greece, SOC ; Ms Nunzia CATALFO, Italy, NR ; Mr Carlos COSTA NEVES, Portugal, EPP/CD ; Mr Roel DESEYN, Belgium, EPP/CD ; Ms Stella KYRIAKIDES, Cyprus, EPP/CD ; Mr Nicos NICOLAIDES, Cyprus, SOC ; Ms Laura SEARA, Spain, SOC ; Mr Konstantinos TZAVARAS, Greece, EPP/CD

Origin - 2014 - Second part-session

In the draft resolution, after paragraph 7.12, insert the following paragraph:

"address effectively youth unemployment and especially the NEET category, by making interventions in the labour market and education through education and employment programmes".