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Amendment No. 4 | Doc. 13801 | 22 June 2015

The functioning of democratic institutions in Azerbaijan

Signatories: Mr Robert NEILL, United Kingdom, EC ; Lord Richard BALFE, United Kingdom, EC ; Mr Brian BINLEY, United Kingdom, EC ; Mr James CLAPPISON, United Kingdom, EC ; Alexander [The Earl of] DUNDEE, United Kingdom, EC ; Baroness Margaret EATON, United Kingdom, EC ; Lady Diana ECCLES, United Kingdom, EC ; Mr Jonathan EVANS, United Kingdom, EC ; Sir Roger GALE, United Kingdom, EC ; Mr Oleksii HONCHARENKO, Ukraine, EC ; Mr Ian LIDDELL-GRAINGER, United Kingdom, EC ; Mr Viktor VOVK, Ukraine, EC ; Mr Morten WOLD, Norway, EC

Origin - 2015 - Third part-session

In the draft resolution, at the end of paragraph 4, add the following words:

"The Assembly recognises the important contribution that it has made in promoting democracy in Azerbaijan through election observation missions. The Assembly believes that it is as important as ever to continue carrying out the monitoring function. In the event of inability of other observation teams to participate, the Assembly should consider increasing the Council of Europe's contribution for the forthcoming parliamentary elections to ensure the effective scrutiny of the election process."