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Amendment No. 9 | Doc. 14010 | 18 April 2016

Preventing the radicalisation of children by fighting the root causes

Signatories: Mr Valeriu GHILETCHI, Republic of Moldova, EPP/CD ; Mr Titus CORLĂŢEAN, Romania, SOC ; Mr Serhiy SOBOLEV, Ukraine, EPP/CD ; Ms Olena SOTNYK, Ukraine, ALDE ; Mr Egidijus VAREIKIS, Lithuania, EPP/CD

Origin - 2016 - Second part-session

In the draft resolution, after paragraph 3, insert the following paragraph:

"The Parliamentary Assembly recognises that religious belief and faith serve hugely important roles in the lives of countless citizens across the member States and add to pluralism and diversity in our society, and in that regard further recalls the rights enshrined in Article 9 and Article 2 of Protocol no. 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The Parliamentary Assembly reaffirms that the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion is inherent to any true conception of a democratic society, therefore in taking action to counter the most ideologically extreme views which incite violence and directly put others' lives in danger, member States' authorities must ensure that they respect the rights of those holding religious beliefs and accordingly do not act in a manner which unduly infringes on and interferes with citizens' rights to express and manifest their religious beliefs which fall short of incitement to violence and endangerment of the lives of others."