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Amendment No. 20 | Doc. 13851 | 29 September 2015

Freedom of religion and living together in a democratic society

Signatories: Mr Pavlo UNGURYAN, Ukraine, EPP/CD ; Mr Ihor HUZ, Ukraine, EPP/CD ; Mr Georgii LOGVYNSKYI, Ukraine, EPP/CD ; Mr Aleksandar NIKOLOSKI, ''The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia'', EPP/CD ; Mr Egidijus VAREIKIS, Lithuania, EPP/CD ; Mr Emanuelis ZINGERIS, Lithuania, EPP/CD

Origin - 2015 - Fourth part-session

In the draft resolution, replace paragraph 6 with the following paragraph:

"Legislatures and governments must take account of the fact that political decisions taken in the name of the "neutrality of the State" may, in practice, give rise to disguised discrimination against minority religions and religious worldview and the way of life in general, which is incompatible with the right to freedom of religion and the principle of secularity. Worse, such decisions may give rise to a feeling amongst the members of the communities concerned that they are not considered full members of the national community."