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Amendment No. 20 | Doc. 13303 | 01 October 2013

The honouring of obligations and commitments by the Republic of Moldova

Signatories: Ms Liliana PALIHOVICI, Republic of Moldova, EPP/CD ; Mr Viorel Riceard BADEA, Romania, EPP/CD ; Ms Svetislava BULAJIĆ, Serbia, ALDE ; Mr Cătălin Daniel FENECHIU, Romania, ALDE ; Mr Daniel FLOREA, Romania, SOC ; Mr Karl GARÐARSON, Iceland, ALDE ; Mr Valeriu GHILETCHI, Republic of Moldova, EPP/CD ; Ms Alina Ştefania GORGHIU, Romania, ALDE ; Ms Ana GUŢU, Republic of Moldova, ALDE ; Mr Hamid HAMID, Bulgaria, ALDE ; Mr Mike HANCOCK, United Kingdom, ALDE ; Mr Alfred HEER, Switzerland, ALDE ; Mr Florin IORDACHE, Romania, SOC ; Ms Stella JANTUAN, Republic of Moldova, SOC ; Mr Attila KORODI, Romania, EPP/CD ; Mr Terry LEYDEN, Ireland, ALDE ; Ms Meritxell MATEU PI, Andorra, ALDE ; Mr Marian NEACŞU, Romania, SOC ; Ms Judith OEHRI, Liechtenstein, ALDE ; Mr Cezar Florin PREDA, Romania, EPP/CD ; Mr Ionuţ-Marian STROE, Romania, ALDE ; Ms Chiora TAKTAKISHVILI, Georgia, ALDE ; Mr Jordi XUCLÀ, Spain, ALDE ; Mr Emanuelis ZINGERIS, Lithuania, EPP/CD

Origin - 2013 - Fourth part-session

In the draft resolution, replace paragraph 33 with the following paragraph:

"The Assembly considers that over the last three years the Republic of Moldova has clearly demonstrated its will and ability to fullfil its statutory obligations as a Member State of the Council of Europe. Given the progress achieved since 2009, the Assembly is confident that the Moldovan authorities will apply and strengthen the reforms in question. The Assembly resolves to close its monitoring procedure and to initiate the post-monitoring procedure for the Republic of Moldova."