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Request for inclusion in the Agenda of the Session | Doc. 35 | 04 August 1952

Statute of a Political Community of a supranational character

Co-rapporteur : Mr François de MENTHON, France

Co-rapporteur : Mr Antonio AZARA, Italy

Co-rapporteur : Mr Lodovico BENVENUTI, Italy

Co-rapporteur : Mr Nicolas MARGUE, Luxembourg

Co-rapporteur : Ms Margaretha Albertina Maria KLOMPE, Netherlands

Co-rapporteur : Mr Hermann PÜNDER, Germany

Co-rapporteur : Mr Pierre-Henri TEITGEN, France

Co-rapporteur : Mr Yvon DELBOS, France

Co-rapporteur : Mr Robert BICHET, France

Co-rapporteur : Mr Paul REYNAUD, France

Co-rapporteur : Mr Guy MOLLET, France

Co-rapporteur : Mr Jacques CHABAN-DELMAS, France

Co-rapporteur : Mr Paul-Henri SPAAK, Belgium

Origin - Question included in the Agenda of the Session by the Standing Committee, on 15th September, 1952, and referred to the Committee on General Affairs by the Assembly, on 17th September, 1952, 14th Sitting. 1952 - 4th Session - Second part

The Assembly,

Considering that six Member States of the Council of Europe have already decided to pool a large part of their industrial resources,

Considering that the six States propose shortly to merge their military resources, and that Article 38 of the Treaty constituting the European Defence Community provides that the Community shall develop into a federal or confederal organisation,

Considering that in order to expedite such development the Assembly has entrusted the study of the Statute for a European Political Community to an ad hoc Committee consisting of representatives of the « Six » and observers from other Member States of the Council of Europe, thereby enabling those States which do not wish to be full Members of the Community to be associated with it.

Considering that the Committee of Constitutional Jurists set up by the Standing Committee is now in a position to submit an initial Report to the ad hoc Committee,

Considering that the latter is required to submit its Report to the Assembly before the end of the Fourth Ordinary Session,

Decides to include in its Agenda the following question :

" Statute of a Political Community of a supranational character ",

which will be the subject of a general debate before being referred to the ad hoc Committee whose function it will be to prepare a preliminary draft Statute for a European Political Community.