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Amendment No. 3 | Doc. 14127 | 11 October 2016

Sport for all: a bridge to equality, integration and social inclusion

Signatories: Mr Pierre-Yves LE BORGN', France, SOC ; Ms Gülsün BİLGEHAN, Turkey, SOC ; Ms Josette DURRIEU, France, SOC ; Mr Jean-Claude FRÉCON, France, SOC ; Mr Michele NICOLETTI, Italy, SOC

Origin - 2016 - Fourth part-session

In the draft resolution, after paragraph 4.1, insert the following paragraph:

"support associations and organisations which promote activities that afford an opportunity, through sport for all, to bring together different sections of the population, in particular girls and boys, people with and without disabilities, people from different communities, people who are isolated and those who are socially integrated;"

Explanatory note

It is important to emphasise how sport brings different people together and to recommend that member States provide active support for associations developing sport projects that afford opportunities for encounters of this kind, which change people’s view of others and help to combat prejudice in an effective manner.