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Motion for a resolution | Doc. 35 | 09 August 1950

Signing of a European Federal Pact and the creation of a European Political Authority

Signatories: Mr Antonio AZARA, Italy ; Mr Celeste BASTIANETTO, Italy ; Mr Max BECKER, Germany ; Mr Girolamo BELLAVISTA, Italy ; Mr Lodovico BENVENUTI, Italy ; Mr Giulio BERGMANN, Italy ; Mr Robert BICHET, France ; Mr Antonio BOGGIANO PICO, Italy ; Mr Georges BOHY, Belgium ; Mr Gabriel BOLIFRAUD, France ; Mr Edouard BONNEFOUS, France ; Mr Heinz BRAUN, Saar ; Mr Jan A.H.J.S. BRUINS SLOT, Netherlands ; Mr Carl von CAMPE, Germany ; Mr Giuseppe CAPPI, Italy ; Mr Alessandro CASATI, Italy ; Mr René CHARPENTIER, France ; Mr Giuseppe CHIOSTERGI, Italy ; Mr Mario CINGOLANI, Italy ; Mr Onsmane DIOP-SOCÉ, France ; Mr Francesco DOMINEDO, Italy ; Mr Fritz ERLER, Germany ; Mr Pierre de FÉLICE, France ; Mr Félix GAILLARD, France ; Mr J.M. van der GOES - van NATERS, Netherlands ; Mr Stefano JACINI, Italy ; Mr Gérard JAQUET, France ; Mr Johann JUNGLAS, Germany ; Mr Richard KIRN, Saar ; Ms Anne KRANSTÖVER, Germany ; Mr Ugo LA MALFA, Italy ; Mr Gerhard LÜTKENS, Germany ; Mr Federico MARCONCINI, Italy ; Mr Ludovico MONTINI, Italy ; Mr Marius MOUTET, France ; Mr Hans MÜHLENFELD, Germany ; Mr Erwin Hans MÜLLER, Saar ; Mr André MUTTER, France ; Mr Wilhelm Erik NÖLTING, Germany ; Mr Erich OLLENHAUER, Germany ; Mr Ferrucio PARRI, Italy ; Mr Ernst PAUL, Germany ; Mr Giovanni PERSICO, Italy ; Mr André PHILIP, France ; Ms Gilberte PIERRE-BROSSOLETTE, France ; Mr Hermann PÜNDER, Germany ; Mr Hans REIF, Germany ; Mr Hermann SCHÄFER, Germany ; Mr Maurice SCHUMANN, France ; Mr Johannes SEMLER, Germany ; Mr Léopold Sédar SENGHOR, France ; Mr Petrus J.S. SERRARENS, Netherlands ; Mr Jean SILVANDRE, France ; Mr Franz SINGER, Saar ; Mr Emil STRAUS, Saar ; Mr Paolo TREVES, Italy ; Mr Etienne de la VALLEE POUSSIN, Belgium ; Mr Heinrich Von BRENTANO, Saar

The Consultative Assembly wishes to recall the decision it took last year by which it affirmed that one of the essential objects of the Council of Europe is the institution of a European Political Authority with limited functions but real powers.

In order to attain this aim the Consultative Assembly requests of all Member States of the Council of Europe that they should conclude without delay a solemn agreement instituting a Political Authority by means of which the Member States may be able together and by a majority to decide on a common policy with regard to the protection of human rights, external relations, economic affairs and European security.

Furthermore the Consultative Assembly here and now urges the States who wish to establish with one another closer organic links, to sign a Federal Pact instituting a democratically elected Parliament and a Government responsible to the latter. The Federal Organisation thus created and brought within the framework of the Council of Europe would remain open to all such Member States as might wish to join it at a later date.