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Written declaration No. 455 | Doc. 12383 | 04 October 2010

The necessity for speeding up the peaceful solution of Armenian-Azerbaijani, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

Signatories: Mr Rafael HUSEYNOV, Azerbaijan, ALDE ; Mr Ruhi AÇIKGÖZ, Turkey, EDG ; Ms Maryvonne BLONDIN, France, SOC ; Ms Rossana BOLDI, Italy, EDG ; Ms Lena DĄBKOWSKA-CICHOCKA, Poland, EDG ; Mr Gvozden Srećko FLEGO, Croatia, SOC ; Mr Stanislav FOŘT, Slovak Republic, ALDE ; Mr Holger HAIBACH, Germany, EPP/CD ; Mr Mike HANCOCK, United Kingdom, ALDE ; Mr Ertuğrul KUMCUOĞLU, Turkey, EDG ; Mr Markku LAUKKANEN, Finland, ALDE ; Mr Bernard MARQUET, Monaco, ALDE ; Mr Alejandro MUÑOZ-ALONSO, Spain, EPP/CD ; Mr Petar PETROV, Bulgaria, EPP/CD ; Mr Lluís Maria de PUIG i OLIVE, Spain, SOC ; Mr Frédéric REISS, France, EPP/CD ; Mr Leander SCHÄDLER, Liechtenstein, EPP/CD ; Mr Christoph STRÄSSER, Germany, SOC ; Mr Mehmet TEKELİOĞLU, Turkey, EPP/CD ; Ms Özlem TÜRKÖNE, Turkey, EPP/CD ; Mr Emanuelis ZINGERIS, Lithuania, EPP/CD

This written declaration commits only those who have signed it.

Notwithstanding that 20 % of its territory was occupied by Armenia and that nearly 1 million of its citizens turned into the refugees and IDPs, Azerbaijan is making continuous efforts towards a peaceful solution of the conflict. Parliamentary Assembly Resolution 1416 (2005) not only refers to the Armenian occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh and 7 adjacent Azerbaijani districts, but also finds necessary a peaceful solution of the above-mentioned conflict.

The presidents of the United States, France and Russia expressed the necessity for drafting a common peace agreement and made a joint statement at the meeting of the G-8 held in Italy in 2009 and in Canada in 2010.

Armenia’s ignorance of the renovated Madrid principles proposed by the OSCE Minsk group, which imply speeding up the solution of the problem and regular violation of the cease-fire agreement by this state along the entire contact line, generates concern.

By stating again the undesirability of the indicated level of relations between its member states, the Assembly finds it necessary to increase the concrete efforts towards the settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict through diplomatic and peaceful means.